Work along Montreal Road has resumed. Paving of the second layer of asphalt on Montreal Road between Mona Street and St. Laurent Boulevard was completed earlier this week at night. The night work was required given daytime lane closures would significantly impact transit operations and traffic along the three lane Montreal Road. Night work is undertaken only when necessary and will be limited as much as possible. The final lift of asphalt from east of Marier Avenue to St. Laurent Boulevard is tentatively scheduled as night work for late June/early July 2023. Once a more definitive date is known, updates will be sent out.
- Olmstead Street to St. Laurent Boulevard – Miscellaneous concrete sidewalk work and landscaping
- McArthur Avenue /Vanier Parkway Intersection – Begin reinstatement of the intersection to pre-detour conditions which include removal of the double southbound left lane and reinstatement of the center median on McArthur Avenue. As part of the work, the existing paver crosswalks will be removed and replaced with new painted crosswalks. The work is scheduled to occur over several weeks with some night work required given the heavy traffic volumes along the Vanier Parkway.
- McArthur Avenue /St. Laurent Boulevard intersection – Begin reinstatement of the intersection to pre-detour conditions which include removal of the double eastbound lane, new paint lines, and concrete median work. The work is scheduled to occur over several weeks.