April 23 Newsletter 2021

April 23, 2021 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.

Ward 12 & 13 Cycling, Pedestrian and Active Transportation Town Hall

I was happy to announce on April 22, this Earth Day, with Councillor Mathieu Fleury that both of our offices will be holding a joint cycling, pedestrian and active transportation town hall for Wards 12 and 13 on May 5th at 7 pm.

Please RSVP at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItc--gqz4oHdZRvxQyVJVnmDPPulxpg7fp and submit ideas at https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=PQPM34ffbkyhuI6qc_G3LiO7CpVcIc5JiYRos3U5KklUNkFXVFNaNU9aUDNSNTFUVEFHMTQ4QUZOSS4u.

OC Transpo spring service begins April 18

Spring changes to OC Transpo service begin on Sunday, April 18. OC Transpo will roll into the season with the expansion of Rack & Roll to its entire bus network, further adjustments will be introduced due to the ongoing pandemic, and new detours will accommodate construction projects. Customers are encouraged to visit octranspo.com to see if their regular trips are affected by the upcoming changes or construction this spring.

Rack & Roll

For the first time ever, all buses will have bike racks installed to help customers make connections to transit using their bikes. Tips on how to use the bike racks are available on the OC Transpo website. Rack & Roll is available each year from spring until fall.

Service adjustments

  • Due to less auto traffic because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, most routes will see reduced travel times during weekday peak periods.
  • Weekend schedules will be adjusted on Routes 6, 16, 24, 30, 35, 39, 40, 53, 61, 62, 74, 75, 81, 83, 85, 88, 90, 93, 98, 131, 138, 162, 171, and 190 to improve service reliability.
  • Minor schedule changes will be made on weekdays on Routes 20, 61, 63, 75, 80, 83, 89, 261, 262, and 275.
  • Service on Routes 10, 25, 111 and Line 2 buses will be reduced to reflect lower seasonal ridership levels to Carleton University and La Cité normally seen each spring with the end of the school year and beginning of the summer semester.

Montréal Road Revitalization detours
Routes 12, 14, 15 and 20 will be changed for Montréal Road Revitalization project construction. Detours will be in place from April until December, while Montréal Road is reduced to only one westbound lane between St-Laurent Boulevard and Vanier Parkway. For a full list of affected stops, schedules, maps and school service changes, visit octranspo.com.

  • Route 12: To provide a faster connection to the O-Train Line 1, for customers travelling downtown, Route 12 will temporarily operate between St-Laurent and Blair stations seven days a week. Route 12 school trips will move to Route 15 and new Routes 615 and 616.
  • Route 14: Will maintain the current routing and will have a longer travel time.
  • Route 15: Will be detoured through and around the construction zone and will operate as a frequent all-day route to and from downtown, operating seven days a week. Weekday daytime trips will travel between Blair Station and Montréal Road using Bathgate Drive and Den Haag Drive with service to downtown and Gatineau. Evening and weekend trips will use Blair Road and will end at Parliament Station.
  • Route 20: Eastbound service will be detoured and have a longer travel time.


Construction & Traffic Impacts

Please find below a two-week update (April 19 to April 30) for the Montreal Road Revitalization project. The work activities planned for the next two weeks will include:

Montreal Road detour and side street closures: The set-up of the detour is complete, including side street closures. Over the next several weeks, the detour will be monitored, and minor adjustments will be made where required. We expect some cut-through traffic as residents and commuters navigate the detour and discover the numerous side street closures, as well as the closure of eastbound Montreal Road at all intersections. Once traffic patterns are established, we anticipate the majority of vehicle traffic will follow the detour or use an alternative route such as Highway 417 to bypass Montreal Road.

Montreal Road – de l'Église Street to St. Laurent Boulevard: Underground watermain work on Montreal Road is continuing west of St Laurent Boulevard. The process of commissioning approximately 150 m of watermain along this section has begun and should be completed within the next two weeks. Watermain and other underground work will also begin at de l'Église Street, which will tentatively close starting May 3, 2021.

Montreal Road – Vanier Parkway to de l'Église Street: Work has started along various segments within this section of Montreal Road, which has been reduced to one westbound lane. The work includes sidewalk and paver removals, some underground sewer and watermain work, the set-up of temporary drinking water hoses, and road work. Work will also begin at the Vanier Parkway/Montreal Road intersection starting in early May. Hydro Ottawa is also continuing their work, as well as other utility providers.

Utility and infrastructure work is forecast to impact:

Rue de L’Église from College Circle to Montréal Road from Monday, 3 May 2021 to Friday, 9 July 2021 on utility infrastructure.

Construction will recommence beginning late April to July 2021 on Presland Road between the Vanier Parkway and Whitton Crescent, including registered easements between Forest Lane Private and Arcola Private; Along the eastern side of Vanier Parkway between Glynn Avenue and Prince Albert Street, and the west side of Vanier Parkway between Drouin Avenue and West Presland Road; and Sharp Street between Glynn Avenue and King George Street concerning watermain, sewer and road renewal.

Construction will also recommence during April to end of June 2021 on Borthwick Avenue, Quebec Street and Gardenvale Road concerning integrated road, sewer, and watermain reconstruction.

Interprovincial crossings – The Ottawa Police Service have deployed officers on a rotating schedule of checkpoints moving throughout all City of Ottawa interprovincial crossings on a daily basis, until the expiry of the Provincial Order. Expect delays. Visit ottawapolice.ca for more information.

For updates on construction and roadwork activity across Ottawa, or for information about traffic and travel planning, visit the City’s traffic map or follow the City’s traffic account on Twitter.

Who can currently get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Complete the COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Screening Tool to see if you can currently receive the COVID-19 vaccine and learn how to book an appointment.  Read the information below to learn about the various phases of vaccine distribution and clinic locations.

Vaccination is underway for Phase 1 and 2:

COVID-19 testing available for students, teachers, staff and their families on Saturday, April 24 and Sunday, April 25

Location: Adult High School, 300 Rochester St, Ottawa, ON K1R 7N4
Date and time: Saturday, April 24 - 9 am to 3:45pm; Sunday, April 25 - 10 am to 2:45 pm

To help increase access to testing during the school closure, Canada’s largest medical laboratory, LifeLabs, will be providing free COVID-19 testing for students and staff from schools below, as well as their families.




Au Coeur d'Ottawa




Saint-Francois d'Assise


De la Salle




Adult High School


Cambridge Street Community Public School


Centennial Public School




Continuing Education




Elgin Street Public School


FirstPlace/Reality Check


Fisher Park


Glashan Public School


Glebe Collegiate Institute


Hopewell Avenue Public School


Lady Evelyn




Mutchmor Public School


The Element


Urban Aboriginal Alternate Program


York St




Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School


Immaculata HS


St Anthony


St Brigid



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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1