January 17, 2025 Newsletter
January 17, 2025 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
June 30, 2023 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
On behalf of my Ward 13 office, I want to wish everyone in Rideau-Rockcliffe Happy Canada Day. I hope you are able to enjoy time with family and friends this weekend as well as enjoy some of the many Canada Day events happening in Ottawa, including right here in Rideau-Rockcliffe.
I got a head start on Canada Day festivities during a barbecue at Ottawa Community Housing's Den Haag community today, June 30. Thank you to the Den Haag Tenants Circle, Ottawa Community Housing and the Ottawa Community Housing Foundation for your community building initiatives. The homemade Canada Day cupcakes made by local residents and the toys that Foundation staff distributed to children were a big hit and greatly appreciated.
As a member of the City’s Community Services Committee, I was pleased that we approved an Integrated Transition to Housing Strategy this week to help single people experiencing homelessness find housing and to address immediate pressures in the shelter system.
The strategy emerged due to the collective efforts of the Committee, including myself and Alta Vista Councillor Marty Carr, in terms of advancing a previous set of successful motions, passed at the March 8 Council meeting, which provided City staff direction to formulate this week's action plan and develop tangible options to ultimately transition unsheltered residents from physical distancing centres to permanent homes through alignment with the federal Rapid Housing Initiative, a program designed to address the urgent housing needs of vulnerable residents through the rapid construction of affordable housing.
Ottawa’s community shelters are currently over capacity, and more people enter the system every day. The City’s two physical distancing centres are currently supporting the increased demand for shelter services. The strategy aims to bring stability to the shelter system and help clients quickly transition to housing by giving them the support they need to find a stable home.
The City will continue to provide temporary overflow shelter this year, to ensure that anyone who wants to access a shelter bed can do so, and will work with partners on coordinated rapid rehousing, to place clients more quickly in supportive and community housing. The City will also pilot a new enhanced housing allowance based on true market rent, to help clients who need additional financial support to secure long-term housing.
To address the anticipated growth in demand for services over the next five years, the City will continue to develop supportive housing, including the 198 new units underway, and work toward the target of 50 new units of supportive housing per year set out in the 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan. The City will work with the shelter sector to create new initiatives, offering integrated services to better support clients seeking housing. The long-term aim is to develop a community supportive housing hub that would offer a variety of housing and social services focused on transitioning clients to permanent stable housing.
The City will use $8.7 million in existing funding to provide the pilot housing allowance and operate the shelter overflow facility. Further funding requirements will be included in the updated Housing Services Long Range Financial Plan and will be considered as part of the 2024 budget process.
The Committee also approved a strategy for the first phase of a safer alternative response for mental health and substance use crises. The program was developed based on comprehensive research and consultation led by the Ottawa Guiding Council for Mental Health and Addictions.
The program would initially run for three years in one geographic location, starting in 2024. A non-9-1-1 phone number would triage calls and dispatch responses. A 24/7 mobile service would respond to calls, led by civilian professionals with expertise in mental health and substance use crises. Non-uniformed responders would offer trauma-informed and culturally appropriate crisis response services. Clients would also receive follow-up care, including referrals to community-based services for ongoing support. Over the course of the first phase, the Guiding Council and the City would measure performance and evaluate the system, to inform a plan for future expansion.
The Committee also received an update on the progress of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. In 2022, the City built a strong foundation by putting in place the key people, processes and tools needed for the plan’s sustained success. The City advanced ongoing work in its six priority areas, including integrating services and simplifying access for residents, funding 19 community agencies to build capacity in priority areas, and helping develop the safer alternative response for mental health and substance abuse crises. Next steps include building a poverty reduction strategy, collaborating with community partners to reduce intimate partner violence, and piloting trauma-informed and anti-stigma training for staff who provide front-line and support services.
These reports will rise to Council on Wednesday, July 12.
Ottawa Community Housing rolls out new zero-emission vehicles
On June 29, I was pleased to join Councillor Theresa Kavanagh and Ottawa Community Housing CEO Stéphane Giguère for the exciting introduction of three new electric vehicles that will be used by Ottawa Community Housing's maintenance team. These vehicles are part of OCH's commitment to adopt a greener fleet and their pledge to the City of Ottawa's Race to Zero Pledge, which aims to eliminate the City's greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. You can learn more about this initiative here.
Vanier BIA Rebrand and Vanier Hub Launch
I was proud to attend the rebrand of the Vanier BIA and the launch of the Vanier HUB on June 28 with Minwaashin Lodge's Irene Goodwin, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, Ottawa-Vanier MP Mona Fortier, Ottawa-Vanier MPP Lucille Collard and Rideau-Vanier Councillor Stéphanie Plante. The BIA's new branding reflects that every community member adds to Vanier's social fabric. The festivities also celebrated the launch of the HUB, located at 271 Marier Avenue, and its summer programming. For details about upcoming HUB programs and events, please visit facebook.com/hubvanier.
Igniting the Spirit
it was great to attend and support the Wabano Centre’s Igniting the Spirit Gala, held at the Ottawa Conference and Event Centre on June 22 with many friends and colleagues.
Citizenship Ceremony
It was very moving to attend the citizenship ceremony for new Canadians during the annual Ottawa Police Service Diversity Day Celebration on June 20. The event also showcased cultural arts and crafts, a multicultural food sampler and performances.
Welcoming Ottawa Ambassadors
I am thankful for the opportunity to hand out Welcoming Ottawa Ambassador Awards on June 19. The awards recognize the importance of welcoming attitudes and the critical role of social connections in newcomers' settlement and integration. For information about the 2023 Ambassadors, please click here.
Summer is almost here, and that means Shakespeare-in-the-Park season is right around the corner! The Company of Fools is ready to bring you a Hamlet that’s bigger and better than ever. There will be PUPPETS, there will be SWORDFIGHTS, and there might even be a SCARY GHOST!?
Shows taking place in and around Rideau-Rockcliffe:
July 3 at 7 pm in Strathcona Park in Sandy Hill - preview performance
July 10 at 7 pm in Strathcona Park in Sandy Hill - grand opening show
July 15 at 7 pm in New Edinburgh Park
July 17 at 7 pm in Strathcona Park in Sandy Hill
July 22 at 7 pm at Beechwood Cemetery, 280 Beechwood Avenue
July 26 at 7 pm at Nault Park, 333 St-Denis Street in Vanier
July 31 at 7 pm at Strathcona Park in Sandy Hill
August 7, 14 and 21 at 7 pm in Strathcona Park in Sandy Hill
For the completes schedule, please visit fools.ca/hamlet.
The Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre is providing some great programming for vulnerable and low income seniors in Ward 13. They have been gifted some tickets to the theater in July and August and are looking for donations to help pay for transportation to the event. Help a group of low-income Ottawa senior women enjoy two days at the theatre. Dozens of seniors are already registered; most have never been to the theatre as they can't afford tickets. They are really excited but cannot afford a monthly bus pass or bus tickets to travel downtown. Bus rentals for the two trips total $1,000. Every donation over $25 will receive a tax receipt. You can send an auto-deposit e-transfer to the Classic Theatre Festival Seniors' Bus Fund at [email protected] or donate via the company's Save-a-Seat portal. You can also donate via www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/m/90292.
The following work is now underway:
Why: The sidewalk is in need of renewal due to overall physical condition and substandard width.
When: Construction is scheduled to begin the week of July 4 and take approximately one month to complete.
Where: Den Haag Drive from Carson’s Road to 200m east of Carson’s Road (north side and partial south side).
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, D Squared Construction Ltd., to complete the work
The construction is within the City’s right of way. Residents and businesses can expect construction traffic and activity along Den Haag Drive. The road will remain open to traffic. Accesses from Den Haag Drive to the adjacent commercial and industrial property at 400 Den Haag Drive may be individually closed during construction, however, an alternate access will remain open. Pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained along Den Haag Drive at all times during construction. Access to all existing bus stops in/near the work zone will be maintained at all times during construction. For more information, please click here.
Ottawa Titans baseball - June 30 to July 2 at the Ottawa Stadium
Friday, June 30 to Sunday, July 2 | Show your support for baseball’s Ottawa Titans as they battle the Quebec Capitales at the Ottawa Stadium.
Chief Pinesi Day is held annually on July 1 in New Edinburgh to celebrate the Algonquin Anishinaabe history of the area. It is an opportunity for learning and reconciliation. Click here for the current full schedule of activities: Chief Pinesi Day – 1 July 2023 – Full Program. Signup for the Land Tours and Medicine Paddle activities. Chief Pinesi Day is organized by the Kichi Sibi Trails group in partnership with the Crichton Community Council and the New Edinburgh Community Alliance. For details, please click here.
Fireworks in New Edinburgh Park - July 1
Finish your July 1 celebrations in New Edinburgh Park with a neighbourhood-scale fireworks display close to home. Wear your red and white. Wave a flag. Bring a blanket, bug repellant and a beverage. Please view the show from the grass slope between the Fieldhouse and the playing field. The fireworks will be launched, starting at 9:30 pm from the gravel second base area of the infield. This event may be postponed or cancelled due to inclement weather. For details, please click here.
ACB Wellness Resource Centre Canada Day BBQ
Join the ACB Centre on Canada Day for their annual fundraising barbecue from 12 to 4 pm at 610 Donald St. For details, please visit www.facebook.com/acbwellnessresourcecentre.
American Crown Circus at St. Laurent Shopping Centre - Until July 2
Until Sunday, July 2 | Clowns, acrobats, trapeze artists and other performers await you at the American Crown Circus & Circo Osorio, happening at St. Laurent Shopping Centre.
Road Rehabilitation Works in Rideau-Rockcliffe - May to September
As part of the City of Ottawa’s annual infrastructure maintenance cycle, road resurfacing will occur in the following locations.
Please note that our office has requested that, if possible, water trucks conduct more frequent pass-throughs in road construction zones to help manage dust levels. Construction crews will also monitor work zones for increased dust. We thank everyone for your patience and understanding while this important work is completed. If there are concerns, please contact the appropriate City Project Manager.
The roads will remain open to traffic with lane closures expected. Traffic control personnel will direct traffic. The City has retained contractor R.W. Tomlinson to complete the work.
How to get the most out of your Canada Day in the City of Ottawa
National Canada Day celebrations
On July 1, enjoy the shows and activities taking place at LeBreton Flats Park in the heart of Ottawa-Gatineau. The Government of Canada has a full list of programing for Canada Day celebrations between 9 am and 10:30 pm at LeBreton Flats Park and activities elsewhere in Ottawa-Gatineau.
Join the National Arts Centre on July 1 for a free concert celebrating Canada and Canadians through the diverse artistry and unparalleled creativity of Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra and special guests. FREE!
No-Charge transit service on Canada Day
OC Transpo is the best way to travel to Canada Day events across the city, with free service all day on O-Train Line 1, buses and Para Transpo. OC Transpo will have extra service running throughout the day and into the evening. Para Transpo service will run until 3 am, with last trips booked for 2 am.
For more Canada Day in Ottawa information, please click here.
Road Closures on Canada Day
Everything you need to know to plan ahead (or save it to have on hand for last minute changes) is at this link.
Holiday Schedule Changes
REMINDER: Waste and green/blue/black bin collection will not be delayed for Canada Day. Curbside collection will take place as per the regular schedule on July 3. For more details about schedule changes during the upcoming holiday, please click here.
Fireworks regulations and safety
The City reminds residents about the by-law regulations around Canada Day fireworks – including no discharging on public properties, age requirements and maintaining safe operating distances. Over the past few years, the City has received public complaints and emergency calls about fireworks, including discharging fireworks in parks and debris left behind, firework-related grass fires and displays posing danger to residents and property. So, before the fuse is lit, here are some things to know in advance:
Full details on the City of Ottawa’s Fireworks By-law is available on ottawa.ca. Residents can report issues with fireworks online through ServiceOttawa at ottawa.ca.
Air Quality in Ottawa
High levels of air pollution in Ottawa due to wildfire smoke from forest fires in Quebec.
When this happens, it is recommended that you:
The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks measures air quality in the City of Ottawa, provides hourly readings and next day forecasts on the province’s air monitoring network, and calculates the Air Quality Health Index (AHQI), which informs Ontario residents about regional air quality conditions. You can monitor air quality in Ottawa at this link.
A people-first approach towards ending homelessness in Ottawa
As the weather stays warm more consistently, you might see more unhoused residents living in small outdoor shelters by themselves or in a group. These encampments can be made up of tents or even cardboard structures. When an encampment is reported, have you ever wondered what happens afterwards? For details, please click here. If you or someone you know needing support, visit ottawa.ca/socialservices. To learn more about Housing Services with the City, or to read about the 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan, visit ottawa.ca.
Auditor General 2024 Workplan - Public Input Survey
The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) for the City of Ottawa undertakes an annual risk-based assessment to identify audit priorities. The audits selected for inclusion arise through a systematic identification of all areas of significance from an audit perspective and the determination of audit project priorities by assessing criteria relating to risk, important organizational changes, new initiatives, emerging priorities, and other relevant factors. Furthermore, requests from external boards may also be taken into consideration.
One of the steps of the OAG’s risk-based assessment process includes consultation with stakeholders. New this year, the Auditor General is seeking public input into the areas that Ottawa residents and business owners believe could benefit from an independent audit.
The survey was launched today, June 30, and will remain active until July 31, 2023. The survey will take approximately five minutes to complete. Survey results will be shared through the 2024 Audit Workplan, anticipated to be presented to the Audit Committee in December 2023. For more information, please contact the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) at [email protected]. You can view the OAG’s current workplan here. To learn more about the OAG, please visit www.oagottawa.ca.
Human Rights Internet’s Small Grants Competition
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. We believe small grass-roots actions can lead to meaningful positive changes in communities. HRI’s Small Grants support initiatives of any kind that help promote or protect any human right. You may apply for a Small Grant at any time. The next review of applications is scheduled to take place on July 15, 2023. A link to the application form can be found at www.hri.ca. The maximum amount you may apply for is $2,500.
Who can apply?
For more information on eligibility requirements and other application information, visit the organizations website.
They have awarded grants to over 50 non-profits, community associations, schools, and individuals over the past five years. You can see a sample of these on their website as well.
Recycling Program Changes
Changes are coming to the City's recycling program. Starting July 1, the City can no longer accept hard and soft cover books in the black bin. Luckily, there are many reuse options on the City's Waste Explorer. For more details about the changes, please click here.
Salsa at City Hall & Latin at Lansdowne
Come to the Rink of Dreams at City Hall on Wednesday evenings between Wednesday, July 12 and Wednesday, August 30 for free nights of dance, community and fun. The night starts at 6:30 pm with two introductory back-to-back workshops (salsa and another Latin style). From 8 to 11 pm there will be social dancing to Ottawa’s best Latin DJs. There will also be Latin at Lansdowne! These free outdoor classes will take place on Saturdays at the Aberdeen Plaza between Saturday, July 1 and Saturday, August 26. Beginner- or improver-level dance lessons will begin at 6 pm, and social dancing will be between 8 and 11 pm. The workshops will be provided in both solo and partnered dance styles like salsa, bachata, kizomba and zouk, and you do not need to bring a partner. Participants will benefit from the workshops if they are an absolute beginner or if they have some dance experience already.
For details and for information about other activities this summer at City Hall and Lansdowne, please click here.
The Order of Ottawa and Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching - Nomination Period Open
The City is accepting nominations for the 2023 Order of Ottawa and the Brian Kilrea Award for Excellence in Coaching. You can complete nominations for both awards either online or by downloading a nomination form from Ottawa.ca/orderofottawa. The submission deadline is Friday, Sept. 8 at 11:59 pm. Nominations will be considered every year for five consecutive years from the date of submission.
Y Mind- Free Mental Health Program for Youth
The YMCA National Capital Region hosts Y Mind, a free 7-week program that offers support for those who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety or stress. Participants learn evidence-based coping skills based on Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness, self-compassion, and connect with peers who are experiencing similar thoughts and feelings. Cohorts are catered to either teens (13-17 years old) or youth (18-30 years old). Programs are offered online and in-person and there is no cost to participate. The next session for 18 to 30 year olds begins in July 2023. The next in-person session for the teen program begins in September 2023. More information can be found at: Mental Wellness Programs | YMCA of the National Capital Region
Lansdowne 2.0 Public Sessions - July 13 and August 17
The City of Ottawa is getting ready to host two Lansdowne 2.0 virtual public engagement sessions on:
Both sessions will provide the same opportunity for residents to learn more about the City of Ottawa City initiated Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. These are required to clarify policies within the Official Plan (OP) pertaining to the Lansdowne Special District and ensure OP compatibility and compliance. Staff will provide a presentation which will be followed by a question and answer period. Please send any questions in advance of the public information session to [email protected]. For details, please visit Engage Ottawa.
Lansdown 2.0 - Coffee chats every Wednesday
Join City of Ottawa staff for a virtual chat with the Director of Lansdowne 2.0. Ask questions and share your thoughts about this important project. Coffee chats take place every Wednesday from noon to 1 pm. Register here.
Cultural Funding Framework Review - Survey
The City of Ottawa wants to hear from you! Interested in arts, heritage and culture in Ottawa? Let us know how the City can better support culture. Visit Engage Ottawa for more information and to fill out the survey.
For meeting agendas, please visit ottawa.ca/agendas or call 3-1-1.
For information on how to participate in individual meetings, please consult the specific meeting’s agenda at ottawa.ca/agendas.
To watch the meetings on Youtube, please click here.
Upcoming meetings:
For recent Council and Committee news, please click here.
January 17, 2025 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
January 10, 2025 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
December 20, 2024 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.