February 12 Newsletter 2021

February 12, 2021 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.

City Gradually Restarting in-person Services under Ontario’s Orange-Restrict status 

The Province of Ontario is lifting the COVID-19 restrictions and moving Ottawa to Orange-Restrict status, effective Tuesday, February 16 at 12:01 am. The Orange-Restrict status allows the City of Ottawa to resume some of the same services offered before the provincial state-of-emergency orders came into effect. 

  • Recreation services will restart gradually at some locations under the provincial Orange-Restrict status. Access to most activities requires reservations in advance. Visit ottawa.ca/recreation for more information on available activities, locations, facility and rink rentals, reservations and COVID-related protocols and restrictions. 
  • Select City rental spaces will be available to accommodate up to a maximum of 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors, provided the space allows for adequate physical distancing of at least two metres. 
  • In-person counter services will start on Monday, February 22, but clients can start reserving appointments for that week, starting Tuesday, February 16Visit ottawa.ca for the list of in-person service offerings. Residents must make an appointment for the Client Service Centre by using the online booking tool on ottawa.ca. Residents without internet access can reserve a time by calling 3-1-1 and choose option six for the Client Service Centre. 
  • All 28 Ottawa Public Library branches are currently offering curbside service. Please consult BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca for the latest service updates. Access to digital resources and requests for library items can be made via the Ottawa Public Library website. 
  • The City’s Central Archives at the James K. Bartleman Centre, located at 100 Tallwood Drive, will resume in-person appointments for residents wishing to visit the Reference Room, starting Tuesday, February 23. Clients may make reservations for that week beginning Tuesday, February 16 by emailing [email protected] or by phoning 613-580-2857. 
  • All residential on-street parking restrictions will resume on Monday, February 22. Warnings will be handed out between Tuesday, February 16 to Sunday, February 21. 

To help control the spread of COVID-19, Ottawa Public Health also recommends residents only travel outside of the home for essential reasons, such as for groceries and other necessities, to attend doctor appointments and to get physical activity. More importantly, limit your contact with people outside of your household – including people visiting your residence or you visiting other households. 

For more information on City programs and services, visit ottawa.ca or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401). 

Black History Month Activities Continue in Ottawa 

There is an extensive line up of activities taking place throughout the rest of February in Ottawa.  
This coming Tuesday, February 16, the Ottawa Public Library is hosting Forging Hope out of Uncertainty : A First Voice with Biba Tinga, a first voice from the  Black community. On February 18, join the Ottawa Public Library for an engaging discussion in French between authors Didier Leclair and Guy Bélizaireon the literature of Black Francophone authors in Canada over the past 25 years. For a list of activities taking place throughout the month please visit the Ottawa Public Library’s Black History Month page or Black History Ottawa. 

All you need is love – and some activities – to make this weekend special 

This year, Valentine’s Day falls on Family Day Weekend here in Ottawa and it’s a great time to get outdoors and enjoy activities that get your heart beating with people you love in your household, connect with loved ones online, and buy local. 

The City of Ottawa has a multitude of activities going on this weekend, including Winterlude activities which are now taking place virtually. Enjoy entertainment and marvel at the ice sculptures on the Winterlude website on your computer or device, while in the warmth and comforts of your own home.  
For more weekend inspiration visit the City of Ottawa. For a list of outdoor activities available to you in Ottawa this weekend, visit the city’s Snow Much Fun page. 

Family Day in Ottawa  

When was the last time you threw yourself onto the fresh snow and made a snow angel? Kids of all ages are encouraged to be angels and make a snow angel this Family Day weekend. In fact, Mayor Jim Watson has declared Tuesday February 16 “Snow Angel Day” in Ottawa in honour of The Snow Angel Challenge (#SnowAngelChallenge) – a wonderful Family Day Weekend fundraiser for The Snowsuit FundSo, make your snow angels this Family Day Weekend and share on social media channels to participate in this great initiative!  

You cafind out more about Family Day schedule changes and cancellations in Ottawa here. 

 The Lindenlea Community Association also has a lineup of Family Day Weekend Fun planned, you can find out more about these activities here. 

Online Engagement Opportunity – Only hours remain to share your thoughts on the City Winter Maintenance Quality Standards 

What started out as days…92 to be exact…is down to the last 168 hours! The City is reviewing their Winter Maintenance Quality Standards (WMQS) and has been seeking your feedback since November 17, 2020 when their Project page went live on Engage Ottawa https://engage.ottawa.ca/wmqs 

The Winter Maintenance Quality Standards (WMQS) provide guidance on when and how the City will address winter weather conditions (snow, ice, freezing rain) on roads, sidewalks, bicycle lanes and multi-use pathways to ensure that they are safe for drivers and pedestrians. 

More information on the Project can be found on the City’s Engage Ottawa site; that’s also where you will find a survey and a “Questions” section (both questions and comments can be shared there). In order to ensure full participation, if you need to complete the survey by phone or require other accessibility related accommodations, please call 613-282-2685 for assistance.  
All feedback is welcome – but remember – you only have until midnight on February 19! 

Online Engagement Opportunity – Have your say on the future of municipal parks and recreation facilities 

The City will be holding six bilingual online facilitated consultation sessions to get your opinions and ideas on the City’s first-ever combined Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan (PRFMP), in support of the new Official Plan (OP). 

You are invited to share your knowledge and experiences to help the City plan for the future of municipal parks, recreation and community activity spaces.  
The City wants to hear from residents, community associations, sports organizations, arts and cultural organizations, the homebuilders, residents interested in accessibility, equity and diversity and other recreation partners and user groups.  

The sessions will gather input on satisfaction with the number and location of existing parks and recreation facilities; to learn about gaps and barriers that exist; to identify trends in park and facility use, and to receive your suggestions for future enhancements.  
The feedback from public consultations will assist in developing recommendations to Council for new parks and recreation facilities and the improvement of existing recreation to meet Ottawa’s projected growth by 2031. 

The first session is taking place Wednesday, February 17, 2021 from 9:30 to 11:30 am.Register here to participate.  

If you require a disability related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact 613-580-2424 ext. 25192 or RCFS-[email protected](link sends e-mail). For deaf community members, our facilitators can engage using Canada Video Relay Service(link is external) or via the chat within the meeting. 

For those who cannot attend the live virtual sessions, you can have your say: 

See these two online surveys – on Engage.Ottawa.ca 

  • Parks and Outdor Recreation Facilities survey: open now until Sunday, February 21 
  • Indoor Recreation Facilities survey: open now until Friday, March 12 

To learn more about the upcoming consultation sessions, visit https://ottawa.ca/en/news/have-your-say-future-municipal-parks-and-recreation-facilities  

The Latest COVID-19 Updates for the City of Ottawa  

  • The Government of Ontario’s Stay-at-Home Order remains in effect. Visit the updated Provincial and City Rules page for the latest information. 
  • On Friday, February 12, the Province of Ontario announced current restrictions will remain in effect until Tuesday, February 16, when parts of Ontario, including Ottawa, will return to the Covid-19 response framework. The City of Ottawa will review these changes and update this page as soon as possible. 
  • Ottawa’s Temporary Mandatory Mask By-law, requiring masks in enclosed public spaces and on public transit, has been extended to the end of April. 
  • To date, there have been close to 35,000 doses administered in Ottawa. Visit the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution FAQs page for answers to questions frequently asked by residents. 
  • “We have a few holidays coming up, including the Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day and Family Day. I encourage everyone to continue coming up with creative ways to celebrate safely while remaining COVID wise and Social Wise.” Read the latest statement from Dr. Vera Etches. 
  • Ontario Delays March Break in an Effort to Reduce Community Transmission of COVID-19, learn more here. 
  • Free mental health and substance use resources can be found on the Ottawa Publics Healthwebsiteincluding new information how to manage mental health during COVID and the winter months. 
  • Spread the word: we want to hear from you! Please share your thoughts with us about COVID-19 vaccines through this new survey until February 15. 


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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1