July 14, 2023 Newsletter

July 14, 2023 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.

A Message from Councillor King

This week, Council approved its 2023-2026 Term of Council Priorities – a clear vision that will direct the focus of City staff for the next four years.

The four priorities look to create an Ottawa that: 

  • Has affordable housing and is more liveable for all 
  • Is more connected with reliable, safe and accessible mobility options
  • Is green and resilient 
  • Has a diversified and prosperous economy

The new priorities align with the City’s budget process and will be advanced throughout the 2023-2026 Term of Council alongside work on key strategies and long-term master plans already underway. Council will be updated twice during the term on staff’s progress. 

During this week’s Council meeting, I successfully brought forward some amendments to the Council priorities devised to ensure the greater inclusion of arts and culture.

Along with its priorities, Council identified three long-term goals it has targeted over the next 10 years to provide a vision for the future of Ottawa as a national capital that is prosperous, sustainable, inclusive and resilient. The goals will help create a city:

  • Where residents experience a good quality of life and live in neighborhoods that are diverse, inclusive, safe, connected, accessible and affordable
  • Where residents benefit from a healthy, sustainable and equitable built environment that supports efforts to address climate change
  • That is economically diversified and prosperous, attracting people to Ottawa to live, work, play, invest, learn and visit.

Council received an update on the progress of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. The City advanced ongoing work in its six priority areas, including integrating services and simplifying access for residents, funding 19 community agencies to build capacity in priority areas, and helping develop the safer alternative response for mental health and substance use crises. Next steps include developing a poverty reduction strategy, collaborating with community partners to reduce intimate partner violence, and piloting trauma-informed and anti-stigma training for staff who provide front-line and support services. 

Council also approved a strategy for the first phase of a safer alternative response for mental health and substance use crises. The program will initially run for three years in one geographic location, starting in 2024, and use a non-9-1-1 phone number to triage calls and dispatch responses. A 24/7 mobile service would respond to calls, led by civilian professionals with expertise in mental health and substance use crises. These non-uniformed responders will offer trauma-informed and culturally appropriate crisis response services.

Council approved changes to the City’s advisory bodies. They include redefining advisory committees as statutory and policy-based advisory bodies that are either required under legislation or that have direct ties to legislation. This establishes four advisory committees:

  • The Accessibility Advisory Committee, required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
  • The Community Safety and Well-being Advisory Committee, required under the Police Services Act
  • The French Language Services Advisory Committee, required under the City’s Bilingualism Policy and tied to both the Bilingualism By-law and the City of Ottawa Act
  • The Planning Advisory Committee, required under the Planning Act

Council colleagues appointed me to serve on the Community Safety and Well-being Advisory Committee.  I was also pleased that a Council Liaison position will ultimately be created to advocate for seniors in our community. 

Your Councillor in the Community

Happy to have celebrated Argentine Independence Day in Rockcliffe Park on July 6 with Ambassador Josefina Gramuglia. I also participated in celebrating Independence Day at the Residence of U.S. Ambassador David L. Cohen in Rockcliffe Park on July 4.

Rideau-Rockcliffe News, Events and Engagement Opportunities

Shakespeare in the Park performances - summer dates

The Company of Fools is ready to bring you a Hamlet that’s bigger and better than ever. There will be PUPPETS, there will be SWORDFIGHTS, and there might even be a SCARY GHOST!? 

Shows taking place in and around Rideau-Rockcliffe:

  • July 15 at 7 pm in New Edinburgh Park
  • July 17 at 7 pm in Strathcona Park in Sandy Hill
  • July 22 at 7 pm at Beechwood Cemetery, 280 Beechwood Avenue
  • July 26 at 7 pm at Nault Park, 333 St-Denis Street in Vanier
  • July 31 at 7 pm at Strathcona Park in Sandy Hill
  • August 7, 14 and 21 at 7 pm in Strathcona Park in Sandy Hill

For the completes schedule, please visit fools.ca/hamlet.

Vanier BIA hosts SummerSUN on Beechwood and McArthur - July 15 and 16
Join the Vanier BIA on Beechwood Avenue on July 15 and on McArthur Avenue on July 16, from 11 am to 1 pm! The weekend will be packed with plenty of activities such as free food from local merchants, buskers, scooter rides and more. You won’t want to miss it. Beechwood activities will run from Bibi’s to SconeWitch. McArthur activities will run from FreshCo to Dairy Queen. For details, please visit www.facebook.com/ZACVanierBIA.

Lindenlea outdoor movie night - July 21
The Lindenlea Community Association hosts an outdoor movie night starring The Super Mario Bros movie at Lindenlea Park on Friday, July 21 at dusk, around 8:45 pm. Admission is free. Snacks will be provided. Bring a chair. Details and updates: www.facebook.com/LindenleaCA
Wateridge Village Movie Night in the Park - July 22
May be an image of text that says 'Wateridge Village Village des Riverains FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Alliance Park Saturday, July 22 At Dusk PRESENTED BY CANADA LANDS COMPANY'
Save the date for the Wateridge Village Movie Night in the Park presented by Canada Lands Company! Here’s what you need to know:
📅 July 22
🕗 8 pm
🎥 The Super Mario Bros. Movie
📍 Alliance Park, 398 Codd's Road
Join us at 8 pm, before the movie, for some face painting fun, snow cones, donuts, and more*! The movie will begin at dusk and will be aired in English with French subtitles. Bring a blanket or chair and arrive early!
*While quantities last. Admission is free.

Manor Park Community Council presents Pints in the Park - July 22

Manor Park's favourite outdoor community event returns for its 4th year! An adult-focused, family-friendly event that features amazing local breweries, restaurants and makers in Ottawa. Join the Manor Park Community Council this July for truly the best annual outdoor party in Manor Park. Cool down with ice cold craft beers, and satisfy your hunger with one of the local restaurant vendors. Stay the whole afternoon and socialize with friends and neighbours. All event proceeds are invested back into the community through the Manor Park Community Council. ALL WELCOME. FREE ADMISSION.

July 22 from 2 to 7 pm at 100 Thornwood Road, Manor Park Community Centre



Films at the Fieldhouse: “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark” - July 22

Saturday, July 22
7:30 to 9:30 pm
New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse, 203 Stanley Avenue
Films at the Fieldhouse presents Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark! Indy is back in theaters with the final film of the beloved action saga. Before you go on his last adventure, join the Crichton Community Council for his first. In 1981 Harrison Ford, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg joined forces to create one of cinema’s most iconic characters. Relive all the action, romance and Oscar winning effects (not to mention one of the most memorable scores in all of movies) … just don’t bring any snakes. For details, please click here.


Hemlock Pumping Station Upgrades - mid to late July
Construction to complete upgrades to the existing Hemlock Pumping Station, located at 751 Hillsdale Road in Rockcliffe Park, will be starting soon. Mobilization at the site is expected for mid to late July.
More information about the project can be found at ottawa.ca/hemlockpumpingstation.

What: This project will upgrade and update features at the Hemlock Pumping Station by installing a new bypass chamber outside of the station to enhance sewage and water flows, replacing electrical components inside the station and rehabilitating concrete, ladders, gratings and gates outside the station.
Why: The upgrade to the station is required to renew components of the station that have reached end of life and require replacement.
When: Construction is expected to begin in July 2023 and completion is anticipated in summer 2024.
Where: Hemlock Pumping Station located at 751 Hillsdale Road in Rockcliffe Park. All proposed upgrades will be installed within the City right of way.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Thomas Fuller Construction, to complete the work.

Vanier BIA - Live music on Wednesday evenings
Spend your evening with the Vanier BIA moving and grooving to music presented by local artists this summer! The St. Charles Market will be hosting Akoustik on the following Wednesdays:
July 26, August 2, August 16, August 30, September 13.
Bring your loved ones and join us for this free event from 7-9pm. Location: 135 Barrette Street

Free Dental Screenings at the Rideau Community Hub - July 28 and August 11 & 25
smiling teenage girl
Ottawa Public Health is offering free dental screenings at its Neighbourhood Health and Wellness Hubs across Ottawa, including at the Rideau Community Hub at 815 St. Laurent Boulevard. The next screenings are July 28 and August 11 and 25, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 to 4 pm. All ages are welcome. No appointment is needed. First-come, first-served. For details, please click here

125th Anniversary Celebration - Historical Society of Ottawa - July 30

Celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Historical Society of Ottawa at Beechwood Cemetery on July 30! Featuring live music and speakers, walking tours, and refreshments. Click here for details and click here to register before the July 22 deadline.


Join Manor Park's 'Course Club' 

Indigenous Canada | Edmonton Public Library

Would you like to deepen your knowledge and understanding of Canada's complex historical and contemporary relationships with First Nations, Métis and Inuit? Manor Park welcomes you to join them this summer and fall as they take the University of Alberta's 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies titled Indigenous Canada. This course is free and open to anyone. Search online for 'Indigenous Canada Coursera' to find the course and register. You can register for the course anytime and study at your own pace. Manor Park is planning to host four in-person discussion groups outdoors at London Terrace Park to complement their individual learning as they work through the lessons. Their first meetup is planned for the last weekend of July. All are welcome. If you would like to receive email updates about the discussion group dates, times, and location, please sign-up at this link.


Invitation to participate in a survey on the sociolinguistic and geographic experiences and practices and geographic experiences and practices of Ontario francophones

A University of Ottawa research team is conducting a study funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to better understand the sociolinguistic and geographic experiences, practices and representations of Ontario's francophones. Ontario's francophone population is diversifying significantly - notably with the arrival of francophones from other provinces and territories, as well as through immigration - but its distribution across the territory remains relatively uneven. Nevertheless, opportunities to live in French vary widely across the province, given the uneven distribution and access to French-language services. It is in this context that we seek to document the experiences and needs of francophones according to their profile and region of residence.

We are seeking participants who self-identify as being either Francophone, Francophile, or a French-speaking individual (18 years and older) to complete an online survey to document linguistic experiences and practices in relation to various spaces, services and activities (e.g., in public spaces, at work, at school, at home and in your social networks) across the province of Ontario. Participation is entirely voluntary and anonymous; completing the questionnaire can take up to 25-30 minutes (it is possible to take a break as the data is saved). The project has received approval from the University of Ottawa Research Ethics Office. Your participation in this study will help paint a contemporary portrait of Ontario's francophonie in all its social, cultural, linguistic and geographic diversity. The data will enable us to better understand the availability of French-language services and their level of access, as well as the existence of barriers and challenges to living in French in different regions. The results of the study could be used to develop better community policies and practices to meet the needs of francophones across the province of Ontario. 

link to online survey



Road Rehabilitation Works in Rideau-Rockcliffe - Until September

As part of the City of Ottawa’s annual infrastructure maintenance cycle, road resurfacing is taking place in the following locations.

  • Clarke Avenue from St. Laurent Boulevard to Claude Street - May 25 to early July
  • Donald Street from Vera Street to Alesther Street - May 25 to early September
  • Crichton Street from Dufferin Road to Beechwood Avenue and from Charles Street to Keefer Street - Paving is complete. Pavement markings and site cleanup will be completed in the coming weeks.
  • Springfield Road from Beechwood Avenue (OR 44) to Maple Lane - Completion is expected by summer 2023.
  • McArthur Avenue from Lafontaine Avenue to St. Laurent Boulevard - July 10 to October
  • And in nearby Ward 12:
    • Belisle Street from McArthur Avenue north to the dead end - July 31 to late August
    • Eastwood Place from McArthur Avenue west to the dead end - August 10 to late September

The roads will remain open to traffic with lane closures expected. Traffic control personnel will direct traffic. The City has retained contractor R.W. Tomlinson to complete the work.

City of Ottawa News, Events, Meetings and Engagement Opportunities

Emergency Response and Preparedness

Graphic with a blue background with white text that reads \

Ottawa experienced extreme weather on Thursday, July 13, which resulted in damage to approximately 125 homes in Barrhaven. The Minto Recreation Complex at 3500 Cambrian Road is open and available to impacted residents. Hydro Ottawa has restored power to impacted areas. There are no reported impacts to City infrastructure. Public Works staff are prioritizing debris removal related to public safety. Some traffic impacts and detours continue. Residents outside the Barrhaven area should continue to avoid travel to that area, where possible. You can learn more about supports here.

My website features a Health & Public Safety section featuring information on how to be prepared for summer storms, how to assemble an emergency kit, important numbers to call if you are ever in need of assistance, as well as important resources from Ottawa Bylaw, Ottawa Fire Services, the Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Paramedic Service, Hydro Ottawa and Ottawa Public Health. It also features the City of Ottawa's Community Emergency Tool Kit, which provides information, guidance and resources to help communities get started in developing a community emergency plan.

Who to call:

  • Call 2-1-1 for information on food banks, free meals, health care, and other social services; you can also get assistance through the 2-1-1 website; this is a provincial service 
  • Call 3-1-1 for information on emergency housing and financial assistance; you can also get assistance through the 3-1-1 website; this is a City service 
  • Call 9-1-1 for a life-threatening emergency, fire or crime in progress; to contact the Ottawa Police Service for non-emergencies call 613-236-1222. 
  • Hydro Ottawa: 613-738-6400, hydroottawa.com
  • Hydro One: 1-888-664-9376, hydroone.com

Additional resources:


CPO and CSWB Advisory Committee Merger

City Council this week approved the merger of Crime Prevention Ottawa with the Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee for a more cohesive, integrated approach by the City to crime prevention. The City of Ottawa’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan and Crime Prevention Ottawa are closely related as they work to address root cause social issues while promoting community safety and well-being. Their efforts prioritize collaboration, social development, crime prevention, and community engagement through capacity building as vital strategies for promoting and improving safety and well-being in all communities for all residents. Please click here for more details.


City of Ottawa Economic Development Update

The City of Ottawa Economic Development Update provides an overview of quarterly and annual economic indicators to the city’s economy. To read the complete Economic Development Update, please visit ottawa.ca.


Ottawa Public Health Updates

  • Rat Control Measures

Rats are common pests that can damage property, contaminate food, and spread disease, so it’s important to prevent infestations. By-law and Regulatory Services within the Emergency and Protective Services department (EPS), the Public Works and Environmental Services department (PWES), and Ottawa Public Health (OPH) work collaboratively in responding to rat and rodent control issues. The first step to deal with rat issues is to contact 3-1-1. If the rat issue is on public property, including in sewers, a Service Request will be issued to PWES. If the issue is on private property, 3-1-1 will issue a Service Request for a Property Standards review from Bylaw and Regulatory Services. Bylaw and Regulatory Services administers the Property Standards By-law, which requires that residential and non-residential properties be maintained free of vermin, including rats and rodents. The role of Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is largely educational in nature. OPH provides advice and guidance to those experiencing a rodent infestation on their property or in their home. 

On the OPH website, you will find a Rat Control page with resources and advice on how best to protect your property and home from rats and other rodents, including a guide for property owners and tenants, Preventing Rats on Your Property. This material is available in French, English, Somali and Arabic and make use of pictures and information to help you understand the steps that can be taken to address the rat issue. Residents can call 613-580-6744 and speak with a Public Health Inspector to discuss the educational material located on our website. Implementing control measures on one’s own property is the responsibility of the property owner. The owner is recommended to refer to the educational guidance on our website and may elect to hire a professional pest control company for assistance. 

  • COVID-19 Vaccine

Effective July 7, 2023, the Ministry of Health recommends individuals aged five years and older should consider delaying their COVID-19 booster until Fall 2023, as respiratory season commences, to maximize protection against COVID-19 outcomes when peak circulation of the virus is expected. For more information, visit COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Drowning Prevention/Water Safety

Summer is upon us and pools, beaches and water parks are now open. Did you know that drowning can occur in as little as 2.5 cm (1 inch) of water? There are many things you can do to keep you and your family safe around water. Here are some important water safety tips: 

  • Stay within arm’s reach of children at all times, when in and around water. 
  • Ensure children and weaker swimmers are wearing a life jacket or a personal floatation device when, in and around water.
  • Distraction free supervision - don’t text, read or run in and out of the house when children are near or in water.
  • Ensure that your backyard pool is not accessible to children by using multiple layers of protection (e.g.: fences, self-closing gates).
  • Don’t consume drugs or alcohol when supervising and swimming with children.
  • Keep safety equipment and a phone close.
  • Register yourself and your family in swimming lessons. Swimming is a life skill that lasts a lifetime.

 For more information on water safety, please visit: Ottawa Public Health and www.lifesavingsociety.com/water-safety.aspx



A diverse group of people are standing against a brick wall. In a white and purple text box reads: \

The City of Ottawa is currently recruiting public members to serve on the French Language Services Advisory Committee and the Planning Advisory Committee! Make a difference by becoming a volunteer member! The City could benefit greatly from your expertise and knowledge and in return, you would gain insight and knowledge of how the City works. To be eligible, you must be a resident of the City of Ottawa and must be 18 years of age or older. Employees of the City of Ottawa are not eligible. Participants may be eligible for r-imbursement of some out-of-pocket expenses. The City of Ottawa is committed to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in every aspect of its work, including the appointment process and appointments to public member committees. As such the City urges Indigenous and racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and women and gender diverse persons to apply, and to include, on a voluntary basis, how their lived experience and perspectives strengthen their application in this regard. Applications must be submitted by Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 4:30 pm. For more information, including the online application form, visit ottawa.ca/committees or contact Eric Pelot at 613-580-2424, ext. 22953, (TTY: 613-580-2401) or by email at [email protected]


Upcoming festivals and fun around the Capital
  • Ottawa Lebanese Festival - July 19 to 23 at Saint Elias Centre. Details: www.ottawalebanesefestival.com
  • City Sounds Live Summer Sounds Showcase - 20 free outdoor concerts mid-July to end of September. Details: citysoundslive.com
  • Northern Lights Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill - Thursday to Monday until Sept. 4. Details here.
  • Enjoy the Asian Night Market July 21 to 23 on Sparks Street. Entry is free. For details, please visit the Sparks Street BIA
  • Buskerfest is coming to Sparks Street August 4 to 6 from 11 am to 10 pm and August 7 from 11 am to the grand finale at 5 pm. Details: Sparks Street BIA.
  • Capital Ukrainian Festival - August 19 at the Ukrainian Banquet Hall, 1000 Byron Avenue, and August 20 at Lansdowne Park. Details: capitalukrainianfestival.com
  • Capital Pride Festival - August 19 to 27. Details: capitalpride.ca/2023-festival
  • Capital Pride Pageant - August 19 at 8 pm at Southam Hall at the National Arts Centre. Details and tickets: nac-cna.ca/en/event/34224


Self-Care Gathering for Black Women in Ottawa - Hair, Mind, Body & Soul - July 29 and 30

Join The AIDS Committee of Ottawa and its partners - Co-Creath, Umoja, Ottawa Public Health and Somerset West Community Health Centre - on Saturday, July 29 and Sunday, July 30 from 2 to 7pm for a two-part collective self-care gathering for Black women and Black gender-diverse community members. We aim to create culturally-safe spaces for Black women and Black gender-diverse folks to talk freely about hair health, mental health, sexual health, skin care, plant care and HIV self-testing and how all can be seen as forms of self-care.

Location: Sandy Hill Community Centre, 250 Somerset Street East

  • There will also be gift bags, with hair and body care products available for attendees!!
  • Eventbrite link: www.eventbrite.ca/e/649176463277
  • Please note that there are two (2) sets of tickets, for each day: July 29 – HAIR & MIND / July 30 – BODY & SOUL


ByWard Market Upcoming Events

For details, please click here.


2023 Ottawa Urban Design Awards – Call for Submissions

The City of Ottawa is pleased to announce the 2023 Ottawa Urban Design Awards competition. The awards will be presented in five categories: Urban Infill, Public Places & Civic Spaces, Urban Elements, Visions & Master Plans, and Student Projects. In our 10th instalment of the program, the 2023 awards will honour exceptional projects in Ottawa completed between September 1, 2021, and August 31, 2023. Winners of an Award of Excellence will be sent forward as the Ottawa entry to the National Urban Design Awards competition in 2024. The winning teams of all Urban Design Awards will be presented their award at an in-person gala hosted by the City of Ottawa in November 2023. Electronic and hard copy submissions must be received by 4 pm on September 1, 2023. Submission entry forms and program guidelines are available on the City’s website Urban design awards | City of Ottawa. Submissions will be juried in October 2023 by an independent panel of urban design experts. The applicants of winning projects will be notified in late October 2023 by email.  For more information, please contact [email protected]


Auditor General 2024 Workplan - Public Input Survey Until July 31

OAG logo

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) for the City of Ottawa undertakes an annual risk-based assessment to identify audit priorities. The audits selected for inclusion arise through a systematic identification of all areas of significance from an audit perspective and the determination of audit project priorities by assessing criteria relating to risk, important organizational changes, new initiatives, emerging priorities, and other relevant factors.  Furthermore, requests from external boards may also be taken into consideration. One of the steps of the OAG’s risk-based assessment process includes consultation with stakeholders. New this year, the Auditor General is seeking public input into the areas that Ottawa residents and business owners believe could benefit from an independent audit. The survey was launched June 30, and will remain active until July 31, 2023. The survey will take approximately five minutes to complete. Survey results will be shared through the 2024 Audit Workplananticipated to be presented to the Audit Committee in December 2023For more information, please contact the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) at [email protected]You can view the OAG’s current workplan hereTo learn more about the OAG, please visit www.oagottawa.ca.


Salsa at City Hall & Latin at Lansdowne

Two people dance the Salsa.

Come to the Rink of Dreams at City Hall on Wednesday evenings until August 30 for free nights of dance, community and fun. The night starts at 6:30 pm with two introductory back-to-back workshops (salsa and another Latin style). From 8 to 11 pm there will be social dancing to Ottawa’s best Latin DJs. There will also be Latin at Lansdowne! These free outdoor classes will take place on Saturdays at the Aberdeen Plaza until Saturday, August 26. Beginner- or improver-level dance lessons will begin at 6 pm, and social dancing will be between 8 and 11 pm. The workshops will be provided in both solo and partnered dance styles like salsa, bachata, kizomba and zouk, and you do not need to bring a partner. Participants will benefit from the workshops if they are an absolute beginner or if they have some dance experience already. For details and for information about other activities this summer at City Hall and Lansdowne, please click here.


The Order of Ottawa and Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching - Nomination Period Open

  Un médaillon, une médaille et une pièce représentant l’emblème de l’Ordre d’Ottawa, reposant sur du velours bleu dans un coffret.

The City is accepting nominations for the 2023 Order of Ottawa and the Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching. You can complete nominations for both awards either online or by downloading a nomination form from Ottawa.ca/orderofottawa. The submission deadline is Friday, Sept. 8 at 11:59 pm. Nominations will be considered every year for five consecutive years from the date of submission.


City Council and Committee News

For meeting agendas, please visit ottawa.ca/agendas or call 3-1-1.

For information on how to participate in individual meetings, please consult the specific meeting’s agenda at ottawa.ca/agendas.

To watch the meetings on Youtube, please click here.

Upcoming meetings:

  • Ottawa Police Services Board - July 24 at 4 pm
  • Ottawa Public Library Board - July 25 at 9 am
  • Election Compliance Audit Committee - July 31 at 9 am

For recent Council and Committee news, please click here.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1