The purpose of this survey is to consult with the diverse resident-led groups and organizations offering programs, activities and events across the City, in preparation of seeking direction from Ottawa City Council on the Community Partners Insurance Program.
In 2022, the City of Ottawa's Finance and Economic Development Committee received a Report (ACS2022-ICS-LEG-0003(External link)) outlining proposed changes to the City's Community Partners' Insurance Program (CPIP). The proposed changes were intended to address the disparity between community groups whose insurance premiums were funded by the City as a result of a 2001 Council decision to grandparent some groups based on pre-amalgamation criteria, leaving other groups that have come into being since amalgamation to fund their own premiums.
At the June 8, 2022, Council meeting, this report was deferred by the following motion:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council defer consideration of the recommendation that “Commencing in 2023, all community associations will be required to meet the parameters for acceptance in order to qualify for City-funded Commercial General Liability coverage under the CPIP” until September after consultation with affected groups.
This survey is intended to facilitate consultation with groups who may be impacted by changes to the program. Prior to completing the survey, respondents may wish to consult the accompanying report to Ottawa City Council and Additional Information Documents:
ACS2022-ICS-LEG-0003 - Community Partners Insurance Program.docx.pdf (171 KB) (pdf)
CPIP Additional Questions - City Solicitor Memo.pdf (136 KB) (pdf)
The survey response deadline is April 7, 2023.