Join Crime Prevention Ottawa

Crime Prevention Ottawa is recruiting for both its Board of Directors and its Community Forum. Crime Prevention Ottawa is a City agency that contributes to crime reduction and enhanced community safety in Ottawa through collaborative evidence-based crime prevention. Its role is to build community capacity, foster community action, nurture partnerships and engage in policy dialogue. The organization's initiatives include addressing violence against women, gangs and disability and abuse.

Crime Prevention Ottawa is governed and guided by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has recently been named by the City of Ottawa as the Advisory Committee for the Community Safety and Well-Being plan (CSWB).  Our Terms of Reference have been amended to meet the CSWB legislative requirements by adding three specific representatives:

  • A person who represents an entity that provides community or social services in the municipality.
  • A person who represents an entity that provides community or social services to children or youth in the municipality.
  • A representative of the local health integration network or a major health care institution.

The Board is currently seeking nominations to fulfill those positions. Please note that we seek to be reflective of the community of Ottawa and welcome applications from all.

What is the Community Forum?
Ottawa residents can make a difference in their community by becoming a volunteer member of Crime Prevention Ottawa’s Community Forum. The Community Forum is an advisory body. It gives feedback to the Board of Directors with regard to planning and operations and advises with regard to emerging issues in the community, priorities and successes.

Who is eligible?
Residents of the City of Ottawa who are 18 years of age or older are eligible for appointment. Individuals who reside outside of the city may be eligible if they have made a significant contribution to the Ottawa community.

How does the selection process work?
Eligible candidates for the Board of Directors will be invited for interviews by a nominations committee consisting of current Board members. A reference check will be conducted to determine fit. Applications for the Community Forum will be assessed by the committee and selected candidates will be proposed to the Board for approval.

How do I get more information?

If you want more information please review our Terms of Reference and the Board of Directors appointment policy or the Community Forum appointment policy.  For information about our work, please see

How do I apply?
Please submit a short letter of application outlining your qualifications, specific skills, interests and background. You may apply to both the Community Forum and the Board of Directors, though we ask that you please indicate which stream you are interested in. Applications may be submitted by electronic mail or regular mail. Please submit your application by Friday, August 23, 2019, to:

Francine Demers, Crime Prevention Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West-Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
Fax: 613-580-6480 – E-mail: [email protected]

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1