Help us clear the air: share your feedback on vehicle idling

Close up photo of a car’s exhaust pipe with emissions coming out as the vehicle idles on the side of a street.

In 2007, the City of Ottawa took steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality by enacting the Idling Control By-law. The City is currently reviewing this by-law and is looking for your feedback on vehicle idling in Ottawa.

Vehicles on public and private property are permitted to idle for up to three minutes in a 60-minute period when the outdoor temperature is between 5°C and 27°C. If it’s colder than 5°C or warmer than 27°C outside, there are currently no restrictions on idling time limits. Exceptions exist for certain vehicles and situations.

We invite residents to share their feedback on vehicle idling and the Idling Control By-law by completing an online survey on Engage Ottawa. The survey will be open for responses until Friday, March 15, 2024.

Visit Engage Ottawa for more information about our review of the Idling Control By-law and to participate in the online survey.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1