Light Rail Sub-Committee receives progress update on the O-Train Extension Project

The City’s Light Rail Sub-Committee received a progress update on the O-Train extension project.

On the O-Train East extension, track installation is complete and overhead catenary system work is nearing completion. Construction on stations and pedestrian bridges is ongoing. Testing began earlier this week when the first Alstom Citadis train travelled past Blair Station to Montréal Station. Handover of the system and launch of the East extension is planned for 2025.

Track installation and station construction continue to progress on the O-Train West extension. The cut and cover tunnels along the Kichi Zībī Mīkan and through Connaught Park are advancing well with excavation complete. Tunnel walls and roof concrete pours are close to completion and the process of filling in the excavated area has begun in some locations. Track installation continues and will advance through the year.

On the O-Train South extension, construction of all 13 stations is almost complete, and train and signal testing along the line is ongoing. Successful operational bus loop testing at Limebank, Bowesville and Leitrim stations is complete. The Light Rail Sub-Committee heard about the safety, training and commissioning activities underway and residual project completion risks that remain. Pending final closeout of signal testing and continued progress on training, completion is expected in Q2 2024.

The Light Rail Sub-Committee also received an update on the Ottawa Light Rail Transit Public Inquiry Action Plan. Of the 95 recommendations the City is responsible for, 89 have now been completed or have been incorporated into ongoing City policies for implementation in future projects. Lessons learned are being incorporated in current and future projects.

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