Development Application - 47 Beechwood - Comments due by Oct. 16

The City has received a zoning amendment application and a site plan control application for 47 Beechwood Avenue (including 12 Douglas Avenue and 5 Springfield Road) located on the north side of Beechwood between Douglas Avenue and Springfield Road in the Lindenlea community. The applicant is proposing to develop an eight-storey, mixed-use building with four commercial at-grade units, 123 residential units, 48 underground parking spaces, 128 bicycle parking spaces and 880 square metres of amenity space (which refers to community rooms, dog wash rooms, a communal terrace and private balconies at the property). The two applications have been posted to the City’s development applications website. The document links are below:

  1. Site plan control application:
  2. Minor zoning bylaw amendment application:

Community members are welcome to submit comments via the DevApps website by October 16. 

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1