COVID-19 Weekly Update: May 29, 2020

The City of Ottawa’s weekly roundup of information regarding the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

May 29, 2020
Announcements and Events

What’s new

Here’s the City’s weekly roundup of information in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can also get daily City updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Ottawa is getting ready to get back to work - find out how we're planning to support the local economy. Watch the virtual town hall on Ottawa’s economic recovery planning on the City’s YouTube channel.
  • Council Update for Wednesday, May 27: Council received an update on the impact of COVID-19 on the local economy and the City’s economic recovery efforts. The City is following a phased approach to restart, reset and contribute to the resiliency of the local economy.
  • Council approved changes to the Right of Way Patio By-law. Staff will update the Transportation Committee on Wednesday, June 3 about opportunities for patios and retail businesses on private property to expand into neighbouring parking lots, private property and the City’s right of way.
  • The telephone media availability following Wednesday’s Council meeting can be found on the City’s YouTube channel.
  • Don’t forget, you can watch live City Council or Committee meetings on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel. City Council meetings are also broadcast live on RogersTV Cable 22 and live streamed on the RogersTV website.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1