June 4 Newsletter 2021

June 4, 2021 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.

COVID-19 Vaccinations and Second Doses 

Residents aged 80 and above who do not have a second dose appointment booked will be contacted directly by Ottawa Public Health starting June 3 and continuing throughout the month of June. This will guarantee access to appointments within the standard second dose interval of 16 weeks. 

Provincial system bookings for COVID-19 vaccines resumed on June 3. Residents can also visit Ontario.ca/bookvaccine to access the provincial booking system or call the provincial vaccine booking line at 1-833-943-3900 between 8 am and 8 pm, seven days a week. 

Pop-up Vaccination Clinic at Overbrook Community Centre 

The City of Ottawa and Ottawa Public Health are hosting additional pop-up clinics to reach residents of certain priority neighbourhoods. A pop-up vaccination clinic will be taking place on Tuesday, June 8 and Wednesday, June 9 at Overbrook Community Centre from 9am to 7pm for residents of the Overbrook-McArthur neighbourhood. Residents are asked to bring at least one piece of ID and proof of address must be provided. A valid Ontario Health card is preferred, but not required if you do not have one. Eligible residents must be 12 years of age or over at the time of vaccination. Appointments can only be made in-person during operating hours, on a first come first served basis. 

To check your eligibility or for more information about upcoming pop-up clinic locations and neighbourhoods visit OttawaPublicHealth.ca. Residents in priority neighbourhoods may also be eligible for vaccination at the Bruyère Family Medicine Centre. Please visit bruyere.org to review eligibility and access their online booking tool.

Manor Park Official Plan Amendment 

This a reminder that there will be a presentation on Monday, June 7 at 6:30 pm about the Official Plan amendment planning application that was submitted to the City’s planning staff by Manor Park Management concerning their land holdings next week. 

You may register for the meetings below:  

Presentation Night 
June 7, 2021; 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm 

The presentation on June 7 will be followed up with a question-and-answer period on June 14 which you can also register for: 
Community Q&A 
June 14, 2021; 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm 

Rideau Winter Trail Wins Funding 

The Government of Canada and Community Foundations of Canada last week announced $71,401 in federal funding from the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative for the Rideau Winter Trail in Ottawa. 
The Rideau Winter Trail, at the heart of Overbrook, Sandy Hill and Vanier, provides an amazing space for skiers, snowshoers, walkers and cyclists to get outdoors and active each winter.  
Federal funding will support trail expansion and the purchase of new equipment to maintain this winter-friendly pathway for residents to continue to enjoy. The Canada Healthy Communities Initiative is supporting projects across the country that build more inclusive communities and ensure a higher quality of life for Canadians. 
The Rideau Winter Trail is grateful and honoured to have received this support. This grassroots effort, supported by the National Capital Commission and Cityof Ottawa, including Councillor King's office and leverages underutilized space in downtown to create a winter trail for walking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and fat tire biking.  
The trail serves socioeconomically diverse, dense urban areas that desperately need accessible outdoor winter spaces. With this grant we will accelerate our plans to improve our trail and be on a more sustainable footing to maintain this downtown jewel for years to come. 
More information about the Trail is available at www.rideauwintertrail.ca 

What the New Official Plan Means for Renters: Webinar, June 3, 2021 

A webinar was held on June 3, 2021 discussing what the new Official Plan means for renters in Ottawa. You can watch the full webinar here. 

Free Seeds & Soil and Seedling Exchange at Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre 

Are you interested in starting your own home garden but don't know where to begin? Not to worry, Social Harvest greenhouse, located at Rideau-RockcliffeCommunity Resource Centre (815 St. Laurent Blvd), is here to help!  They are partnered with the City of Ottawa and Just Food to distribute FREE seeds and soil gardening kits to community members again this year. If you, or anyone you know, would benefit please register using this form. Social Harvest is also offering a seedling swap where community members can get vegetable seedlings for their gardens or exchange varieties they grew. No registration is needed for the plant exchange. The number of seedlings is limited and will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis. The seeds and soil giveaway and seedling swap are on June 11th, 4-7 PM and June 12th, 9 AM – 12 PM. For more information, please visit www.socialharvestottawa.ca or call (613)745-0073 ext.151. 

Montreal Road Revitalization 

Please find below a two-week update (May 31 to June 11) for the Montreal Road Revitalization project. The work activities planned for the next two weeks will include: 


  • Vanier Parkway/Montreal Road intersection – Work will continue throughout June in the southeast quadrant of the intersection, including the east side of Vanier Parkway. The work includes installing underground traffic signal infrastructure, concrete curbs, sidewalk and building the road box. Three out of four crosswalks will be open to allow pedestrian movement around the intersection. Upcoming work on the east leg of the intersection will require shifting the north-south crosswalk approximately 30m east, which will be controlled by flaggers during working hours. During non-working hours, the crosswalk will operate as per normal conditions. 


  • Vanier Parkway to Olmstead Street North – Concrete curb, sidewalk, road box and tree soil cell work is continuing along the north side of Montreal Road. Paving of the north side of the road is scheduled to begin in the next two weeks. Paver stone installation and landscaping will begin shortly on Emond Street, which is a designated public space area. Construction on Bradley Street, working north has started. Arrangements are being made to maintain parking and access to the Wabano Centre.   


  • Lajoie Street to de l’Église Street – Underground and aboveground work will continue, including tree soil cells, concrete curbs and sidewalks between Altha Avenue and Mona Avenue. Paving of the north section of the road is also scheduled to start in the next few weeks. Sanitary sewer and water service construction is ongoing between Lajoie Street and Lalemant Street, as well from Lafontaine Street to de l’Église Street. Ducharme Boulevard is closed and work has started through the intersection. Flaggers located on either side of the intersections are assisting pedestrians across Montreal Road.    


  • De l’Église Street to St. Laurent Boulevard – Excavations have started at de l’Église Street and the intersection is closed. Water shuts to buildings along this section of Montreal Road have started this week, and were communicated and coordinated with all impacted properties. The water shuts are required to make water service lateral connections from the section of new watermain, east of St. Laurent Boulevard to buildings. 


  • Continued traffic impacts and road closures – Montreal Road is reduced to one westbound lane from Vanier Parkway to St. Laurent Boulevard. All streets are closed between Vanier Parkway and St. Laurent Boulevard, with the exception of Olmstead Street, Bégin Street, Marier Avenue, Granville Street/Lafontaine Avenue and Cantin Street. Durcharme Boulevard was closed this week.  


  • Traffic calming measures – The implementation of traffic calming measures is almost complete on Lafontaine Street and will be completed on Deschamps Avenue shortly. 


  • Month-long construction outlook – Underground and aboveground work between Vanier Parkway and St. Laurent Boulevard will continue, with the majority of work occurring on the north side of Montreal Road. Most of the work in the southeast quadrant of the Montreal Road/Vanier Parkway intersection will be completed. Excavations and construction of the Emond Street space will continue, and work along Bradley Avenue has started. Road paving operations will begin shortly. Numerous soil cells have been installed to date, which will support over thirty trees. Soil cell installation will continue this month.  In the coming weeks, work will start on the south side of Montreal Road, which will require shifting the vehicle traffic currently using the south side Montreal Road lane to the northside lane. In certain areas, pedestrians will be directed to use the newly constructed sidewalk on the north side while work occurs on the south side. Access to businesses on the south side will be maintained as always.



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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1