January 31, 2025 Newsletter
January 31, 2025 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
October 16, 2020 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
REGISTER now for BudgetSpeak 2021, to discuss how we can make housing a priority in the upcoming budget.
COVID-19 Update
The City has received additional details on the Provincial modified stage-two restrictions and is providing a further update on impacts to its recreation activities and rentals – especially around the gathering limitations of 10 people indoors and 25 outdoors. Furthermore, masks must be worn in all facilities.
As outlined on Friday, the new restrictions have resulted in the closure of fitness and weight rooms and stopping all drop-in fitness classes and many indoor team sporting activities. Instructional recreation programs have been cancelled, with the exception of modified swimming lessons. While team sports using City facilities are limited to practices and drills, they must also restrict the number of participants to 25 outdoors and 10 indoors – a total number that includes both players and coaches. Public skating and skating lessons in indoor arenas have been suspended.
Arenas limited to 10 participants, changerooms closed
Only 10 participants are permitted at an arena for team practices or drills, including coaches. In addition, no spectators are allowed and the use of dressing rooms are restricted for storage and first-aid use only.
Don’t travel outside red zone for fitness or team play
Both the provincial government and public health authorities are asking all residents to limit travel – especially to locations that are situated outside the code-red area. To limit the risk of spreading COVID-19 to areas where case counts are low, people and sporting teams are urged not to travel to other cities or locations for team play or fitness activities.
Swimming activities continue
Public and lane swimming, as well as swimming lessons, can continue under the recent regulations, but with limited participation numbers and under an advance reservation system. Change rooms will remain open for showering and changing. Reservations will continue online and can be made up to two days in advance. Masks need to be worn throughout the facility and on the pool deck, but can be removed when entering the water.
Racquet sports – badminton, tennis, squash and racquetball
Racquet sports where the participants are on opposite sides of a court, like tennis, pickle ball and badminton, are restricted to single play only. Conversely, racquetball and squash will not be allowed, as both involve two players playing in close proximity in an enclosed room.
Outdoor basketball courts, ball diamonds, pitches and football fields remain available for training and practice only and with a maximum attendance of 25 people.
Meeting and event rentals limited to 10 inside, 25 outside
The new gathering restrictions of 10 indoors and 25 outdoors also apply to rentals at City facilities for meetings and functions. Room rentals will be limited to a maximum of 10 people. Smaller rooms may be restricted to fewer people to ensure two-metre distancing between each participant.
The only exception to the above is for indoor religious ceremonies or services where the number of participants will be based on 30 per cent of the room capacity and participants maintaining a two-metre distance from each other. For both indoor and outdoor events, table sittings must be limited to no more than six people.
Pumpkin giveaway
Earlier this week, we delivered door hangers to all Wateridge Village residents with information on when you can pick up your free pumpkin.
We hope to see you at Alliance Park (398 Codd's Road) at one of the below times and dates. Don't forget to bring the voucher on the door hanger to redeem your free pumpkin.*
We'd like to see your carved jack-o-lanterns and invite you to post a photo of your carved pumpkin on the Wateridge Village Facebook Page(@wateridgeriverains) with the hashtag #citrouille2020pumpkin.
FINAL Household Hazardous Waste depot of 2020
The City’s next household hazardous waste depot will run from Wednesday, October 21 until Sunday October 25.
You will be able to dispose of household hazardous waste at the Barrhaven snow facility, at the intersection of Strandherd and Dealership drives, daily between 8 am and 4 pm. We recommend accessing the site from the Strandherd Drive exit of Highway 416.
We have consulted with Ottawa Public Health to develop COVID-19 safety precautions for the depot. You can find the procedures online.
The City will not accept electronic waste, only household hazardous waste. You will be asked to remain in your vehicle as staff unload materials. Due to operating restrictions, staff will not be able to empty and return bins, totes, gas cans and boxes.
Traffic and Construction
January 31, 2025 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
January 24, 2025 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.
January 17, 2025 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.