July 26, 2024 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
A Message from Councillor King
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is reminding residents to protect themselves from mosquito bites and West Nile virus. Mosquito trapping and testing — components of Ottawa Public Health’s West Nile virus (WNV) prevention program — have confirmed the first positive mosquito testing pool by lab result. This is the first positive testing pool since the annual monitoring season began on June 1, 2024. Ottawa Public Health has also received lab notification of the first confirmed human case of West Nile virus infection in an Ottawa resident for the 2024 season. In 2023, there were no human cases in Ottawa and 54 in Ontario.
West Nile virus is an infection spread primarily by the northern house mosquito (Culex pipiens) that, in a small number of cases, can cause serious illness. Most people will not develop any symptoms if infected, but about 20 per cent may experience flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, muscle aches and, possibly, a rash. The risk of more serious illness — occurring in less than one per cent of infections, in which WNV impacts the central nervous system — increases with age, with older adults, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems being at higher risk.
Ottawa Public Health urges residents to protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites by:
- Applying a Health Canada-approved mosquito repellent containing DEET or icaridin to exposed skin and clothing
- Protecting yourself, especially between dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active, and any time you are near shady, bushy, or wooded areas
- Wearing light-coloured, tightly woven, loose-fitting clothing, such as long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, shoes and socks, to protect exposed skin
- Making sure all windows and doors in your home have screens that are in good condition
- Removing, or emptying once per week, standing-water sites around your home, such as bird baths, toys, flower-pot saucers, swimming-pool covers, old tires, wheelbarrows, buckets, and cans
- Keeping all openings to rain barrels covered with screen mesh at all times
Ottawa Public Health has a proactive plan to help reduce the risk of West Nile virus, which includes weekly surveillance and mosquito larvicidal treatment of natural and human-made standing-water sites on City property, like ditches and stormwater management ponds. As part of this plan, Ottawa Public Health regularly applies larvicide in City-owned stormwater management ponds, roadside storm-sewer catch basins and private catch basins (by request) to reduce the mosquito population.
Visit OttawaPublicHealth.ca/WestNileVirus to learn more about West Nile virus.
Your Councillor in the Community
It was great to spend time talking with residents at my roundtable event at Trojan Park in the Cummings community this week. It was also wonderful to join BGC Ottawa Neighbourhood Ambassadors who organized soccer for youth and the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre who provided healthy snacks!
I enjoyed the well attended Pints in the Park event held in Manor Park last weekend that showcased amazing local breweries and small businesses, including Edinburger. It was excellent to see Incubator13. The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre also had a display showcasing its food social enterprise!
I was honoured as Deputy Mayor to attend and speak at a flag raising this week celebrating the 203rd anniversary of Peruvian independence.
Rideau-Rockcliffe News, Events and Engagement Opportunities
Donald Street at Vanier Parkway Protected Intersection
Donald Street at Vanier Parkway will be the next protected intersection in Rideau-Rockcliffe. This intersection has received an increasing volume of cyclists and pedestrians since the Adàwe Crossing bridge was completed in December 2015. A protected intersection improves safety by reducing the speed of turning traffic and improves sight lines. The project also includes a multi-use pathway between Vanier Parkway and Grant-Toole Way. An online public information session is tentatively expected to be held this fall at which the design drawings will be presented. Residents will be able to review the design, ask questions and provide comments about the proposed project. Visit ottawa.ca for updates and to learn more.
Oakhill and Corona integrated renewal project - Updates
The Project Manager for the Oakhill, Corona and Carsdale Integrated Renewal Project, now underway, has advised my office that the contractor, KCE, is making excellent progress. The underground work has been completed on Corona and crews will complete the water and sanitary services on Oakhill soon. The road reconstruction and paving on Oakhill and Corona is planned for August. The closures of Oakhill Road and Corona Avenue are expected to continue until the end of August. The temporary water setup was completed on Carsdale Avenue. As such, crews plan to start the watermain replacement next week. The road remains open to vehicles.
- *Non-Perishable Food Items:* We are accepting donations of canned goods, dry foods, toiletry products, diapers, and clothing that can sustain families in need. Drop-offs can be made every Saturday until the end of August from 12 to 2 pm, at the ACB Wellness Resource Centre, 610 Donald Street.
- *Monetary Contributions:* Financial donations are crucial for purchasing additional supplies and meeting the immediate needs of hurricane survivors. For those wishing to contribute financially, we are accepting e-transfers at: [email protected]
Corn Roast and Vendor Fair - July 27
Join Ottawa-Vanier MPP Lucille Collard for a corn roast and vendor fair with the Beechwood Market in New Edinburgh Park at 203 Stanley Avenue on July 27, from 10 am to 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend this fun-filled family day with over 20 vendors, fun activities for kids, and live music. Enjoy the local vendors, eat some free local corn and celebrate summer!
Pop-up parks consultation - New Edinburgh Park - July 27
City staff will be hosting a “pop-up” consultation during the market and corn roast event at New Edinburgh Park on July 27, from 10 am to 1 pm, weather permitting. This is part of a series of pop-ups the City is holding in Ottawa parks. Residents will have the opportunity to speak with City staff about the Parks and Facilities Bylaw review. Staff want to gather park users’ feedback and see how people use the park and its amenities. This review is intended to consider more substantive changes to the bylaw to reflect evolving community and emerging user needs, as well as updates to terminology and administrative changes. The Parks and Facilities By-law addresses a wide variety of topics to ensure indoor and outdoor recreational amenities are used for their intended purpose, are kept in good condition and contribute to the safety, accessibility and enjoyment of these spaces. The key priorities staff aim to address in the by-law through this review are: Public safety, maintaining green spaces, application to amenities, equal opportunity and alcohol in parks. Participate in the online survey by August 2. More details as well as dates and locations of other pop-ups are posted on Engage Ottawa.
Afro-Caribbean Community Market - July 27
Enjoy the Afro-Caribbean Community Market feon July 27 from 10 am to 6 pm at the Vanier HUB, located at 271 Marier Avenue. The event includes a free BBQ. For details, please visit Facebook.
Logo design contest to celebrate Overbrook bridges - Deadline for submissions is July 28
2025 is the 150th anniversary of Overbrook's first bridge - Hurdman's Bridge. Help Overbrook celebrate bridges in the community by submitting your bridge logo designs. All ages are welcome to enter the contest. Email your logo designs to [email protected] or drop them off at the Overbrook Community Centre, 33 Quill Street. Designs are due by July 28.
Presland Park Pop-up - July 31 (Rain date is August 1) & Survey
Residents living near Presland Park are invited to join me and my team for my Rideau-Rockcliffe Roundtable drop-in event in Presland Park in the Overbrook community on July 31 from 2 to 4 pm. In case of rain, the event will take place August 1 at the same time. Drop by to enjoy treats and discuss City issues with us. This is an opportunity to share your vision about Presland Park and your ideas for park improvements that would best suit the needs of park users of all ages. You are invited to fill out my Presland Park survey at bit.ly/preslandpark. The survey will remain open through the summer months.
Join the Vanier BIA this summer for Akoustik, a FREE outdoor live music event in Vanier at the St. Charles Market at the corner of Beechwood Avenue and St. Charles Street. Upcoming dates are July 31 and August 14. For details and updates, please visit www.facebook.com/ZACVanierBIA.

Collaborative Movements Launch Event - August 3
Join the Collaborative Movements Launch Event on Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 2 to 5 pm, at Incubator13 at The Rideau Community Hub, 815 St. Laurent Boulevard. Free Parking Available. This event is a gathering of people and organizations invested in the themes and goals of the Collaborative Movements project. It aims to introduce this collective to the project's details, featuring networking opportunities, presentations, and refreshments. The event will showcase interactive discussions, allowing attendees to explore opportunities to collaborate on the project and understand its scope. Learn about the initiatives shaping our city, connect with local change-makers, and explore how you can contribute to creating communities of care. For details and tickets, please visit Eventbrite.com.
Road Resurfacing - Rideau Terrace - New tentative start date: August 5
Resurfacing of Rideau Terrace between Springfield Road and Acacia Avenue will take place this summer. UPDATE: The City's contractor is tentatively scheduled to mobilize to the site and traffic barrels will be put in place beginning the week of August 5. Completion is anticipated at the end of August. Dates are subject to weather. Notices will be provided to residents in advance of the work.

Here's how you can help!
- Sign up to participate in the talent show (sing a song, do a magic trick, etc.)
- Volunteer to deliver flyers promoting Overbrook Day
- Volunteer during the event!
Montreal Road Revitalization Project - Submit comments by August 16
If you were not able to attend the City's public open house on July 10 to view and discuss the proposed landscaping and streetscaping improvements to the southeast corner of Montreal Road and North River Road, you can learn more about the proposal at ottawa.ca. That link includes the public presentation that was featured on July 10. The corner of Montreal and North River will be the home of the new public art feature entitled Rideau, designed by the international group StudioKCA.
Next steps and schedule in the project are:Rideau-Rockcliffe Resident Survey - Open until the end of August
The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre has launched a resident survey as part of the large needs assessment they are conducting. This assessment aims to better understand resident needs and challenges, assess resource gaps and access barriers. Participants will be entered into a draw to win a $100 gift card of 1 of 20 $50 gift cards. The survey will be available until the end of August and can be filled out online at the following link: Rideau Rockcliffe Resident Survey or in person at the community resource centre at 815 St. Laurent Boulevard. You can also scan the QR code in the poster above. For any questions or assistance in completing the survey over the phone, residents can call 613-745-0073 ext. 209 or email [email protected].
- A traffic-calming study for North River Road between Donald and south of Wright Street in response to traffic concerns. The study aims to recommend local and minor permanent roadway modifications to improve safety and reduce traffic speeds. As part of this, the City has developed a proposed traffic-calming plan. Your feedback on this plan is appreciated. Please fill out the North River Road Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Study survey by September 9 at Ottawa.ca/NorthRiverRoad (or scan the QR code in the poster)
- The City is proposing active transportation improvements such as cycling lanes, sidewalk segments, improved bus stops and intersection improvements along North River Road to improve safety and accessibility, and to encourage cycling and connections to transit stops. Your feedback on this proposed North River Road Active Transportation Facilities plan before September 9 is appreciated: Ottawa.ca/NorthRiverRoad (or scan the QR code in the poster)
Free Back-to-School Supplies for Ward 13 school children in need
The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre and the Caring and Sharing Exchange are providing free school supplies for children in need from kindergarten to Grade 9 living in Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward 13 with a postal code of K1K and in some cases K1M or K1G. For more information, please visit crcrr.org, call 613-745-0073 ext. 123 or register at this link: forms.office.com/r/FW33ArANJD Required documentation includes proof of identity for parents and children, proof of address and proof of family income. First come, first served.
Black History in Ottawa Streets bus tour - every Saturday until October
City of Ottawa News, Events, Meetings and Engagement Opportunities
Highway 417 is closed until July 29 for bridge replacement
The Preston Street Rapid Bridge Lift on Highway 417 is taking place July 25 to 29. The project requires the closure the following sections of the highway, starting at 7 pm on Thursday, July 25. They are slated to reopen at 6 am on Monday, July 29:
- Eastbound lanes between Carling Avenue and Metcalfe Street
- Westbound lanes between Bronson and Parkdale avenues
For details, please visit ottawa.ca.
Free Counselling for Black Youth
The Somali Centre for Family Services is partnering with FutureBlackFemale to provide free counselling services to Black youth ages 15 to 30. For details, please visit shadesoftherapy.ca, email [email protected] or call 613-879-0125.
OCBN Workforce Development - Intro to skilled trades
The Ottawa Community Benefits Network, in partnership with the Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec Building Trades Council, is pleased to provide an introduction to the skilled trades and the opportunity to gain industry recognized certifications in the construction sector. The OCBN will be hosting information sessions in person and virtually. Anyone interested in the trades is welcome to apply. People from diverse communities are encouraged to apply. Information on this program can be found at www.ottawacommunitybenefits.ca/workforce. Please contact [email protected] for more information. This initiative has been funded by a City of Ottawa Community Economic Development grant.
City of Ottawa fall activities - Upcoming dates
Mark your calendars with these important registration dates for next season:
- Tuesday, July 30: Browse fall activities online.
- Tuesday, August 13 at 9 pm: Register for aquatics programs.
- Thursday, August 15 at 9 pm: Register for recreation, arts, culture and virtual activities.
Provide input on the City of Ottawa's Municipal Accessibility Plan - Consultation opportunity July 31; Survey open until August 5
The City of Ottawa's Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP) is a requirement under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). It is a five-year plan to identify, remove and prevent accessibility barriers across the organization by committing to specific actions and outcomes aimed at making sure people with disabilities can participate in the City's programs, services, facilities, public spaces, information and communication, and employment. The current City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP) will expire soon. A project page is available in English and French. This includes all project information and the registration to attend an in-person consultation. An accessible online survey is available Engage Ottawa for input until August 5.
- July 31 from 6 to 7:30 pm - virtual in Zoom. **A link will be shared with those who register.
Have your say: City’s water rate structure review - Survey open until July 31
The City is reviewing how we recover costs to deliver water services that you rely on every day, and we want to hear from you. Complete the survey by July 31 by visiting Engage Ottawa.
The Parks and Facilities By-law was initially developed in 2004. Minor changes were made in a 2021 update to better meet community needs, accommodate technological advancements and ensure alignment with other updated by-laws. City Council has directed staff to undertake a full review, and we welcome your input. This review is intended to consider more substantive changes to the bylaw to reflect evolving community and emerging user needs, as well as updates to terminology and administrative changes. The Parks and Facilities By-law addresses a wide variety of topics to ensure indoor and outdoor recreational amenities are used for their intended purpose, are kept in good condition and contribute to the safety, accessibility and enjoyment of these spaces. In our commitment to continue serving the public, the key priorities we aim to address in the by-law through this review are: Public safety, maintaining green spaces, application to amenities, equal opportunity and alcohol in parks. Participate in the online survey by August 2. Visit Engage Ottawa for more details.
- Sunday, August 11, from 9 am to 3 pm
Lansdowne Farmers Market booth
New Zoning By-law - Updates to Draft Zoning Map
The first draft of the new Zoning By-law was released on May 31, 2024. Since then, staff and the public have identified errors in the zone codes on the draft Zoning Map. These errors will be corrected and posted prior to the release of the second draft of the Zoning By-law in March 2025. The process for correcting these errors are as follows:
• Staff will identify updates to the Zoning Map on a monthly basis, starting at the end of July 2024.
• The changes will focus on errors and correcting zone codes that are not in conformity with the Official Plan.
• A Change Log will be published each time an updated version of the Zoning Map is published and will be available on the Draft 1 Zoning Map webpage.
• The Change Log will itemize each change made so residents can conveniently check to see what has changed on the draft Zoning Map.
• Each version of the draft Zoning Map will include a date and be archived for future reference.
• Residents who have subscribed for updates about the new Zoning By-law will receive notification that the draft Zoning Map has been updated, with a link to the Change Log.
Staff are aiming to publish an updated version of the draft Zoning Map at the end of July 2024.
New Interactive Zoning Tool Tutorial Video Available: The Interactive Zoning Tool Tutorial video is now available. This comprehensive video serves as a valuable resource, providing a detailed overview of the Interactive Zoning Map tool. More information on the New Zoning By-law can be found on the City’s Engage Ottawa page. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the City’s Zoning staff at [email protected].
Residents can help plan Ottawa’s transportation future - Surveys open until August 30
The City has launched consultation for the Transportation Master Plan – Part 2. Have your say on the future of transportation in Ottawa by completing the surveys on the City's project page. The next step in the process, or TMP – Part 2, is to develop the City’s Capital Infrastructure Plan. The Capital Infrastructure Plan will identify the recommended road, transit and active transportation projects and investments to accommodate Ottawa’s expected growth to 2046. Residents are invited to complete online surveys by August 30.
We are looking for your input on:
- Transportation challenges experienced when travelling by car or transit
- Transportation investment priorities
The results of this public engagement will inform the development of the Capital Infrastructure Plan. You are also invited to review the Transportation Trends Report summarizing the 2022 Origin-Destination survey results, and the Needs, Opportunities and Uncertainty Report that discusses the various trends that may impact future travel activity, and the City’s approach to travel demand forecasting to 2046. Both reports can be found on our public engagement page. Questions? Ideas? Email the project team at [email protected].
Residential Protective Plumbing By-law - Survey open until Sept. 6
Want to protect your basement from flooding? The City of Ottawa's Residential Protective Plumbing By-law is under review, and staff need your input! Visit Engage Ottawa for more information and to complete the online survey by Sept. 6.
Sewer Use By-Law Review - Survey open until Sept. 6
The City's Infrastructure and Water Services Department is currently reviewing the Sewer Use (By-Law No. 2003-514), which is designed to protect the environment and City infrastructure from harmful substances by monitoring limits on matters discharged into the sewage works and regulating industry compliance. This comprehensive review aims to achieve several key objectives:
- Updates to align to Provincial regulatory changes to O. Reg 267/03 for Biosolids, Guidelines for the Management of Biomedical Waste 1992 and new references to the Ontario Building Code Act Reg 129-04 and the Ontario Water Resources Act.
- Changes in industry trends.
- Enhanced language to educate industries on compliance expectations and interceptor maintenance requirements.
- Additional and more transparent compliance tools.
Visit Engage Ottawa for more information and to complete the survey by Sept. 6.
Nominations open for 13th Annual Order of Ottawa and Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching - Until Sept. 13
The City is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Order of Ottawa and the Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching. You can complete nominations for both awards either online or by downloading a nomination form from the Order of Ottawa award webpage. The submission deadline is Friday, September 13 at 11:59 pm. Nominations will be considered every year for five consecutive years from the date of submission.
Emergency Services New
Report Hate Crimes
If you are affected by a hate crime, the Ottawa Police is here to help. Report it online at ottawapolice.ca/report or call 613-236-1222. TTY: 613-760-8100. For emergencies, always call 911. A translator can be available within minutes.
Join the Ottawa Police Youth Advisory Committee - Applications due by Sept. 1
Ottawa Police are recruiting for the Youth Advisory Committee! Are you under 24 and interested in sharing ideas and working together with police to help build a safer Ottawa? Apply by September 1! Visit ottawapolice.ca/YAC to apply.
Make the Right Call
When to Call 911:
- For crimes in progress and life-threatening emergencies
- You witness a dangerous or impaired driver
- There is a vehicle collision with injuries
- Fire or medical emergency
When to call 613-236-1222. Please listen to the prompts.
- Residential or commercial break and enter
- Missing person
- Suspicious activity or vehicle (drug trafficking in progress)
- Stolen vehicle
- Assault where no medical attention is required
- Animal abuse
- Vehicle collision where no injuries are reported
When to call and make a report with the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit 613-236-1222, extension 7300. Open seven days a week between 10 am and 8:45 pm.
- Alcohol and drug use in public (for example, in city parks)
- Reporting to the police after the fact – an incident has occurred, but no one has remained on scene
- Disputes or harassment (for example, argument with neighbour, stalking, fear for non-immediate safety)
- Sexual assault reported, where there is no longer evidence
When the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit (PRU) is closed between the hours of 9 pm and 10 am, an automated attendant will provide you with options on how to redirect your call.
When to make a report using the Ottawa Police online system at ottawapolice.ca/onlinereporting:
- Theft (excluding theft of passports or other citizenship documents)
- Lost Property (with a visible serial number or distinct marking such as a custom engraving)
- This does not include: cellphones, credit and debit cards; please phone your banking institution or cellphone company
- Mischief/Damage to Property
- Theft from Vehicle
- Traffic Complaints
- Drug Complaints (drug trafficking information)
- Fraud Complaints
- Hate-Motivated Incidents
- Add information to an existing report
Crime Stoppers: If you have information about a crime but want to remain completely anonymous, you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submit a tip online at crimestoppers.ca.