City Facilities where residents can charge devices and access washrooms

Almost all City facilities are accessible to the public to charge their devices and access washrooms. Please note that not all facilities have showers or public WiFi.
The following centres are located in and near Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward 13:
- Bernard-Grandmaître Arena, 309 McArthur Avenue
- Overbrook Community Centre, 33 Quill Street
- Richelieu Vanier Community Centre, 300 Pères-Blancs Avenue
- St. Laurent Complex, 525 Coté Street
- Pat Clark Community Centre, 4355 Halmont Drive
The City's Office of Emergency Management is liaising with all City Services, as well as many external partners, to manage impacts and assess longer-term recovery efforts. Debris management efforts will be extensive.
All City updates are being shared at this link:
The City is also sharing updates with media outlets in Ottawa. If possible, stay tuned to local radio for important information.
And if you have power but your relatives, neighbours or friends in Ottawa do not, please share this information with them.
The full list of centres is below and will be updated with new information as it is provided:

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1