CSST Schedule Update September 2019

The City of Ottawa has provided a new construction schedule for the Combined Sewage Storage Tunnel (CSST) project. The CSST is designed to reduce the frequency of combined sewage outflows to the Ottawa River, while improving the flexibility and redundancy of major downtown collector sewers.

Please find the updated construction schedule for coming months here.

Tunnelling is complete! Residents should have noticed a reduction in truck traffic as  "muck trucks" are no longer taking materials out of the tunnel. There will still be some trucking; the tracks and the machine itself still have to be removed but not all of that will happen at Stanley Park. In coming months, chamber construction is forecasted with work to begin on the landscaping of the park in the Spring of 2020.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions please get in touch with us at [email protected] (monitored by City Staff and Stantec) or our office at [email protected]





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