June 14, 2024 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
A Message from Councillor King
Last week, I joined over 1,200 elected officials at the Calgary Telus Convention Centre for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' (FCM) Annual Conference and Trade Show, themed "Redefining our Future." This event, the largest pan-Canadian gathering of elected officials, focused on fostering connections and equipping municipalities with tools to face contemporary challenges and seize new opportunities for success.
The 2024 conference emphasized the need for a new “Municipal Growth Framework” to help municipalities withstand current and future challenges. Through networking and engaging discussions, delegates explored how to build a future that enhances the quality of life for Canadians by providing superior services.
The FCM noted that a new municipal growth framework would notably enable better public transport, ensure more affordable housing, and provide more green spaces. The organization urged the federal government to initiate discussions to create a fair and predictable municipal growth framework by the next federal Fall Economic Statement.
The conference underscored the necessity of linking federal transfers to economic growth by indexing them to Canada's GDP and increasing annual municipal transfers by $2.6 billion. This would complement the existing Canada Community-Building Fund, bringing total annual federal transfers to $5 billion. Other recommendations included a cost-matching agreement with provinces and territories and the flexibility for municipalities to use federal funds for both operating and capital costs.
Big City Mayors' Caucus chair and Halifax Mayor Mike Savage stressed the importance of a unified approach, noting that cities receive only 8 to 10 cents for every tax dollar despite providing at least 60 per cent of all essential services and infrastructure. He called for immediate action, emphasizing that Canadians cannot wait any longer for the needed financial support.
My participation in the conference, along with several of my Council colleagues, underscored Ottawa's commitment to finding sustainable financial solutions for municipalities to ensure the well-being of Ottawa residents, as well as all Canadians. Mayor Mark Sutcliffe was pleased to announced that next year’s annual FCM conference will be held in Ottawa.
With over 100 recreational facilities and 1,300 parks spanning more than 4,300 hectares of parkland, Ottawa is full of green spaces and great places for our community to enjoy. The City is currently reviewing the Parks and Facilities By-law and your input is essential to ensure that these spaces and places remain green and great for everyone. Participate in the online survey by Wednesday, July 31 to share your feedback. The Parks and Facilities By-law covers a wide variety of topics. In this review, we want to know your thoughts on public safety, maintaining green spaces, amenities maintenance and equal opportunity.
Your feedback will help the City manage indoor and outdoor recreational spaces that foster community engagement and provide inclusive, safe and accessible recreation opportunities to all. Visit Engage Ottawa to stay up-to-date on the review and engage with us to shape the future of our parks and facilities.
Your Councillor in the Community
I made a special pizza delivery with Khalsa Aid today to all the students at Queen Mary Public School in Overbrook. Tomorrow, the humanitarian relief charity will be delivering 250,000 pounds of food to the Ottawa Food Bank - the biggest one day delivery in food bank history.

Rideau-Rockcliffe News, Events and Engagement Opportunities
Wading Pools Opening
Beginning on June 15, the following wading pools will open on weekends only (Saturdays and Sundays) from noon to 5 pm.
- Alexander Park, 960 Silver Street
- Alvin Heights, 352 London Terrace
- Bellevue Manor, 1520 Caldwell Avenue
- Dutchies Hole, 154 Mann Avenue
- Heron Park, 999 Heron Road
- McNabb, 435 Bronson Avenue
- Marlene Catterall, 2955 Michele Drive
- Pushman Park, 1270 Pebble Road
- Rideauview, 960 Eiffel Avenue
- St Paul's Park, 469 Donald Street
The remaining pools will open on either June 24 or July 1. The wading pool locations and hours listed across Ottawa will soon be updated for 2024 at ottawa.ca.
Learn Rowing at the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club
Mayor's Canada Day Celebration for Seniors - Tickets now available
The CHEO Foundation is proud to invite everyone to come and enjoy CHEO’s Teddy Bears’ Picnic presented by Giant Tiger on Father’s Day – Sunday, June 16 at a new location. The Canada Aviation and Space Museum grounds will be transformed into a gigantic playground with activities for kids of all ages. Admission is free, as are most of the activities. For more information, please visit cheofoundation.com.
Here are some key events that will unfold throughout the day:
- 8 a.m.: Celebrity Breakfast of pancakes, sausages and beverages will be free of charge and served by local celebrities while supplies last.
- 9 a.m.: The CHEO Bear Hospital, staffed by CHEO volunteers, will fix any ‘injuries’ sustained by beloved stuffies and provide care.
- Until 2 p.m.: Games, music, stage entertainment, clowns, and face painting will be on the menu for families.
- From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.: Discounted access to the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.
No parking on site – free shuttle for all: Because there is no parking available on site, free parking and shuttles will be provided to everyone. The last shuttle will leave at 2 p.m. The shuttles to the Canada Aviation and Space Museum will be available every 30 minutes from 7:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. from three locations:
- Giant Tiger (2480 Walkley Road)
- Collège La Cité (801 Aviation Parkway)
- CHEO’s C & D Parking Lot (401 Smyth Road
North River Road Pedestrian Crossing - Update
My office has been advised that work on the new signalized pedestrian crossing (PXO) on the north leg of the North River Road/Stevens Avenue intersection will continue, including addressing pavement deficiencies on the road and pathway, an inspection of the electrical works and completion of pavement markets in tandem with signal activation. Work is planned to resume in mid-June. Pedestrian crossovers are designated areas that allow pedestrians to safely cross the road, where vehicles must yield to pedestrians when crossing. Pedestrian crossovers (PXOs) are identified by specific signs and pavement markings. In some cases, but not always, they may also have pedestrian activated flashing beacons. More information on PXOs is available at this link.

NextUp is Prezdential Basketball’s brand new program to help teens reach their full potential. Sessions include 1 hour of basketball training and 1 hour of life skills with a focus on essential skills rarely taught in classrooms such as organization, financing, mental health, and cooking. The program is co-run by Bhanu Loganathan, a university-level basketball player and Nick Cholmsky, a mental health professional at McGill University. This program provides teens with the tools necessary to transition to the next stage of their lives, whether that be high school, post-secondary education, or the workforce.
Who: Teens in age groups: 13-15 and 16-18
When: Fridays 9 - 11am (4 sessions beginning July 5)
Where: Ottawa Technical Secondary School
Cost: Free!
Click here to register
Rideau-Rockcliffe Resident Survey Launches
The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre is launching its resident survey as part of the large needs assessment they are conducting. This assessment aims to better understand resident needs and challenges, assess resource gaps and access barriers. The survey takes approximately 5-8 minutes to complete and in appreciation, participants will be entered into a draw to win 1 of 20 $50 grocery or Walmart gift cards. The survey will be available all summer and can be filled out online at the following link: Rideau Rockcliffe Resident Survey or in person at the community resource centre at 815 St. Laurent Boulevard. For any questions or assistance in completing the survey over the phone, residents can call 613-745-0073 ext. 209 or email [email protected].
Free Back-to-School Supplies for Ward 13 schoolchildren in need
The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre and the Caring and Sharing Exchange are providing free school supplies for children in need from kindergarten to Grade 9 living in Rideau-Rockcliffe Ward 13 with a postal code of K1K and in some cases K1M or K1G. For more information, please visit crcrr.org, call 613-745-0073 ext. 123 or register at this link: https://forms.office.com/r/FW33ArANJD Required documentation includes proof of identity for parents and children, proof of address and proof of family income. First come, first served.
Morin Street resurfacing - Update
As part of the City of Ottawa’s annual infrastructure maintenance cycle, road resurfacing will occur along Morin Street to improve this roadway and the overall citywide transportation network. For details about this project, please visit ottawa.ca.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, R.W. Tomlinson Limited, to resurface Morin Street.
Why: The City of Ottawa will be resurfacing roads as preventative maintenance aimed at extending the City's roadway network lifecycle.
When: This work is scheduled to start in early June 2024 and completion is anticipated by fall 2024. Work will take place between the hours of 7 am and 10 pm as required. Morin Street will remain open to traffic with lane closures expected.
June 17 - portable variable message signs will be placed at the end of the project limits notifying motorists of upcoming work and the Contractor will mobilize to mobilize traffic measures to the site (barrels).
June 24 - milling of the roadway asphalt is expected to commence followed by of concrete removals and granular road base placement, iron adjustments and paving.
Hydro Pole Replacement - Foxview Place - starting June 17

Road Closure Notice - Alesther Street - June 18-21
Crews will be replacing backyard hydro poles along Alesther Street between Donald Street and Dunbrack Street using a large mobile crane from June 18 to 21, from 7 am to 7 pm, weather permitting. Local traffic will have access at all times. Flagging personnel will be on site to manage traffic flow. It would be appreciated if vehicles are not parked on the street during this period.
Help plant a native species garden - June 20
Free Dental Screenings in Ward 13 - June 21
Ottawa Public Health hosts free dental screenings at its Neighbourhood Health and Wellness Hubs. The next dental screening is at The Rideau Community Hub, 815 St. Laurent Boulevard on June 21 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 4 pm. No appointment needed. First come, first served. All ages welcome. For more information, please visit ottawapublichealth.ca.
Violin Recital - June 21
Join the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre for its Youth Violin Recital on June 21 from 5 to 6 pm at The Rideau Community Hub in the drama room at 815 St. Laurent Boulevard.
Wateridge Village Neighbourhood Garage Sale - June 22
Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild 75th Anniversary celebration - June 22
The Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild (OVWSG) is celebrating its 75th Anniversary! We might not look a day over 30 — but here we are, marking 75 years of creativity, community and learning. Everyone is welcome to attend June 22 from 12 to 4 pm at Heartwood house at 404 McArthur Avenue. There will be activities for all ages. For details, please visit www.ovwsg.com or email [email protected].
Vanier BIA hosts the annual SummerSUN event - June 22 and 23
- On Beechwood Avenue at St. Charles Park - June 22 from 11 am to 1 pm
On McArthur Avenue at the FreshCo Plaza - June 23 from 11 am to 1 pm
Alvin Heights Park-area Rideau-Rockcliffe Roundtable - June 24
Residents living in the vicinity of Alvin Heights Park are invited to drop by my Rideau-Rockcliffe Roundtable to share improvement ideas for the park, local traffic concerns and other neighbourhood and City-related issues. My team and I will be at the park on June 24, from 2 to 4 pm.
Support for Seniors Big Ideas Forum - June 25
The Rotary Club of Ottawa, in partnership with the Crichton Community Council, host a "Support for Seniors" Big Ideas Forum on June 25 at 7 pm at the New Edinburgh Park Fieldhouse, 203 Stanley Avenue. Seniors and their children and caregivers often face difficult choices when life's circumstances mean changes are needed. Panelists include Senior Living Advisor, Sherri Daly, CARP-Ottawa VP Sheryl Bennett-Wilson and myself, Councillor Rawlson King. Admission is free. Doors open at 6:30 pm. For more information, please visit www.newedinburgh.ca/event/support-for-seniors-big-ideas-forum.
Vanier HUB Launch Party - June 26
Community Coffee Day - June 28
The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre, in partnership with incubator13, hosts a Community Coffee Day the last Friday of each month from January to June at The Rideau Community Hub, located at 815 St. Laurent Boulevard in Room 124. Enjoy coffee, tea, snacks and more. The next coffee day is June 28, from 2 to 3 pm. For details, please visit www.crcrr.org.
Hydro Ottawa project - Donald Street - until June 30
My office has been advised that Hydro Ottawa will be conducting work in the City's right-of-way along Donald Street between Brant Street and Telford Avenue until June 30. The project involves hydro pole work and open trenching.
City of Ottawa News, Events, Meetings and Engagement Opportunities
Honour Pride 2024 at Ottawa Public Library
Ottawa Public Library (OPL) is excited to announce a series of joyful and inclusive events in celebration of international Pride Month. Throughout June, Library branches will be transformed into hubs of celebration, education, and community spirit, welcoming everyone to join in the festivities. For international Pride Month OPL is rolling out the rainbow carpet with a lineup designed to honour diversity and foster inclusivity.
- Pride Month celebrations will feature curated film screenings, Rainbow Storytimes in OPL branches across the city, and an exclusive visit by renowned author Kai Cheng Thom on Thursday, June 27 at 7 pm. Drawing from over 15 years of queer and trans advocacy, Kai Cheng Thom will offer a revitalizing perspective on the meaning of love in the program called: Embodying Love as Resilience.
- OPL branches will be presenting a curated selection of LGBTQ+ films from the National Film Board (NFB) and Crunchyroll. These screenings will offer a range of genres and stories, highlighting the richness of LGBTQ+ experiences. Whether you're a film buff or simply looking for a cozy movie night, OPL’s film screenings promise to entertain and enlighten.
- Throughout June, Rainbow Storytimes will be delivered at OPL branches. These storytimes are perfect for families and children of all ages, offering a delightful way to learn and grow together and celebrate love, acceptance, and diversity. For those unable to attend an event, OPL’s collection offers many titles and resources in the spirit of Pride.
- For more information and any updates about the Library’s Pride programming, visit BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca.
Final Property Tax Deadline is June 20
- Check the property tax brochure included with your bill
- Call Revenue Services at 613-580-2444 (TTY: 613-580-2401). Transactions will be recorded
- Email [email protected]
- Visit the City’s website at ottawa.ca/taxes
Community Garden and Community-led Green Initiatives Review - Community Consultation June 20 and 25
**Virtual Open House expressions of interest due by June 16 and 21
Rat Mitigation Working Group Update
- The inspection of food premises
- Introduction of the Rental Housing Property Management By-law
- City Facility Maintenance
- City Park Maintenance
- Enhancements to Waste Management through the Solid Waste Master Plan
- Construction best practices
- Sewer Baiting programs
- Ottawa Community Housing proactive pest management
- Community engagement and data enhancement
The re-establishment of the RMWG underscores our commitment in addressing rat-related issues. This working group supports the sharing of best practices, enhances our understanding of rat management, collaborates when rat issues cross several departments and identifies opportunities for further action. As we move forward, we remain committed to refining our strategies, enhanced by data-driven insights and community engagement. Effective rat management necessitates a collective approach. We encourage residents and businesses to familiarize themselves with prevention and mitigation strategies available on the City's Rat Webpage and Ottawa Public Health Rat Control. Rat sightings anywhere in the City can be reported to 3-1-1.
New City of Ottawa Nightlife Commissioner
Canadian Multicultural Day celebration - June 15
Welcome to Canadian Multiculturalism Day! Join us at 144 Wellington St for a day of celebrating the diverse cultures that make up our beautiful country. Immerse yourself in a variety of cultural performances, delicious food, and interactive activities. This event is a fantastic opportunity to learn about and appreciate the many different traditions that contribute to Canada's rich tapestry. Whether you're looking to try new foods, enjoy vibrant music and dance performances, or simply soak in the festive atmosphere, there's something here for everyone. Come together with friends and family to embrace the spirit of unity and diversity that defines our nation. This year, the Canadian Multicultural Day celebration will take place on June 15 from 5 to 11 pm at Parliament Hill 144 Wellington Street. Admission is free. For details and tickets, please visit Eventbrite.
Lift Off - A Youth Entrepreneurship Day - June 15
Join Invest Ottawa on June 15 from 9:30 am to 4 pm at Bayview Yards, 7 Bayview Station Road, for a day of inspiring talks, expert-lead learning sessions, and networking to help young entrepreneurs lift off. This is a free event for young entrepreneurs aged 15 to 22 years old. Admission is free. To reserve your spot or for more information, please visit Eventbrite.ca.
Event centre site plan is the next step for Lansdowne 2.0 - Consultations June 18 and August 11
The City of Ottawa is preparing the site plan for the Lansdowne 2.0 event centre. Before the site plan is designed, we need your input on what should be included. The event centre is just one part of Lansdowne 2.0, and designing the site plan is just the next step. For more information and background on this important City project, visit Engage Ottawa. There will be two in-person events this summer where you can learn more about the event centre site plan and provide your input:
- Tuesday, June 18, from 6:30 to 8 pm
Inside Gate 2 at TD Arena - Sunday, August 11, from 9 am to 3 pm
Lansdowne Farmers Market booth
You can also email [email protected].
Based on the summertime feedback, a draft site plan will be published on DevApps and on Engage Ottawa. You will have one more opportunity to provide feedback on the draft plan at a public meeting on Tuesday, September 10. The site plan is also scheduled to be reviewed by the City’s Accessibility Committee before it is finalized by staff. As the City and its partners move ahead with a detailed design, staff will report to Council later next year on the final package of approvals, including the final construction price, final air rights value and any required funding strategy amendments prior to construction. Follow our Engage Ottawa page to stay up to date.
Lansdowne Community Engagement
Please take this survey to help the City decide how to consult with you on this and future projects.
NCC Board of Directors Meeting - June 20
Join the NCC in person at 40 Elgin Street for the next public meeting of the NCC Board of Directors taking place June 20 from 9:30 am to 11:55 pm. Space is limited. First-come, first-served. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you can watch the live webcast on YouTube. For details, please click here.
Ottawa's Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law - Community Meeting - June 20
The City of Ottawa is developing a new comprehensive Zoning By-law for approval by Council in 2025. The Zoning By-law is a set of regulations that sets rules on what can be built as of right, without having to seek specific permission. This meeting aims to provide attendees with an overview of the key concepts of the proposed bylaw and to outline what can be expected in future engagements. The Question and Answer period will allow participants to seek clarification and raise concerns directly. Visit the City's primer for details. My office intends to hold a Ward consultation concerning the comprehensive Zoning By-law after the second draft of the document is released. Details to come.
June 20 Virtual Meeting:
- Time: 6:30 to 8 pm
- Format: Citywide
- Focus: Overview of key concepts, Q&A session
- Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tdO-pqTgoGtyAqDkvXgopTRrhqw9MfiyF
Adaawewigamig Summer Solstice Indigenous Night Market - June 20
The ByWard Market District Authority is partnering with local social enterprise, Assembly of Seven Generations (A7G), and their flagship boutique Adaawewigamig, located in the historic ByWard Market building, for the Summer Solstice edition of the ByWard Night Market on June 20 from 5 to 9 pm. This event will feature Indigenous makers, artisans, and a fashion show.
Conversation on Education and Unity: A Multicultural Dialogue - June 22
The World Multicultural Festival and the Intercultural Dialogue Institute Ottawa present a panel discussion titled "Fostering Unity Through Education: Building a Harmonious Multicultural Society" on June 22 from 3 to 6 pm at 335 Michael Cowpland Drive. The panel discussion aims to explore strategies for cultivating educational systems that embrace and celebrate cultural diversity, while fostering empathy, understanding, and cooperation among diverse communities. For details, please visit www.facebook.com/worldmulticulturalfestival and to register to attend, please click here.
Provide input on the City of Ottawa's Municipal Accessibility Plan - Consultation opportunities June 24 to July 31
The City of Ottawa's Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP) is a requirement under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). It is a five-year plan to identify, remove and prevent accessibility barriers across the organization by committing to specific actions and outcomes aimed at making sure people with disabilities can participate in the City's programs, services, facilities, public spaces, information and communication, and employment. The current City of Ottawa Municipal Accessibility Plan (COMAP) will expire soon. A project page is available in English and French. This includes all project information and the registration to attend an in-person consultation. An accessible online survey is available Engage Ottawa for input until August 5.
- June 24, from 1 to 2:30 pm at City Hall in the Colonel By Room
- July 3 from 6 to 7:30 pm at Peter D. Clark Place, 255 Centrum Blvd. in Room 340
- July 9 from 1 to 2:30 pm - virtual on Zoom
- July 17 from 10 to 11:30 am - virtual on Zoom. **A link will be shared with those who register.
- July 25 from 6 to 7:30 pm at Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe Drive
- July 31 from 6 to 7:30 pm - virtual in Zoom. **A link will be shared with those who register.
Let's Bike Month Community celebration event - June 26
June is EnviroCentre’s Let’s Bike Month! With the support of EnviroCentre's core partner, the City of Ottawa, along with other great community organizations and businesses, they are working toward getting more people to ride their bikes! Whether it’s for commuting, running errands, training or just for fun, you can track your rides and see the impact a bike ride can have on our planet. Sign up as an individual or start a team to encourage your community to join in! Log your bike rides and see the impact YOU make by choosing to bike! Join one of their free workshops or events! They will be celebrating all kilometres pedalled and emissions averted at their new community celebration event – Bikes and Bites, June 26, 5 to 8 pm, at the Horticulture Building at Lansdowne Park.
With over 100 recreational facilities and 1,300 parks spanning more than 4,300 hectares of parkland, Ottawa is full of green spaces and great places for our community to enjoy. We’re currently reviewing the Parks and Facilities By-law and your input is essential to ensure that these spaces and places remain green and great for everyone. Participate in the online survey by July 31 to share your feedback. The Parks and Facilities By-law covers a wide variety of topics. In this review, we want to know your thoughts on public safety, maintaining green spaces, amenities maintenance and equal opportunity. Your feedback will help us manage indoor and outdoor recreational spaces that foster community engagement and provide inclusive, safe and accessible recreation opportunities to all. Visit Engage Ottawa to stay up-to-date on the review and engage with us to shape the future of our parks and facilities.
Emerging Community Need Funding Opportunity - Applications now being accepted
- Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
- Funding available: $300,000
- As part of the City’s commitment to the Anti-Racism Strategy, a minimum of $100,000 of the available funding will be allocated to Black-led initiatives. These initiatives will provide programs and services for Black youth.
- Applicants can apply for a maximum of $30,000 per application.
- This funding is available until the budget is finished.
The City is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Order of Ottawa and the Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching. You can complete nominations for both awards either online or by downloading a nomination form from the Order of Ottawa award webpage. The submission deadline is Friday, September 13 at 11:59 pm. Nominations will be considered every year for five consecutive years from the date of submission.
Emergency Services News
Make the Right Call https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/who-we-are/contact-us.aspx
When to Call 911:
- For crimes in progress and life-threatening emergencies
- You witness a dangerous or impaired driver
- There is a vehicle collision with injuries
- Fire or medical emergency
When to call 613-236-1222. Please listen to the prompts.
- Residential or commercial break and enter
- Missing person
- Suspicious activity or vehicle (drug trafficking in progress)
- Stolen vehicle
- Assault where no medical attention is required
- Animal abuse
- Vehicle collision where no injuries are reported
When to call and make a report with the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit 613-236-1222, extension 7300. Open seven days a week between 10 am and 8:45 pm.
- Alcohol and drug use in public (for example, in city parks)
- Reporting to the police after the fact – an incident has occurred, but no one has remained on scene
- Disputes or harassment (for example, argument with neighbour, stalking, fear for non-immediate safety)
- Sexual assault reported, where there is no longer evidence
When the Ottawa Police Reporting Unit (PRU) is closed between the hours of 9 pm and 10 am, an automated attendant will provide you with options on how to redirect your call.
When to make a report using the Ottawa Police online system at ottawapolice.ca/onlinereporting:
- Theft (excluding theft of passports or other citizenship documents)
- Lost Property (with a visible serial number or distinct marking such as a custom engraving)
- This does not include: cellphones, credit and debit cards; please phone your banking institution or cellphone company
- Mischief/Damage to Property
- Theft from Vehicle
- Traffic Complaints
- Drug Complaints (drug trafficking information)
- Fraud Complaints
- Hate-Motivated Incidents
- Add information to an existing report
Crime Stoppers: If you have information about a crime but want to remain completely anonymous, you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submit a tip online at crimestoppers.ca.
Ottawa Police Diversity Celebration - June 27 - Groups welcome to book a table!
The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) is thrilled to announce its annual Diversity Celebration on June 27, 2024, from 4 to 6 pm at 474 Elgin Street (Front entrance). This event aligns with Canadian Multiculturalism Day and Welcoming Ottawa Week, highlighting the rich tapestry of diversity in our city. Join OPS in honoring the multitude of cultures that contribute to our vibrant community, featuring music, cuisine, and entertainment generously provided by our diverse communities. We warmly invite all our community partners and media to participate in this celebration. Come and immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere, paying homage to Ottawa's multicultural community. If you would like to showcase your culture with a display table, click this link to secure your spot. Space is limited.
Join the Ottawa Police Youth Advisory Committee - Applications due by Sept. 1
Ottawa Police are recruiting for the Youth Advisory Committee! Are you under 24 and interested in sharing ideas and working together with police to help build a safer Ottawa? Apply by September 1! Visit ottawapolice.ca/YAC to apply.