Montreal Road Revitalization – Bi-Weekly update: April 26, 2023

The final year of construction along Montreal Road will be resuming in May 2023.  As compared to last year, this year’s work will be shorter in duration and have significantly less impacts to residents and business owners. Two-way traffic will be maintained along Montreal Road at all times and unlike previous years an eastbound Montreal Road detour is not required. This year’s work will focus on final road paving, completion of landscaping (trees, paver stones, street furniture) and commissioning of the cycle track between the Vanier Parkway and St-Laurent Boulevard.

Some of the main aspects of the work that will be completed by late summer 2023 include:

  • Final asphalt lift from Marier Avenue to St-Laurent Boulevard
  • Commissioning of the cycle track from Begin Street to St-Laurent Boulevard 
  • Completion of all remaining landscaping, street furniture, pavement marking and signage
  • Construction of the southside Montreal Road cycle track from North River Road to Montgomery Street
  • Modifications at the Montreal Road/North River Road intersection
  • Construction of the multi-use path (MUP) providing a cycling connection from Mark Avenue to the Vanier Parkway
  • Implementation of traffic calming features along the north leg of North River Road
  • Addressing deficiencies such as cracked sidewalk panels and inanimate trees, shrubs and sod
  • Completion of plaza features at Dupuis Street, Emond Street and Bradley Avenue
  • Reinstatement of the Vanier Parkway/McArthur Intersection to pre-detour condition implemented in 2021
  • Installation of the Vanier Parkway electronic sign

The following work is planned over the next two weeks (April 24 to May 05):

  • Paving of Montreal Road from Mona Street to St-Laurent Boulevard. This work is tentatively scheduled for May 1 and May 2 at night. During road paving operations, some night work will be required to limit daytime disruptions and impacts to transit. Night work is undertaken only when necessary and will be limited as much as possible. The road paving work will take place east of Marier Avenue to St-Laurent Boulevard in several stages in the months of May and June 2023. 
  • Installation of the Vanier Parkway electronic sign located in the northeast quadrant of the Montreal Road/Vanier Parkway intersection. The sign will be installed the week of April 24 and operational in mid to late May when Hydro Ottawa provides a power connection.
  • Miscellaneous concrete work along Montreal Road including removal and replacement of cracked sidewalk panels.

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


The Montreal Road Project Team

[email protected]

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1