April 12, 2024 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
City of Ottawa News, Events, Meetings and Engagement Opportunities
Spring COVID-19 vaccines now available in the community to individuals at increased risk
The Province of Ontario has launched a campaign to encourage COVID-19 vaccination for people at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. In alignment with the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommendations, the Ministry of Health is recommending that the following individuals who are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 receive a dose of an XBB COVID-19 vaccine in Spring 2024:
- Adults aged 65 and above.
- Adult residents of long-term care homes and similar living settings for seniors.
- Individuals aged 6 months and older who have moderate to severe immunocompromised conditions.
- Individuals aged 55 and above who identify as First Nations, Inuit, or Metis, along with their non-Indigenous household members who are also 55 and above.
For these groups, it's especially important to get the XBB COVID-19 vaccine this spring if they haven't already received one in Fall 2023. This vaccine targets the XBB strain of the Omicron variant, offering added protection against severe COVID-19 and possibly against current variants. Individuals may be eligible to receive an XBB COVID-19 vaccine if it has been 6 months from their previous COVID-19 vaccine or COVID-19 infection (whichever is later). All other individuals are not currently recommended to get an additional COVID-19 vaccine dose this spring and should wait until further guidance from the Ontario Ministry of Health, unless otherwise directed by their healthcare provider.
Getting your COVID-19 Vaccine:
- Many pharmacies will continue to provide the COVID-19 vaccine for the Spring campaign. Be sure to check first before you go.
- Visit the Provincial Vaccine Booking Centre to book an appointment at an Ottawa Public Health vaccine clinic.
- OPH offers free drop-in services to all residents of Ottawa at our accessible Neighbourhood Health and Wellness Hubs.
Black Canadian Scholarship Fund - Apply before May 31
The Black Canadian Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 to encourage academic excellence and promote community leadership by providing annual scholarships to outstanding young black students in Ottawa. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2024. Download the application form. For more information, please visit bcsf.ca.
Play Free is back for 2024
The City of Ottawa is pleased to announce the return of Play Free at Billings Estate National Historic Site and Cumberland Heritage Village Museum! General admission to the museums is free for children and youth aged 17 and under, along with any accompanying adults. Please note that registration or admission fees may apply during special programs and events. Billings Estate National Historic Site is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm. Cumberland Heritage Village Museum will open for the season on Sunday, May 12. General admission at Nepean Museum and Fairfields Heritage House (reopening this summer - stay tuned for details) continues to be by donation.
New policy framework for voluntary donations for community benefits - Survey open until April 30
The City of Ottawa is seeking public input regarding the role of Members of City Council in soliciting, facilitating and accepting voluntary donations for community benefits. The City does not currently have a policy that applies to Members of Council who solicit and/or facilitate voluntary donations for community benefits. There is a Council-approved Donations to the City for Community Benefit Policy, but this does not apply to Members of Council. Visit Engage Ottawa for more information and to share your feedback on voluntary donations for community benefits that are solicited and/or facilitated by Members of Council. The survey will be open until Tuesday, April 30. Your input will help inform the updated policy framework, which will be brought forward for consideration by the Finance and Corporate Services Committee and City Council no later than July 2024.
Climate Change Rebates and Financing
Rebates and financing are available for home energy efficiency upgrades. Find out what you’re eligible for at betterhomesottawa.ca/rebates. Rain Ready Ottawa offers residents in priority areas up to $5,000 in rebates to help install stormwater management projects. Find out more at ottawa.ca/rain. The Residential Protective Plumbing Program provides financial assistance to qualified property owners for the installation of protective plumbing devices, such as sump pumps and storm and sanitary backwater valves. Find out more at ottawa.ca.
Call for Filming Locations
⭐ Fair compensation for use of their space + the possibility of spending a few nights in a hotel (depending on the scope of the filming)
⭐ Free promotion by showing their business or location on screen
⭐ The pride that comes with seeing your space in a film or television show
Click this link to learn more about the process of listing a filming location, or get in touch with the Ottawa Film Office with any questions. The Ottawa Film Office is especially interested in hearing from BIPOC-owned businesses who may not have had the opportunity to host a production yet, but would like to.
2024 Irish Film Festival of Ottawa - April 12 to 14
The Irish Film Festival of Ottawa, taking place April 12 to 14, is a celebration of Ireland and its people. For details, for the 2024 film roster and for tickets, please click here.
Ottawa's 3rd Black Business Expo - April 14
Get ready to be blown away by the electrifying atmosphere of Ottawa’s 3rd Black Business Expo at the Shaw Centre! This is not your average event; it’s a celebration of diversity, entrepreneurship, and culture, bringing together more than 100 vibrant and dynamic vendors from the Black community. The event is on April 14 from 10 am to 6 pm at Shaw Centre, 55 Colonel By Drive. For details and tickets, please click here.
Request for Input on Ottawa’s tree planting programs! - Survey open until April 15
The Tree Planting Strategy has been launched and the City needs your input! The strategy is the feature project under the City’s Urban Forest Management Plan for this Term of Council. It will focus on how Ottawa can achieve its urban canopy cover target of 40% over time. It will shift the City’s tree planting approach from reactive to proactive and it will use the City’s canopy cover data for neighbourhoods to prioritize tree planting in areas of Ottawa that need it the most. The first step is a review of the City’s existing tree planting programs. Through a series of surveys, staff are gathering information on existing tree planting programs and ideas for future programming. Your feedback is needed! The City is requesting your input through a survey available on Engage Ottawa, which will be available until April 15, 2024.

Repair Café at City Hall - April 20
Repair Cafés aim to reduce landfill waste by fixing items, teaching new skills, and building community! Ottawa Tool Library’s fixers and menders will be sharing their knowledge and skills around fixing everything from darning socks to re-wiring kettles. There will be free repairs of electronics, clothing, small appliances, jewelry and more! At the same time, learn new skills, enjoy coffee and snacks and meet your neighbours! There will be a children's activity table and a selection of tools for sale. For more information, visit ottawatoollibrary.com/repair-cafe.
Saturday, April 20 - Sponsored by the City of Ottawa
Jean Pigott Place, City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West
10 am to 2 pm
Climate Resiliency Strategy - Survey and Open Houses in April
You can help shape Climate Ready Ottawa, the City of Ottawa's draft climate resiliency strategy. Visit engage.ottawa/climate-resiliency to learn more, share your feedback in a survey or learn about upcoming in-person and virtual open houses. Open house dates and locations where you will learn about resilient communities, buildings, transportation and water systems, natural environment and parklands, as well as extreme weather preparedness and response:
- Tuesday, April 23, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, City Hall – Jean Pigott Place
- Thursday, April 25, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Nepean Sportsplex
- Sunday, April 28, 10 am to noon, Ray Friel Recreation Complex
- Tuesday, April 30, 6:30 t0 8 pm, Zoom
Celebrate Spring into Spring!
Spring into Spring is an event that encourages students to arrive at school by walking and wheeling their way to school in the sunshine (and likely a few puddles and snow melt!). Walking to school in the spring is o encourage students to get to know their neighbourhoods and communities and engage in the many benefits of active transportation. Enjoy the quality time you get to spend with your family as you travel to school together! Check out this poster for activity ideas to celebrate Spring into Spring. For more information, please visit envirocentre.ca.
Recreation and Parks Funding: Community Partnership Minor/Major Capital Programs - Deadline is May 1
The Community Partnership Minor Capital Program is designed to implement capital improvements to parks and recreation facilities by partnering with community groups and sharing costs. The next deadline to apply for the Community Partnership Minor Capital Program is May 1, 2024.