Councillor Rawlson King will seek a 2022-2026 Term of Council priority to create a Public Realm policy that can be applied to Beechwood Avenue to ensure that we can transform Beechwood Avenue into an inviting, safe, and usable public space that meets the needs of our community.
Download the position paper to learn more.
A Public Realm Plan guides comprehensive future upgrades, replacements, and new elements on the public street. Such a plan is an important first step in the planning process for any future work within the public street. The public realm includes everything located within the public street including sidewalks, any cycling facilities, streetlights, travelled lanes for vehicular traffic, benches, street trees, waste receptacles, landscaping and the like.
A Public Realm Plan can help achieve this by undertaking complete street reconstruction and renewal that is not dependent upon incremental development applications and which is not restricted and prohibited by restrictive infrastructure asset renewal schedules.