Fare changes
- OC Transpo fares are changing on January 1, 2025:
- Most fares will increase by 5 per cent.
- Senior single-ride fares will increase on January 1 to $3.20, but the monthly fare will be frozen until February 1 when it will increase to $58.25. Seniors will continue to ride free on Sundays and Wednesdays.
- Kids 10 and under will continue to ride for free, and are encouraged to get a special smartcard from the OC Transpo customer service centre at the Rideau Centre if they travel independently. Kids aged 11 and 12 will now be eligible for a new $2 Pre-Teen single-ride fare on a Presto card.
- The Youth monthly pass will be available until later in the year.
- EquiPass, Community pass and Access pass prices will not change.
- Discounted single-ride fares cannot be purchased by cash or at ticket machines, and customers must use a Presto card with e-Purse to pay a discounted single-ride fare for bus, train, or Para Transpo. Only Adult fare and Para Transpo rural fare will be accepted in cash.
For details, please visit octranspo.com.