July 2 Newsletter 2021

July 2, 2021 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.

We have officially made it halfway through the year, and with step 2 of Ontario’s reopening plan in full swing, things are starting to feel a little more normal. As haircuts resume and friends meet on a patio to catch up, I want to remind residents to remain vigilant. I know that we have all done our part to drive down cases, whether that be through following public health measures or through uptake of the vaccine. Let’s make sure that this summer is a fun and safe one for everyone. After fighting through this pandemic for over a year, we deserve it. 

Priority neighbourhood pop-up clinics scheduled for July 2 to July 12 

More pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics for priority neighbourhoods for first and second doses have now been scheduled. Appointments can only be made in-person no earlier than two hours before the clinic opens, on a first come first served basis, while supply lasts. If there is a waiting period, residents may receive an appointment card with a time to return to the clinic for their vaccine. Click here to check your eligibility. 

Friday, July 2  12:15 pm to 7 pm 
and Saturday, July 3 – 9:45 am to 4:30 pm 

  • CF Rideau Centre (Hudson’s Bay) - 73 Rideau St.  

Sunday, July 4 – 9:45 am to 4:30 pm  
and Monday, July 5 – 12:15 pm to 7 pm 

  • AMA Community Centre – 1216 Hunt Club Rd. 

Tuesday, July 6 – 12:15 pm to 7 pm 

  • St. Joseph Adult High School - 330 Lajoie St. 

Wednesday, July 7 to Friday, July 9 – 12:15 pm to 7 pm  

  • CF Rideau Centre (Hudson’s Bay) - 73 Rideau St. 

Saturday July 10 - 9:45 am to 4:30 pm 

  • Howard Darwin (Merivale) Arena – 1765 Merivale Rd.  

Sunday, July 11 – 9:45 am to 4:30 pm  
and Monday, July 12 – 12:15 pm to 7 pm 

  • AMA Community Centre – 1216 Hunt Club Rd. 

Youth Aged 12-17 Across Ontario Eligible for Accelerated Second Dose 

Starting on Monday, July 5, 2021 at 8:00 a.m., youth aged 12 to 17 across the province will be eligible to book an accelerated second dose appointment to receive the Pfizer vaccine through the provincial booking system, directly through public health units that use their own booking system, and through participating pharmacies. 

Kids4Climate Virtual Summer Camp 

Do you have a child who is passionate about climate change and building a sustainable future? Consider enrolling them in Kids4Climate virtual summer camp. This FREE camp is open to youth ages 9-12 in Ottawa and focuses on climate advocacy and inquiry-based learning. 

The closing date for registration is Friday, July 2, 2021 at 11:59 EST. 

Learn more here: https://www.kids4climate.ca/ 

Volunteer Opportunity With Ottawa Cares 

Ottawa Cares was established in March 2020 as a Community Response to COVID-19 in Ottawa's East End. Ottawa Care's primary goal is the recruitment and coordination of volunteers to deliver food from local food banks to their local residents. Ottawa Cares is recruiting volunteers to join their incredible team. So they ask - can you help your community by volunteering as a Food Bank Delivery Driver? 

Why volunteer with Ottawa Cares? 

Contactless - Volunteer shifts are outdoor and contactless. Volunteer protocols are updated frequently to reflect current Public Health guidelines.   

Flexible - Volunteer shifts go out for signup on a weekly basis so you can fit your volunteering around your busy schedule.   

Rewarding - Volunteering with Ottawa Cares is a great way to give back to your community and make an impact directly. 

Volunteering with Ottawa Cares is a fantastic, Covid-19 friendly, volunteering opportunity. Volunteer opportunities are short (1-2 hours), flexible around your schedule, and entirely outdoors! If you can help, please register by visiting www.ottawacares.ca/volunteer or emailing [email protected]. 

Ottawa Public Library will open to enhanced in-person services on Monday, July 5  

OTTAWA – Starting Monday, July 5, 2021, Ottawa Public Library (OPL) will reopen to enhanced in-person services. Enhanced services include browsing the shelves, access to more public computers, reading newspapers and magazines, as well as passes to some provincial parks and national museums.   

Capacity inside branches will be limited, as per provincial regulations, and customers may have to wait outside if the capacity limit is reached inside the branch. Also, given limited seating and capacity, customers will be asked to limit their time reading newspapers and magazines so that others can also enjoy this reintroduced service.   

Virtual programming continues. Cardholders can visit OPL’s website for more information and to register for summer programs such as SummerlandTeen Staycation and other events to meet all ages and interests. Summer reading kits for those who registered will be available for pickup in branches.   

Safety measures such as the mandatory wearing of masks (inside the branch and outside while in line) and the need maintain a two-metre physical distance from others remain in effect, to ensure the safety of our customers and employees. 

Montreal Road Revitalization 

Please find below a two-week update (June 28 to July 9) for the Montreal Road Revitalization project. The work activities planned for the next two weeks will include: 


  • Vanier Parkway/Montreal Road intersection – Work is continuing in the southeast quadrant of the intersection, including the east side of Vanier Parkway, where curbs and sidewalks have been recently poured. The work includes installing underground traffic signal infrastructure, concrete curbs, sidewalks and building the road box. This work is scheduled to be completed in mid-July.  


  • Vanier Parkway to Marier Avenue – The northside concrete curb and base asphalt is complete. Sidewalks for this section will be completed this week. Work is progressing on Emond Street and Bradley Avenue. Grading and granular placement for the cycle track located between the curb and sidewalk has started, as well as installation of the paver stone delineators located between the sidewalk and cycle track.    


  • Marier Avenue to Lafontaine Avenue – Installation of underground utility work continues, as well as construction of the north side of the road from Marier Avenue to Bradley Avenue. Construction on Bradley Avenue is underway with arrangements being made to maintain parking and access to the Wabano Centre. Sidewalk construction in front of the Wabano Centre is planned to start next week. Pedestrian access to businesses is being maintained at all times. 


  • Lafontaine Avenue to de l’Église Street  Underground sewer and catch basin work continues. The north side of Montreal Road between Lafontaine Avenue and Cantin Street has been paved. Ducharme Boulevard is closed, and work is ongoing through the intersection.  


  • De l’Église Street to St. Laurent Boulevard – Excavations for new sanitary sewers have started at de l’Église Street and the intersection remains closed.   


  • Continued traffic impacts and road closures – Montreal Road is reduced to one westbound lane from Vanier Parkway to St. Laurent Boulevard. All streets are closed between Vanier Parkway and St. Laurent Boulevard, with the exception of Olmstead Street, Marier Avenue, Granville Street/Lafontaine Avenue and Cantin Street.  


  • Month-long construction outlook – Underground and aboveground work between Vanier Parkway and St. Laurent Boulevard will continue, with the majority of work occurring on the north side of Montreal Road. Work in the southeast quadrant of the Montreal Road/Vanier Parkway intersection will be completed in mid-July. Excavations and construction of the Emond Street and Bradley Avenue public spaces will continue. In two weeks, crews will tentatively start working on the south side of Montreal Road between Vanier Parkway and Olmstead Street. Westbound vehicle traffic will use the newly paved lane on the north side of Montreal Road as crews close the south side of Montreal Road and begin road excavation. This week will be a short construction week, with no work taking place on Thursday, July 1 and Friday, July 2. 

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1