August 9, 2024 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
A Message from Councillor King
Today, I wrote a letter to Paul Calandra, Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and Sean Fraser, Federal Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, in support of Mayor Mark Sutcliffe's request for increased financial support for the City of Ottawa.
My letter supports the Mayor's requests for increased financial support for Ottawa, highlighting the city's unique challenges as the nation's capital and Ontario's second-largest city. Ottawa's vast geographic area and role in supporting federal government operations create complex transit and infrastructure needs that have not been adequately addressed by current funding models.
The city faces a critical situation with its public transit system, including a $9-billion shortfall in the long-range financial plan and an annual operating deficit of $140 million. Unlike other major Ontario cities, Ottawa has been required to cover 56 per cent of costs for major transit projects. The letter requests the reinstatement of a one-third funding model for transit infrastructure, $65 million annually for three years to cover operating shortfalls, and a long-term commitment to sustainable funding.
Regarding Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILTs), my letter highlights a concerning decline in federal contributions, from $194 million in 2016 to $164 million currently. This has resulted in a significant shortfall, estimated at $99.2 million over the past five years. I support the Mayor's call to urge the federal government to pay $100 million in unpaid PILTs, guarantee fair payments for the next decade, and review the PILT system to accurately reflect the costs of municipal services provided to federal properties.
The funding disparities unfairly burden Ottawa's residents, who effectively subsidize transit projects in other cities while facing potential tax increases or service cuts to maintain their own system. My letter emphasizes that Ottawa residents have contributed significantly more to Toronto transit projects through provincial taxes than to projects in their own city.
Without immediate action and support from both levels of government, Ottawa faces the prospect of significant tax and fare increases, as well as severe service cuts in the 2025 budget. These measures would negatively impact residents' quality of life and the operational viability of local businesses.
My letter concludes by calling for equitable support that recognizes Ottawa's unique position and challenges. It requests that both ministers work in good faith with the Mayor and City staff to explore solutions that benefit Ottawa.
It is important that we explore all options to ensure that we can deliver proper transit service with higher levels of service reliability. Over the past several years, I have heard the desire for improved bus service from many Rideau-Rockcliffe residents. Service reliability and improved transit service can only be achieved with increased funding. Consequently, I have voted against the transit portion of the City budget consecutively over the past three years because of the inadequacy of funding levels proposed by City staff. If we are intent to improve the passenger experience, it will be important that we have serious discussions as to how we can maintain regular light rail train frequencies, improve service efficiency and reduce bus cancellations. I will remain committed to advocating for on-time, accessible and functional transit service.
It will be important to have these discussions in the context of the City's 2025 budget. While the draft budget will be tabled on Wednesday, November 13, it will be important that you become involved in the budget process now to provide feedback about where funding for transit and other municipal services should be prioritized. I invite you to participate in the budget process now at and also to participate in my budget consultations that will be announced in the fall.
Your Councillor in the Community
It was great to attend the OCH Foundation Pack-a-Sack event this week, which aimed to assemble over 2,000 school backpacks for children and youth living in Ottawa Community Housing neighbourhoods. Thank you to Khalsa Aid for supporting and championing this initiative!
I experienced a great tour of Camp Kaleidoscope this week, operated by the Children at Risk charity and held this year at St. Paul High School, which provides a summer respite day camp for children under 18 with an autism diagnosis.
Rideau-Rockcliffe News, Events and Engagement Opportunities
Ottawa Public Health's Neighbourhood Health & Wellness Hub services include dental screenings, employment and social services, enhanced services for older adults as well as vaccinations at The Rideau Community Hub, 815 St. Laurent Boulevard. For details, please visit Free. No appointment needed.
ACB Wellness Resource Centre - Neighbourhood Health & Wellness Hub services - August
Ottawa Public Health's Neighbourhood Health & Wellness Hub services at the African, Caribbean and Black Wellness Resource Centre includes dental screenings, vaccinations and enhanced services for older adults in August. For details, please visit Free. No appointment needed.

On August 12, Hydro Ottawa will be supporting private contractors, Asplundh Canada, K-Line Group of Companies and Family Tree, with their tree removal efforts. In order to perform this work safely, a power outage is required and it will impact residents on Ellesmere Place, Hemlock Road, Juliana Road, Lansdowne Road South, Maple Lane and Roxborough Avenue. All impacted customers are contacted by phone, text or email - depending on the communication preferences indicated on their account - and informed by a written notice delivered to their door, if applicable. In case of adverse weather, the outage may be rescheduled. Our qualified staff and contractors will conduct this work safely and efficiently, ensuring that any inconvenience is minimal.
Impacted streets: Ellesmere Place, Hemlock Road, Juliana Road, Lansdowne Road South, Maple Lane and Roxborough Avenue
Free Employment Workshops for ages 15-24 - August 13 Soft skills and first impressions
Are you between the ages of 15 and 24 and looking to earn volunteer hours and/or looking for work? Attend a series of free employment workshops at the St. Laurent Branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 515 Cote street.
- August 13, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm - Soft skills and first impressions
- August 20, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm - How to search and apply for jobs
- August 27 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm - Ready, Set, Interview time. Practice interview skills through role playing
For details and to register, please email [email protected] or call 613-897-7306. For more information, please visit
Join the Vanier BIA this summer for Akoustik, a FREE outdoor live music event in Vanier at the St. Charles Market at the corner of Beechwood Avenue and St. Charles Street. Upcoming dates are August 14 and 28. For details and updates, please visit
Electrical Equipment Replacement and Power Outage - Borealis Crescent - August 15
On August 15, 2024, Hydro Ottawa will be replacing electrical equipment that will impact customers located on Borealis Crescent. To undertake this work safely, a planned power interruption will be required. You may notice increased construction presence throughout the day. Traffic control and lane reductions will be implemented to ensure that roads and sidewalks remain safe for residents and staff. Construction activities will take place on the City of Ottawa Road Right-of-Way – a legal right of access for Hydro Ottawa to install and maintain its electrical distribution system. A planned power outage is required as a result of this work. All affected customers are contacted by phone, text or email - depending on the communication preferences indicated on their account. In the case of circumstances beyond our control, the outage may be rescheduled. Our qualified staff and contractors will conduct this work safely and efficiently, ensuring minimal inconvenience.
Affected street: Borealis Crescent
Montreal Road Revitalization Project - Submit comments by August 16
If you were not able to attend the City's public open house on July 10 to view and discuss the proposed landscaping and streetscaping improvements to the southeast corner of Montreal Road and North River Road, you can learn more about the proposal at That link includes the public presentation that was featured on July 10. The corner of Montreal and North River will be the home of the new public art feature entitled Rideau, designed by the international group StudioKCA.
Next steps and schedule in the project are:GUIDE: Elizabeth Heatherington, long-time resident and retired archaeological researcher at Parks Canada. The tour takes place August 18 starting at 2 pm. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. For details, please visit Heritage Ottawa.
- *Non-Perishable Food Items:* We are accepting donations of canned goods, dry foods, toiletry products, diapers, and clothing that can sustain families in need. Drop-offs can be made every Saturday until the end of August from 12 to 2 pm, at the ACB Wellness Resource Centre, 610 Donald Street.
- *Monetary Contributions:* Financial donations are crucial for purchasing additional supplies and meeting the immediate needs of hurricane survivors. For those wishing to contribute financially, we are accepting e-transfers at: [email protected]

This milestone event will take place on August 24 at the Richelieu Community Centre, 300 Pères-Blancs Avenue, on August 24 from 4 to 10 pm. Over the past decade, NewLife Project Inc. has been dedicated to transforming the lives of women and youth through various education and entrepreneurship programs. This celebration is not only an opportunity to reflect on their achievements but also to honor the incredible individuals and supporters who have been integral to their journey. The evening promises to be an unforgettable experience, featuring:
- A stunning fashion show showcasing the talents of our beneficiaries and local designers
- Inspiring stories and testimonials from program participants
- A delicious dinner
- A silent auction with unique items and experiences
Tickets are available for purchase at $40 on Eventbrite or at the NewLife office. For more info contact 613-699-7205 or [email protected].
New Zoning By-law - Ward 12, 13 and 15 information session - August 29
The first draft of the new Zoning By-law was released on May 31, 2024.
Join Councillor Rawlson King, Councillor Stéphanie Plante, Councillor Jeff Leiper and City staff for a ward-specific virtual information sessionto discuss Ottawa’s proposed new Zoning By-law. This virtual event is an opportunity to learn about the basics of zoning, key concepts of the proposed By-law, and to ask questions and share your thoughts!
- Ward 12, Ward 13, Ward 15 - Thursday, August 29, 6:30 to 8 pm. Registration will open two weeks before the session.
Make sure to subscribe to Engage Ottawa to stay updated on events and registration details.
New Interactive Zoning Tool Tutorial Video Available: The Interactive Zoning Tool Tutorial video is now available. This comprehensive video serves as a valuable resource, providing a detailed overview of the Interactive Zoning Map tool. More information on the New Zoning By-law can be found on the City’s Engage Ottawa page. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the City’s Zoning staff at [email protected].
Rideau-Rockcliffe Resident Survey - Open until the end of August
The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre has launched a resident survey as part of the large needs assessment they are conducting. This assessment aims to better understand resident needs and challenges, assess resource gaps and access barriers. Participants will be entered into a draw to win a $100 gift card of 1 of 20 $50 gift cards. The survey will be available until the end of August and can be filled out online at the following link: Rideau Rockcliffe Resident Survey or in person at the community resource centre at 815 St. Laurent Boulevard. You can also scan the QR code in the poster above. For any questions or assistance in completing the survey over the phone, residents can call 613-745-0073 ext. 209 or email [email protected].
Be part of the community - Become a Crossing Guard!
Join the Ottawa Safety Council’s (OSC) dedicated, community-minded team of Adult Crossing Guards! Great reasons to join the OSC’s crossing guard team:
- Make a real difference in your own community!
- Get to know your neighbours
- Help local families
- Become a trusted face in your neck of the woods
- Enjoy supplementary income and perks
Being a Crossing Guard provides a meaningful employment opportunity that puts a smile on everyone’s face.
- Zone 6 - 9 intersections partially or fully vacant (most in Centretown/Centretown West and Rockcliffe Park)
Interested in learning more? Get all the details on becoming a crossing guard from our website at or contact Ella at [email protected]

Why: The City of Ottawa will be undertaking this repair to address localized structural damage to sewer infrastructure. The existing 250mm sewer on Donald Street is damaged. Approximately 5 metres of pipe needs to be replaced.
When: This work is planned to be completed sometime in August - likely during the last week of August - when weather permits, and should take less than a week.
Where: Construction activity can be expected on Donald Street, east of the Vanier Parkway intersection, to facilitate the sanitary sewer repair.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Robert Excavation, to complete the work.
Overbrook residents are invited to share ideas for improvements to Presland Park that would best suit the needs of park users of all ages. You are invited to fill out my Presland Park survey. The survey will remain open this summer.
Free Back-to-School Supplies for Ward 13 school children in need
The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre and the Caring and Sharing Exchange are providing free school supplies for children in need from kindergarten to Grade 9 living in Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward 13 with a postal code of K1K and in some cases K1M or K1G. For more information, please visit, call 613-745-0073 ext. 123 or register at this link: Required documentation includes proof of identity for parents and children, proof of address and proof of family income. First come, first served.
Fibre optic installation - Starting Sept. 10
Rogers has applied to the City to install fibre optics along the City's right-of-way on Presland Road between both ends of Whitton Crescent. The work will include boring trenches and pits where required, placement of PVC conduit and replacing an existing Rogers pedestal. The project is anticipated to start Sept. 10.
Black History in Ottawa Streets bus tour - every Saturday until October
Donald Street at Vanier Parkway Protected Intersection
Donald Street at Vanier Parkway will be the next protected intersection in Rideau-Rockcliffe. This intersection has received an increasing volume of cyclists and pedestrians since the Adàwe Crossing bridge was completed in December 2015. A protected intersection improves safety by reducing the speed of turning traffic and improves sight lines. The project also includes a multi-use pathway between Vanier Parkway and Grant-Toole Way. An online public information session is tentatively expected to be held this fall at which the design drawings will be presented. Residents will be able to review the design, ask questions and provide comments about the proposed project. Visit for updates and to learn more.
- A traffic-calming study for North River Road between Donald and south of Wright Street in response to traffic concerns. The study aims to recommend local and minor permanent roadway modifications to improve safety and reduce traffic speeds. As part of this, the City has developed a proposed traffic-calming plan. Your feedback on this plan is appreciated. Please fill out the North River Road Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Study survey by September 9 at (or scan the QR code in the poster)
- The City is proposing active transportation improvements such as cycling lanes, sidewalk segments, improved bus stops and intersection improvements along North River Road to improve safety and accessibility, and to encourage cycling and connections to transit stops. Your feedback on this proposed North River Road Active Transportation Facilities plan before September 9 is appreciated: (or scan the QR code in the poster)
City of Ottawa News, Events, Meetings and Engagement Opportunities
The Ottawa Police Service would like to advise the community to expect an increased police presence in the downtown core on Saturday, August 10th for a demonstration that is scheduled to take place in the afternoon. Intermittent road closures are expected throughout the afternoon, and motorists are encouraged to avoid the area if possible. Please follow @Ottawa_Traffic/ @Ottawa_Circule for updates in relation to traffic delays or temporary road closures.
Flooding resources
- Stay safe. Wear protective clothing and wash thoroughly after any contact with flood water due to potential bacteria and viruses. Contact your gas and hydro companies if the water has reached your utilities.
- Contact your insurance company.
- Contact 3-1-1 to report if you have water in your basement (flooding). The City has expert staff on duty at all times who will respond as soon as possible to these situations.
Residents are encouraged to follow the City’s social media channels for information, and to visit Environment and Climate Change Canada for weather updates.
Sports fields, baseball diamonds and parks impacted by heavy rainfall
Due to the ongoing forecast, as outlined in Environment and Climate Change Canada’s special weather statement, City sports fields, ball diamonds and parks have been impacted and are closed on Friday, August 9. Heavy rainfall can cause water to pool, and using these areas in wet conditions can lead to damage. Parks and sports fields are scheduled to reopen on Saturday, August 10. Ball diamonds will remain closed to allow the infields to dry out from significant water ponding and are expected to reopen on Sunday, August 11. Please refrain from using affected spaces until they have dried sufficiently.
Ottawa’s fair season features fun for the whole family
- August 8 to 11: Navan Fair
- August 16 to 25: The Capital Fair
- September 19 to 22: Richmond Fair
- September 26 to 29: Carp Fair
- October 3 to 6: Metcalfe Fair
Repair Café - August 10
August 10 from 10 am to 2 pm at Zibi located at 28 Booth Street (Just north of the Canadian War Museum). From clothing to small appliances, keep your favourite household items out of the landfill with the help of a Repair Café. These free, community-led events aim to reduce landfill waste by fixing items, teaching new skills, and providing an opportunity to enjoy coffee and snacks while meeting your neighbours. It is a great day to come out and learn more about the circular economy, why it matters, and how it can help you save money and our planet. This event is sponsored by the Dream Community Foundation and hosted by Zibi. Children under the age of 14 need to be accompanied by an adult when getting an item fixed. For details, please visit
- Sunday, August 11, from 9 am to 3 pm
Lansdowne Farmers Market
City of Ottawa on-street parking rate changes - Starting August 12
Starting Monday, August 12, the first changes will be implemented related to demand-based pricing for on-street paid parking. Council approved this pricing model in 2019 and received information on how it will be implemented this July. The parking rate changes going into effect starting on August 12 will affect 11 of 20 zones. There are seven zones where rates will go up and four zones that will see their parking rates go down. For example, motorists wishing to park in the Rideau zone, which includes all paid parking on Rideau Street and immediately adjacent side streets east of King Edward Avenue, will be able to do so for only one dollar per hour! The cost of parking in the other nine zones will remain the same. For more details about these changes, please visit Information related to the parking zones and rates can be found at Parking rate information is also available through Open Data Ottawa.
City of Ottawa fall activities - August 13 and 15
Mark your calendars with these important registration dates for next season. For more information, please visit
- Now available: Browse fall activities online.
- Tuesday, August 13 at 9 pm: Register for aquatics programs.
- Thursday, August 15 at 9 pm: Register for recreation, arts, culture and virtual activities.
Cleaning the Capital Fall Campaign - Registration opens August 15
The vibrant fall colours will soon make their appearance across the city and the Cleaning the Capital Fall campaign will proceed with registration on August 15. Cleanup projects will take place between September 15 and October 15. Participants can register their cleanup projects by using the online registration form available at The registration form populates an interactive map with pins that display the location, date, and time of all registered cleanup projects. Cleanup kits, which include garbage bags and nitrile gloves, will be made available for pick-up by registrants at one of 14 City of Ottawa facilities across the city. This fall, based on participant feedback and demand, we have added four new cleanup kit pick-up sites (including two rural pick-up locations). As the new three-item limit for curbside garbage collection will come into effect during this campaign, participants are encouraged to review the instructions and options for proper disposal of collected waste/litter prior to their planned cleanup projects. This information will be communicated to participants via registration confirmation, as well as through
Key Fall campaign dates:
August 15: Registration begins
September 15 to October 15: Cleaning the Capital Fall campaign
October 1: Deadline to register
November 1: Deadline to submit online cleanup reports
Odyssey Theatre presents Myth, Lore & Stories of Wonder - August 16-18
Odyssey Theatre presents a new adventure for you to experience this summer! From August 16-18, more than 40 artists will come together in beautiful Strathcona Park to share amazing tales in Myth, Lore and Stories of Wonder – a Creative Arts Fair. Revel in an imaginative world of myth, lore and wondrous stories. Enjoy a play, see dance performances, listen to powerful tales, take a workshop and mingle with over 40 diverse, amazing artists. The Fair is a Pay What You Wish event. However, space is limited for some events. Purchase an All-Access Pass in advance to guarantee your spot for workshops and to get priority seating for all performances. For details, please visit
E-cargo Bike Pilot Project Survey - Open until August 23
This survey is seeking public feedback on the use of cargo power-assisted bicycles (e-cargo bikes) in Ottawa. The Province of Ontario's Bill 282 (Moving Ontarians More Safely Act) defines power-assisted bicycles (e-bikes) based on the unladen weight of the bicycle. E-bikes that weigh more than 55 kilograms are now considered e-cargo bikes. Ontario has a pilot program underway to allow e-cargo bikes to be used for the movement of goods and people, both personally and commercially. Ottawa City Council approved participation in the Cargo Power-Assisted Bicycles (E-Cargo Bike) Pilot Project in 2021. The City of Ottawa is participating in the pilot program so that residents and businesses have the option of using e-cargo bikes instead of trucks, vans and cars. This supports the City’s objectives of encouraging more active and sustainable transportation and goods movement. Personal e-cargo bikes can help to fulfill families’ and households’ daily needs without a car. Commercial e-cargo bikes will be able to replace standard delivery trucks in dense urban environments. E-cargo bikes provide a promising opportunity to reduce traffic pressure on City streets and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The survey results will assist in reporting on the City of Ottawa’s participation in the e-cargo bike pilot program. Visit Engage Ottawa to complete the survey and for more information. The survey will remain open until August 23.
Public Consultation 30-Day Public Review - Infrastructure Master Plan - Comments due by August 26
The City of Ottawa 2024 Infrastructure Master Plan was approved by Ottawa City Council on June 25, 2024. In accordance with the provincial Class Environmental Assessment process, the City has published a Notice of Master Plan on July 27, 2024, to initiate a 30-day public review period. As described in the Notice, written comments on the Infrastructure Master Plan may be submitted to the Plan’s project manager at [email protected] until August 26, 2024. For details, please visit Engage Ottawa.
Residents can help plan Ottawa’s transportation future - Surveys open until August 30
The City has launched consultation for the Transportation Master Plan – Part 2. Have your say on the future of transportation in Ottawa by completing the surveys on the City's project page. The next step in the process, or TMP – Part 2, is to develop the City’s Capital Infrastructure Plan. The Capital Infrastructure Plan will identify the recommended road, transit and active transportation projects and investments to accommodate Ottawa’s expected growth to 2046. Residents are invited to complete online surveys by August 30.
We are looking for your input on:
- Transportation challenges experienced when travelling by car or transit
- Transportation investment priorities
The results of this public engagement will inform the development of the Capital Infrastructure Plan. You are also invited to review the Transportation Trends Report summarizing the 2022 Origin-Destination survey results, and the Needs, Opportunities and Uncertainty Report that discusses the various trends that may impact future travel activity, and the City’s approach to travel demand forecasting to 2046. Both reports can be found on our public engagement page. Questions? Ideas? Email the project team at [email protected].
Residential Protective Plumbing By-law - Survey open until Sept. 6
Want to protect your basement from flooding? The City of Ottawa's Residential Protective Plumbing By-law is under review, and staff need your input! Visit Engage Ottawa for more information and to complete the online survey by Sept. 6.
Sewer Use By-Law Review - Survey open until Sept. 6
The City's Infrastructure and Water Services Department is currently reviewing the Sewer Use (By-Law No. 2003-514), which is designed to protect the environment and City infrastructure from harmful substances by monitoring limits on matters discharged into the sewage works and regulating industry compliance. This comprehensive review aims to achieve several key objectives:
- Updates to align to Provincial regulatory changes to O. Reg 267/03 for Biosolids, Guidelines for the Management of Biomedical Waste 1992 and new references to the Ontario Building Code Act Reg 129-04 and the Ontario Water Resources Act.
- Changes in industry trends.
- Enhanced language to educate industries on compliance expectations and interceptor maintenance requirements.
- Additional and more transparent compliance tools.
Visit Engage Ottawa for more information and to complete the survey by Sept. 6.
Have your say on Draft Budget 2025 - poll open until Sept. 13
Budget 2025 is right around the corner, and we want to hear from you! Tell us what budget priorities matter to you by visiting the Engage Ottawa Draft Budget 2025 page to complete a short poll. The poll is open until Friday, September 13 and the results will be posted on Engage Ottawa.
Nominations open for 13th Annual Order of Ottawa and Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching - Until Sept. 13
The City is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Order of Ottawa and the Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching. You can complete nominations for both awards either online or by downloading a nomination form from the Order of Ottawa award webpage. The submission deadline is Friday, September 13 at 11:59 pm. Nominations will be considered every year for five consecutive years from the date of submission.
Older Adult Plan - Survey open until Sept. 30
To create the new Older Adult Plan, City staff are consulting with residents, community agencies, and City staff to determine the priorities and structure needed to facilitate the implementation of a new plan. Staff are seeking input to learn about what it is like for older adults living in Ottawa, helping to inform the City of Ottawa's Older Adult Plan. The new strategy will be launched in 2025. Please complete the survey, which will be open until September 30, 2024. For details, please visit Engage Ottawa. If you have questions about this survey or the new Older Adult Plan, email [email protected].
Better Homes Ottawa Loan Program continues to support homeowners in making energy efficiency home improvements
Through the Better Homes Ottawa Loan Program, Ottawa property owners can get a low-interest loan of up to the lesser of $125,000 or 10 per cent of the current value of their home to cover the cost of home energy improvements. Applicants who meet the program’s income qualification criteria can obtain an interest free loan. You can combine the Better Homes Ottawa - Loan Program with any other available energy grants, rebates, and incentives such as the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program and Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program. You can learn more about the Better Homes Ottawa Loan Program and apply at
Free Counselling for Black Youth
The Somali Centre for Family Services is partnering with FutureBlackFemale to provide free counselling services to Black youth ages 15 to 30. For details, please visit, email [email protected] or call 613-879-0125.
OCBN Workforce Development - Intro to skilled trades
The Ottawa Community Benefits Network, in partnership with the Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec Building Trades Council, is pleased to provide an introduction to the skilled trades and the opportunity to gain industry recognized certifications in the construction sector. The OCBN will be hosting information sessions in person and virtually. Anyone interested in the trades is welcome to apply. People from diverse communities are encouraged to apply. Information on this program can be found at Please contact [email protected] for more information. This initiative has been funded by a City of Ottawa Community Economic Development grant.
Emergency Services New
Community Engagement Consultation Survey Now Online
The Ottawa Police Service Board (OPSB) and the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) are seeking community views about how the Ottawa Police Service is performing, what the strategic goals should be for the Ottawa Police Service, and what the policing priorities should be in Ottawa. We encourage everyone who works and lives in Ottawa to participate in the Community Engagement Consultation Survey to guide what the Service’s priorities should be in the future. Ottawa is a diverse community, and to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to be heard, the survey is being issued in eight different languages including English, French, Somali, Arabic, simplified Chinese, Farsi, Inuktitut and Spanish. To participate in the survey, please visit the OPSB and OPS Survey page and click the appropriate language link. This public consultation process will continue until September 7. The consultation results are expected to be presented at the Regular Meeting of the Board on September 23. If you have questions about the survey or the consultation process, please email [email protected].
Join the Ottawa Police Youth Advisory Committee - Applications due by Sept. 1
Ottawa Police are recruiting for the Youth Advisory Committee! Are you under 24? Do you want to share your ideas while working together with the police to help build a safer Ottawa? YAC is made for you! Apply by September 1! Visit to apply.
Make the Right Call
When to Call 911:
- For crimes in progress and life-threatening emergencies
- You witness a dangerous or impaired driver
- There is a vehicle collision with injuries
- Fire or medical emergency
When to call 613-236-1222. Please listen to the prompts.
- Residential or commercial break and enter
- Missing person
- Suspicious activity or vehicle (drug trafficking in progress)
- Stolen vehicle
- Assault where no medical attention is required
- Animal abuse
- Vehicle collision where no injuries are reported
When to call and make a report with the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit 613-236-1222, extension 7300. Open seven days a week between 10 am and 8:45 pm.
- Alcohol and drug use in public (for example, in city parks)
- Reporting to the police after the fact – an incident has occurred, but no one has remained on scene
- Disputes or harassment (for example, argument with neighbour, stalking, fear for non-immediate safety)
- Sexual assault reported, where there is no longer evidence
When the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit (PRU) is closed between the hours of 9 pm and 10 am, an automated attendant will provide you with options on how to redirect your call.
When to make a report using the Ottawa Police online system at
- Theft (excluding theft of passports or other citizenship documents)
- Lost Property (with a visible serial number or distinct marking such as a custom engraving)
- This does not include: cellphones, credit and debit cards; please phone your banking institution or cellphone company
- Mischief/Damage to Property
- Theft from Vehicle
- Traffic Complaints
- Drug Complaints (drug trafficking information)
- Fraud Complaints
- Hate-Motivated Incidents
- Add information to an existing report
Crime Stoppers: If you have information about a crime but want to remain completely anonymous, you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submit a tip online at