January 10, 2025 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
A Message from Councillor King
Dear Residents:
I wish everyone in Ward 13 a very Happy New Year. I hope you had an opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends, as well as time to rest and relax.
The last few weeks of 2024 proved to be very busy, highlighted by a number of holiday meals that were hosted for those in need, as well as community events. I am always impressed by and appreciate the generosity of Rideau-Rockcliffe residents and community leaders who volunteer their time and resources to help strengthen and bolster their neighbourhoods and communities. Thank you for your dedication and compassion. If you are interested in becoming more involved in your community this year, please consider volunteering with your local community association or The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre.
My Rideau-Rockcliffe Roundtable community engagement series, which launched in December 2022, will continue this year. Future opportunities will be posted to my website and my Facebook and X channels. I welcome opportunities to connect with Ward 13 residents in 2025 to discuss City- and Ward 13-related issues.
Please also watch your mailboxes for the 2024 edition of the Rideau-Rockcliffe Householder. This will provide you with a summary of our accomplishments in 2024 and my work at City Hall.
My advocacy on your behalf will continue around the Council table, as well as in my roles as Chair of the Built Heritage Committee, and member of the Ottawa Board of Health, the Ottawa Public Library Board, Finance and Corporate Services Committee, Community Services Committee and the Environment and Climate Change Committee. I am also a Council liaison with the City's Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee, and a Council liaison with the Vanier Business Improvement Area. My work will also continue as Council Liaison for the City’s Anti-Racism and Ethnocultural Relations Initiatives.
I remain committed to being your voice at City Hall and representing the concerns and priorities of Ward 13 residents and stakeholders.
Should you need any City-related assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to my office by emailing RideauRockcliffeWard@ottawa or calling 613-580-2483.
You can report issues concerning City services and by-law by calling 3-1-1 or emailing [email protected] and copying our office at [email protected] for follow-up. You can also report issues online at www.rideau-rockcliffe.ca/311. Please take note of the Service Request number you are given so that you may track the status of your request.
Emergency services are always available by dialing 9-1-1, City services are accessible by calling 3-1-1, social services are available by calling 2-1-1, and non-life threatening police issues can be reported by calling 613-236-1222.
Rideau-Rockcliffe News, Events and Engagement Opportunities
Ottawa Family Cinema presents Red One - Jan 11
New Year Brunch in New Edinburgh - Jan. 11
The Crichton Community Council hosts a New year Brunch on Jan. 11 from 10 am to 1 pm at the New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse, 203 Stanley Ave. New Edinburgh residents are invited to come for plentiful home-made food, drinks and the good company. Please bring your own mugs, cutlery and dishes to reduce cleanup work for volunteers. Bring your skates too! There is no cost to this event. Donations to cover the cost of food are gratefully accepted. Financial contributions can be made by depositing a cheque in the mailbox near the front door of the Fieldhouse, or online using this link: square.link/u/I1bTGw6g The assistance of volunteers is welcome. For details, please visit Facebook.
Become a member at the Ottawa Outdoor Gear Library to get unlimited access to outdoor gear! As part of their mission to respond to barriers to nature-based experiences, membership is FREE. Often income limits our ability to try Canada's much-loved outdoor activities but this doesn't have to be the case. You can borrow ice skates, cross country skis and other equipment by going here: ottawaoutdoorgearlibrary.com/borrow-gear And if you have equipment in good condition that you are no longer using, perhaps you would like to donate it to this worthy cause.
Open Mic Night in New Edinburgh - Jan. 11
Outdoor Rinks in and near Rideau-Rockcliffe
Volunteers in many Rideau-Rockcliffe communities have been hard at work preparing local outdoor rinks. Before you go, check the status of the ice on the City's Outdoor rinks page.
- New Edinburgh Park, 203 Stanley Avenue
- Lindenlea Park, 15 Rockcliffe Way
- Village Green Park in the Rockcliffe Park community, 270 Springfield Road
- Manor Park, 100 Braemar Street
- Eugène Martineau Park in Wateridge Village, 710 Mikinak Road - officially opens Jan. 11
- St. Paul's Park in the Overbrook community, 469 Donald Street
- Overbrook Park, 33 Quill Street
- Dr. John Hopps Park in the Carson Grove area, 300 Den Haag Drive
- Cummings Park, 1060 Cummings Avenue
There are also more than 30 City arenas across Ottawa offering drop-in skating sessions – be sure to check the arena’s website for specific opening hours. Children 10 years old and under must be actively supervised by a responsible person 14 years or older at all indoor and outdoor rinks.
Protect your head: Children aged 10 and under must wear a CSA-certified hockey helmet at all City indoor arenas. At outdoor rinks, it is highly recommended that all skaters wear a CSA-certified helmet while on the ice. To learn more about helmet safety, visit the Ottawa Public Health website.
- Jazz dancing for adults - Thursdays from 7:30 to 8:30 pm
- STEM for children ages 6-9 (delivered in French) - Fridays from 6:15 to 7:15 pm
- Winter social chess club for ages 6-12 - Thursdays (Jan. 16 to Feb. 27) from 4:15 to 5:15 pm
- Explore the World of Pokemon for ages 5-7 (delivered in English) - Mondays (Jan. 13 to March 6) from 6 to 6:45 pm
- Explore the World of Pokemon for ages 5-8 (delivered in French) - Thursdays (Jan. 16 to Feb. 27) from 5:15 to 6 pm
- Writing for film scripts for ages 16 and older - Saturdays from 11 am to noon
- Writing for enjoyment for adults - Fridays from 5 to 6:30 pm
- Art journaling for ages 9 to 14 - Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 am
Practice English or French in a friendly, relaxed environment.
- English Conversation Group: Thursdays at 6:30 pm
- Groupe de conversation en francais : les mardis 18 h 30 - 20 h
- Knitting & Crochet Club: Tuesdays 1 to 3 pm
Free Movie Nights:
- Le successeur : le 20 janvier à 18 h
Game afternoons (bilingual) - drop-in
- Jan. 15 and 29 at 2:30 pm. Come to the library to have some fun and work those brains. Let’s play Scrabble, Mah Jong, Monopoly, Yahtzee, Jenga, card games or chess!
Children’s Drop-in programs
- Family Storytime in English: Mondays at 10:30 am starting Jan. 13
- Babytime: Tuesdays at 10:30 am starting Jan. 14
- Contes en famille (en francais) : les mercredis, 10 h 30 a partir du 14 janvier
- Family storytime (bilingual): Jan. 18 at 10:30 am
- Homework Club: Wednesdays at 5 pm for ages 6-12
Henrietta Hen: Jan. 24 at 2 pm. Registration required. Welcome some poultry from the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum into your library visit!
Family Literacy Day (in English): Jan. 27 at 3:30 pm. Celebrate Family Literacy Day 2025 with Honorary Chair Barbara Reid (virtual presenter)! Barbara will be doing a demonstration on how to use clay to create a picture. The event is pre-recorded and will be viewed in branch as we follow along to create our own works of art using clay. This event is ideal for families with children aged 6 to 12.
Neighbourhood Health and Wellness Hub services in Ward 13 - January
Do you have questions about your baby? Want to know if your child is on track? Do you have questions about your child's growth and development? The Parenting in Ottawa drop-ins are located across Ottawa. Speak with a Public Health Nurse about parenting.
- Get support for infant feeding and perinatal mental health
- Learn ways to help your child eat healthy and be active
- Make sure your child is on track with their growth and development
- Ask about your child's social and emotional development
The program is available to expectant parents, parents and guardians of children aged birth to six years of age. No appointment necessary, simply drop-in during the clinic's hours. Clinics are closed on statutory holidays unless otherwise specified. Drop by the St. Laurent Complex on Jan. 12, 19 and 26 between 10 am and 12:30 pm or the Vanier Community Services Centre at 270 Marier Avenue on Jan. 14, 21 and 28 between 1:30 and 3:30 pm. For more information, please visit www.parentinginottawa.ca/en/dropins.aspx.
Thursdays (ongoing)
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Children aged 0 to 4 and their parents or caregivers are welcome to attend a free drop-in playgroup at the New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse on Thursday mornings from 9 to 11 am. This is an informal and unstructured opportunity to socialize with other families in your community. Please bring your own toy and snack for your child. Some warm beverages are available for adults. For more information, please email: [email protected]
Replacement of Hydro Ottawa electrical poles - Presland Road and Prince Albert Street - Jan. 15
On January 15, 2025, Hydro Ottawa will be replacing electrical poles that will impact residents on Presland Road and Prince Albert Street. In order to undertake this work safely, a planned power interruption will be required. Residents may notice increased construction presence throughout the day. Traffic control and lane reductions will be implemented to ensure that roads and sidewalks remain safe for residents and staff. Construction activities will occur on the City of Ottawa Road Right-of-Way. A planned power outage will be required to proceed with this work. All impacted customers are contacted by phone, text or email - depending on the communication preferences indicated on their account.
Impacted streets: Presland Road and Prince Albert Street
Date: January 15, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Total customers impacted: 10
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
A weekly opportunity for seniors to connect inside the New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse at 203 Stanley Avenue. Join other members of older generations interested connecting with others of like mind to enhance their social lives. This group meets casually over a cup of tea or coffee and some goodies for conversation and companionship. Activities of the group such as games or walks are chosen by those who attend and may change from week to week. For more information, email: [email protected]
- Monday - Friday 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- Saturday - Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Winter Maintenance Reporting
There are several ways you can connect with the City to report winter-related maintenance requests and accessibility concerns.
Online: Non-urgent requests, such as those that can wait for the next business day, may be reported on ottawa.ca:
- Winter road maintenance
- Winter sidewalk maintenance
- Gravel Shoulder
- Area Between Road and Sidewalk (Easement)
Phone : No access to the web or need to report a concern that requires immediate attention? Please call 3-1-1 or TTY 613-580-2401.
Canada Video Relay Services (VRS): The City of Ottawa is pleased to provide the Canada Video Relay Service (VRS) for people wishing to contact the City. Callers using VRS are connected with a sign language interpreter who provides real time interpretation for telephone calls. To reach the City of Ottawa through VRS, please dial 613-580-2400.
Where to park during a Winter Weather Parking Ban? During a ban, vehicles can be parked at certain park and ride locations, recreation centres, libraries and municipal parking garages. There are 20 parking lots available for use in the 2024/25 season, including 2 new lots at the Richelieu Vanier Community Centre and the Fallowfield Park and Ride. Once a ban is lifted, residents must remove their cars promptly so the parking spaces can once again be used for the regular activities at their locations. On street parking is available on designated commercial main streets to support local businesses; regular parking restrictions apply. More information on where to park during a Winter Weather Parking Ban is available at ottawa.ca. You can sign up to receive Winter Parking Alerts by email or download the City of Ottawa App for your Android or iPhone.
Be a Hydrant Hero: If you can, be a hydrant hero and shovel around your fire hydrant. An area of 0.5 metres (1 foot) around the hydrant allows Ottawa Fire Services to gain quick access to keep our community safe.
Winter Updates: To stay up to date on City of Ottawa Winter Operations, please visit ottawa.ca/winter.
Ottawa Public Health Update - Coping with Cold Weather
What is the risk of cold weather?
Cold weather temperatures can result in frostbite, hypothermia, slips and falls, and even death. According to Health Canada, the general risk of injuries like windburn and frostbite increases when the wind chill reaches minus 27 and below. Everyone is at risk if not dressed appropriately. However, some people are more quickly affected by the cold – particularly young children, older adults (65+), people experiencing homelessness, outdoor workers, and those with certain medical conditions.
Be winter ready!
- Download the WeatherCAN app to get directly notified of ECCC alerts.
Get advice and support:
- Call 2-1-1 to reach Community Navigation of Eastern Ontario (CNEO). CNEO provides social services assistance (e.g., accessing warm clothing, contacts for community outreach services)
- Call 3-1-1 for information and assistance on helping someone get out of the cold, including transportation to shelter.
- Call 8-1-1 Health Connect Ontario for non-emergency medical advice such as concerns about mental health and wanting to speak with a professional.
- Call 9-1-1 for a medical emergency such as frostbite or hypothermia.
- Visit www.OttawaPublicHealth.ca/ColdWeather to find information on cold weather and resources in our community, including an interactive map of Places to Warm Up in Ottawa.
- Visit www.cneo-nceo.ca/publications-and-lists to find CNEO’s List of Out of the Cold locations (Ottawa) 2024/2025. CNEO also has local social service and support information.
Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre Emergency Food Bank - donations needed
- peanut butter
- whole wheat pasta
- rice
- sugar, salt and spices
- low-sodium and low-sugar products
- gluten-free products
- cooking oil
- coffee and tea
- school snacks
- toiletries
- baby and toddler products
For details, please visit www.crcrr.org/foodbank. The list of needed items is available here.
City of Ottawa News, Events, Meetings and Engagement Opportunities
Rideau Canal Skateway opening - Jan. 11
The NCC is excited to launch the Rideau Canal Skateway’s 55th season this Saturday! At 8 am on January 11, a 3.6-km section between the Somerset and Bank access points will be open to skaters. The NCC will also be able to open an extra 0.4 km section of the Rideau Canal Skateway on Saturday. After a mild start, winter kicked into high gear over the last week. This provided NCC teams optimal conditions to prepare the ice surface. Temperatures are expected to remain cold over the next several days, which will help open more sections of the Skateway as soon as ice conditions allow. For details, please visit the NCC's skateway webpage. Access points with stairs and universal access ramps, washrooms and all amenities are easy to find on the interactive map. Ice conditions and closures are updated twice daily during the season.
Children and youth, age 17 and under, can take part in free drop-in swimming, skating and gym sports at City recreation facilities every Saturday in 2025. These free drop-in programs on Saturdays continue to allow children and youth to participate in City programs and benefit from the associated health and social benefits of these activities. In addition to Play Free Saturdays, the City also offers financial support through the Ottawa Hand in Hand participant subsidy program, to help to make recreation and cultural programming more affordable and accessible for everyone. For details, please visit ottawa.ca.
Want to help shape the City of Ottawa's digital landscape and build a cybersecure future? Then we want you! The City's newly established Chief Information Security Office is hiring senior and mid-level cybersecurity professionals. For details, please visit ottawa.ca.
- Pharmacies and your health care provider: Many local pharmacies have received the updated COVID-19 vaccine and annual flu vaccine and are offering them to eligible individuals. Visit your nearest pharmacy today or speak to your health care provider.
- OPH Clinics: OPH Community Clinics and Neighbourhood Health and Wellness Hubs are offering the updated COVID-19 and annual flu vaccines for eligible high-risk and priority populations who face barriers to access.
Vehicle idling times updated to improve air quality
Starting in 2025, the maximum idling times for vehicles in Ottawa are changing to help make Ottawa’s air cleaner. Idling times for vehicles on public and private property are set in the City’s Idling Control By-law. Earlier this fall, City Council approved the following by-law changes which took effect January 1:
- Maximum idling time will be three minutes per hour when the outside temperature is between 0 C and 27 C for occupied vehicles.
- Maximum idling time will be 10 minutes per hour when the outside temperature is colder than 0 C or warmer than 27 C for occupied vehicles.
- For unoccupied vehicles, the maximum idling time limit is one minute per hour, regardless of the temperature.
Exceptions continue to exist for certain vehicles and situations. For details, please visit ottawa.ca.
Lansdowne 2.0 North Side Stands Site Plan - Public Info Sessions - Jan. 15 & 16
Learn more about Lansdowne 2.0 North Side Stands. The Site Plan for the Lansdowne 2.0 North Side Stands is ready for public review. Staff will report to Council in Q4 2025 on the final package of approvals, including the construction bid price, air rights bid price, legal agreements, and any required funding strategy amendments prior to construction. There will be an in-person and a virtual Public Information Session this winter where you can learn more about the plan for the North Side Stands:
- Wednesday, January 15, from 6:30 to 8 pm In-person Inside Gate 2 at TD Place Arena, 1015 Bank Street
- Thursday, January 16, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Virtual – Register Here
Explore the new renderings and see what the future of Lansdowne could look like. The North Side Stands is just one part of Lansdowne 2.0. For more information and background on this important City project, visit Engage Ottawa. You can also email City staff at [email protected].
This year, the City is offering a variety of programs for kids of all ages across the city! Browse and favourite March break camps now. Online registration opens Tuesday, January 21 at 9 pm.
Youth Mental Health Fund Call for Proposals - Closes Jan. 22
The call for proposals under the Youth Mental Health Fund is open. This open call for proposals is part of a Government of Canada $500-million investment over five years that was committed in Budget 2024 to develop the Youth Mental Health Fund, which will help create lasting and meaningful improvements in the mental health of youth and their families. The call for proposals closes January 22, 2025. Details on the application for the call for proposals can be found here. More information is available at canada.ca.
Community Economic Development Funding Program - Applications due by Feb. 7
The City's annual Community Economic Development (CED) Funding Program provides financial support to selected projects that are anticipated to result in:
- Resilient job creation (continuing beyond the funding period)
- Business enterprise creation (for-profits and/or social enterprises).
The program endeavours to positively impact historically under-represented segments of the Ottawa population (e.g. residents of lower income neighbourhoods, youth, older adults, rural residents, new immigrants, racialized and indigenous populations, people with disabilities, etc.) through financial support to non-profit agencies for new, or expanded, projects that assist targeted residents to overcome identified obstacles to the creation of new jobs and/or new enterprises. Projects should indicate how the applicant non-profit agency will increase its capacity to support the economic objectives of targeted beneficiaries beyond the funding period. Projects should indicate how targeted populations will be enabled to overcome their identified obstacles. The CED Funding Program awards a total of up to $285,000 per year, distributed among the proposals that are selected by a jury panel of reviewers. While proposals may have inherent merits, funds are awarded only among the top-ranked projects, until the annual funding maximum is reached. Completed applications and submission packages (e.g. supporting documents listed in the Application Form) must be received in electronic form by email no later than Friday, February 7, 2025 at 4 pm. For more information, please visit ottawa.ca or email [email protected].
Governor General’s Foot Guards Youth Awards - Applications due by Feb. 9
The Governor General’s Foot Guards (GGFG) believe in the potential of Ottawa/Outaouis youth. This year, in cooperation with like-minded civic partners, the GGFG are delighted to present four $2,500 awards to youth whose ability, hard work, and perseverance merits special recognition. They seek to celebrate and incentivize high performing young people in the Ottawa region as they pursue educational advancement or skills development. Application criteria is available on the GGFG website. Email submissions to [email protected] are requested no later than February 9, 2025.
Community partnership major capital program - Grant applications due March 1
The City of Ottawa's Community Partnership Major Capital Program is an initiative to implement major capital improvements and additions to facilities related to parks and recreation on a cost-sharing basis between the City and community groups. The project may relate to an asset that is owned by the City, or operated by a community partner who delivers service on behalf of the City or assists the City in the delivery of programs and services. The funding program applies to major capital programs for new facilities, renovations and expansions. It will only apply to fixed assets. It will not fund other components such as furniture, equipment, feasibility or fundraising studies.
What projects are eligible?
- Major capital projects for new facilities, renovations and expansions that result in the development of fixed assets relating to parks and recreation located within the City of Ottawa.
- The project may relate to an asset that is owned by the City, or operated by a community partner who delivers service on behalf of the City or assists the City in the delivery of programs and services.
The deadline date for submitting proposals is March 1 at 3 pm. For more information and to apply, please visit ottawa.ca.
Calling all young visual artists in Ottawa: step into the spotlight and let your art shine! The City of Ottawa's Young at Art program is a professionally assessed art exhibition that brings the work of talented young visual artists between the ages of 12 and 19 to local art galleries. Selected works are displayed and are eligible for several awards. Submit your artwork by 1 pm on March 6, 2025.
Vacant Unit Tax property status declarations - due March 20, 2025
Homeowners are reminded to complete their Vacant Unit Tax (VUT) declaration for each residential property they own before the March 20 deadline. A $250 late fee will be applied to declarations submitted after the deadline.
To complete the declaration, visit ottawa.ca/vut:
- Click “Submit your declaration now”
- Log on with roll number and access code (found on last year’s property tax bill or information notices that were sent by email or Canada Post)
Residents registered with My SeviceOttawa can go directly to the declaration from their property tax account. Notices will be sent to property owners in January, with email delivery used whenever possible.
Alternate and accessible declaration options available
By phone (Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm):
- Call 613-580-2444 and select option 3 where an agent will help complete your declaration over the phone
- Call 613-580-2400 to contact the City using Canada Video Relay Service
- In-person: Visit any City Client Service Centre. Visit ottawa.ca/csc for locations and business hours.
Bruyère Health Research Institute TIME at Home Study
Physical therapy researchers at the Bruyère Health Research Institute, collaborating with the University of Toronto, invite adults with balance and mobility challenges to participate in a study to evaluate an online exercise program. TIME at Home is an online group exercise program that offers two classes per week for eight weeks. Each class is 1.5 hours long. The program is offered free of cost. Recruiting and screening for eligibility is taking place now with assessments happening in January for a February program start. Interested individuals can email [email protected] or call 613-562-6262 ext. 1419. For details, please visit physicaltherapy.utoronto.ca/time-home-and-after-feasibility-study
Emergency Services News
Ice safety - who to call
If someone or a pet ventures onto a frozen waterway that may be dangerous, do not follow them. Call 9-1-1 for help.
Make the Right Call
When to Call 911:
- For crimes in progress and life-threatening emergencies
- You witness a dangerous or impaired driver
- There is a vehicle collision with injuries
- Fire or medical emergency
When to call 613-236-1222. Please listen to the prompts.
- Residential or commercial break and enter
- Missing person
- Suspicious activity or vehicle (drug trafficking in progress)
- Stolen vehicle
- Assault where no medical attention is required
- Animal abuse
- Vehicle collision where no injuries are reported
When to call and make a report with the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit 613-236-1222, extension 7300. Open seven days a week between 10 am and 8:45 pm.
- Alcohol and drug use in public (for example, in city parks)
- Reporting to the police after the fact – an incident has occurred, but no one has remained on scene
- Disputes or harassment (for example, argument with neighbour, stalking, fear for non-immediate safety)
- Sexual assault reported, where there is no longer evidence
When the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit (PRU) is closed between the hours of 9 pm and 10 am, an automated attendant will provide you with options on how to redirect your call.
When to make a report using the Ottawa Police online system at ottawapolice.ca/onlinereporting:
- Theft (excluding theft of passports or other citizenship documents)
- Lost Property (with a visible serial number or distinct marking such as a custom engraving)
- This does not include: cellphones, credit and debit cards; please phone your banking institution or cellphone company
- Mischief/Damage to Property
- Theft from Vehicle
- Traffic Complaints
- Drug Complaints (drug trafficking information)
- Fraud Complaints
- Hate-Motivated Incidents
- Add information to an existing report
Crime Stoppers: If you have information about a crime but want to remain completely anonymous, you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submit a tip online at crimestoppers.ca.