June 18 Newsletter 2021

June 18, 2021 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.

More Appointments Now Available for COVID-19 Vaccines 

More appointments are now available in the provincial booking system for Ottawa residents who still need a first dose or are eligible for a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Due to the additional supply that Ottawa has now received, we are able to add more appointments and almost double the number of clinic locations for residents. Appointments have been added across the city, including new clinics located at uOttawa (Minto Sports Complex), the Canadian Tire Centre (Gate 3), the Horticulture Building (Lansdowne), Canterbury Recreation Complex and the Nepean Sportsplex Curling Rink. 

Residents can visit Ontario.ca/bookvaccine to access the provincial booking system or call the provincial vaccine booking line at 1-833-943-3900 between 8 am and 8 pm, seven days a week. 

Expanded eligibility 

Beginning Monday, June 21 at 8 am, all Ottawa residents 18 and above who received their first dose of an mRNa (Moderna or Pfizer) COVID-19 vaccine on or before May 9 will be eligible to book a second appointments at a community clinic. 

Overbrook Renewal Project Seeks to Modernize Housing Stock 

Ottawa Community Housing is working on a renewal project that will revitalize the Overbrook Community. Renewal can be accomplished by phasing in new homes and replacing ones at the end of their life cycle.  Depending on circumstances, it also offers the opportunity to build new affordable housing rental stock, improve green spaces, etc. This renewal project will be phased in over 10 years and will focus on community pride, representing modern and sustainable homes, and a renewed life span for OCH’s rental housing stock. 

For more information or to get involved in the community consultation process, please visit: Overbrook Community Renewal’s website: www.och-lco.ca/overbrookrenewal or email OCH at [email protected] Subject Line: Overbrook Community Renewal. In addition, residents can complete the following confidential survey by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Overbrook_01_web  

Sunshine on Beechwood 

As a thank you to customers for supporting local businesses throughout the pandemic, the Vanier BIA will be hosting the Sunshine on Beechwood event on Saturday June 19, from 11am-1pm. Many Beechwood merchants will be offering samples and freebies to attendees. There will be a photo scavenger hunt on Instagram, free lime scooter rides in the lot at 88 Beechwood, and a roaming musician. Councillors King and Fleury will be on-site handing out locally sourced fresh strawberries from Proulx farm, so be sure to stop by! 

Rain Barrel Fundraiser! 

We are continuing our Spring/Summer fundraising efforts with the theme "Grow". This time with a rain barrel sale! For every rain barrel sold through this program the Wateridge Village Community Association receives $10 and this money is much needed to pay for our website, insurance and basic running costs. 

Why buy a rain barrel? Here are just a few great reasons! 

  • Rainwater is better for plants than tap water 
  • A hot, dry summer lies ahead and watering our gardens means $$$ ... rainwater is free! 
  • A rain barrel helps reduce the stress on residential water systems 

How does the fundraiser work? Easy! You purchase your rain barrel/s from the link below, pick up is July 9th between 4pm and 7pm at Alliance Park!  



Montreal Road Revitalization 

Please find below a two-week update (June 14 to June 25) for the Montreal Road Revitalization project. The work activities planned for the next two weeks will include: 


  • Vanier Parkway/Montreal Road intersection – Work continues this month in the southeast quadrant of the intersection, including the east side of Vanier Parkway, where curbs and sidewalks have been recently poured. The work includes installing underground traffic signal infrastructure, concrete curbs, sidewalk and building the road box. Three out of four crosswalks will be open to allow pedestrian movement around the intersection. The east leg of the intersection will require shifting the north-south crosswalk approximately 30m east at times, which will be controlled by flaggers during working hours. During non-working hours, the crosswalk will operate as per normal conditions. Work has also begun in the southwest quadrant of the intersection, where crews are installing a new power cabinet for traffic signals. This work will require the temporary shifting of pedestrian space around the work zone. One eastbound right-turn lane at the intersection will close while the work is completed over the next few days.    


  • Vanier Parkway to Olmstead Street North – The northside concrete curb and base asphalt is complete. Sidewalk and tree grate installations will continue over the next two weeks. Work is progressing on Emond Street and Bradley Avenue, with decorative concrete planter curbs starting shortly.   


  • Marier Avenue to Lafontaine Avenue – Installation of underground utility work continues, as well as construction of the north side of the road from Marier Avenue to Bradley Avenue. Construction on Bradley Avenue is underway with arrangements being made to maintain parking and access to the Wabano Centre. Road construction and paving will occur from Altha Street to Mona Street. Pedestrian access to businesses is being maintained at all times. Bégin Street, which currently operates northbound only, will close from Friday, June 18 until September. 


  • Lafontaine Avenue to de l’Église Street – Underground sewer and catch basin work continues. The north side of Montreal Road between Lafontaine Avenue and Cantin Street will be paved in the next two weeks. Ducharme Boulevard is closed, and work has started through the intersection. Flaggers located on either side of the intersections are assisting pedestrians across Montreal Road. 


  • De l’Église Street to St. Laurent Boulevard – Excavations for new sanitary sewers have started at de l’Église Street and the intersection remains closed.   


  • Continued traffic impacts and road closures – Montreal Road is reduced to one westbound lane from Vanier Parkway to St. Laurent Boulevard. All streets are closed between Vanier Parkway and St. Laurent Boulevard, with the exception of Olmstead Street, Marier Avenue, Granville Street/Lafontaine Avenue and Cantin Street.  


  • Month-long construction outlook – Underground and aboveground work between Vanier Parkway and St. Laurent Boulevard will continue, with the majority of work occurring on the north side of Montreal Road. Most of the work in the southeast quadrant of the Montreal Road/Vanier Parkway intersection will be completed. Excavations and construction of the Emond Street and Bradley Avenue public spaces will continue. A significant milestone has been reached with the completion of base course asphalt on the north side between Vanier Parkway and Olmstead Street. Once the northside concrete sidewalk is complete along this section, excavation on the south side of Montreal Road will begin.   

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1