June 14, 2024 Newsletter

June 14, 2024 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.

Emergency Services News

Make the Right Call  https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/who-we-are/contact-us.aspx

When to Call 911:

  • For crimes in progress and life-threatening emergencies
  • You witness a dangerous or impaired driver
  • There is a vehicle collision with injuries
  • Fire or medical emergency

When to call 613-236-1222. Please listen to the prompts.

  • Residential or commercial break and enter
  • Missing person
  • Suspicious activity or vehicle (drug trafficking in progress)
  • Stolen vehicle
  • Assault where no medical attention is required
  • Animal abuse
  • Vehicle collision where no injuries are reported

When to call and make a report with the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit 613-236-1222, extension 7300. Open seven days a week between 10 am and 8:45 pm.

  • Alcohol and drug use in public (for example, in city parks)
  • Reporting to the police after the fact – an incident has occurred, but no one has remained on scene
  • Disputes or harassment (for example, argument with neighbour, stalking, fear for non-immediate safety)
  • Sexual assault reported, where there is no longer evidence

When the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit (PRU) is closed between the hours of 9 pm and 10 am, an automated attendant will provide you with options on how to redirect your call.

When to make a report using the Ottawa Police online system at ottawapolice.ca/onlinereporting:

  • Theft (excluding theft of passports or other citizenship documents)
  • Lost Property (with a visible serial number or distinct marking such as a custom engraving)
  • This does not include: cellphones, credit and debit cards; please phone your banking institution or cellphone company
  • Mischief/Damage to Property 
  • Theft from Vehicle
  • Traffic Complaints 
  • Drug Complaints (drug trafficking information)
  • Fraud Complaints
  • Hate-Motivated Incidents
  • Add information to an existing report

Crime Stoppers: If you have information about a crime but want to remain completely anonymous, you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submit a tip online at crimestoppers.ca.


Ottawa Police Diversity Celebration - June 27 - Groups welcome to book a table!

The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) is thrilled to announce its annual Diversity Celebration on June 27, 2024, from 4 to 6 pm at 474 Elgin Street (Front entrance). This event aligns with Canadian Multiculturalism Day and Welcoming Ottawa Week, highlighting the rich tapestry of diversity in our city. Join OPS in honoring the multitude of cultures that contribute to our vibrant community, featuring music, cuisine, and entertainment generously provided by our diverse communities. We warmly invite all our community partners and media to participate in this celebration. Come and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere, paying homage to Ottawa's multicultural community. If you would like to showcase your culture with a display table, click this link to secure your spot. Space is limited.


Join the Ottawa Police Youth Advisory Committee - Applications due by Sept. 1

Ottawa Police are recruiting for the Youth Advisory Committee! Are you under 24 and interested in sharing ideas and working together with police to help build a safer Ottawa? Apply by September 1! Visit ottawapolice.ca/YAC to apply.


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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1