The City of Ottawa invites you to the first public open house for the Montreal-Blair Road Transit Priority Corridor (St. Laurent Boulevard to Shefford Road, and 1.2 km north of Montreal Road to Blair Station) Planning and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study.
Public Open House Details are:
- Date: Wednesday, December 4th, 2019
- Time: 6:00 to 8.30 pm (drop-in format)
- Place: Pat Clark Community Centre, Gymnasium ( 4355 Halmont Dr, Gloucester, ON K1J 8W6, OC Transpo Route #24, Parking is available)
The following will be presented at the open house:
- An overview of the study objectives, need and opportunities, existing conditions and study progress to-date
- Evaluation of alternative solutions
- Alternative design options
- Next steps
The EA Study will recommend a cost effective, context-sensitive, functional design that accommodates all users; is compatible with surrounding land uses; and minimizes impacts on the surrounding environmental (social, natural/physical, and economic) conditions. This EA study will investigate options to improve transit service efficiency and travel environment for all modes along the corridor and establish the right-of-way requirements for the recommended plan. The project limits for this EA study are Montreal Road from St. Laurent Boulevard to Shefford Road, and Blair Road from 1.2 km north of Montreal Road to Blair Station and illustrated in the key map below.
The EA study is being conducted in accordance with the Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP) Ontario Regulation 231/08 in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
The Open House has been organized in the form of a drop-in session. The study team will be available to discuss the information provided on display boards and answer questions from the public. Your participation is an important component of the study where you can discuss the project with the study team and provide feedback. The information presented at the Open House will also be available following the open house on the City’s project website at: and
Interested persons can provide comments to the project manager throughout the EA Study (contact information is shown below). Any comments received will be collected under the Environmental Assessment Act and, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.