Operational Update - Pothole Repairs - May 9

Our pothole crews have continued their work on temporary repairs, and since April 14, 134 crews have been assigned and filled over 30,000 potholes! This brings our year-to-date total – January 1 to May 4 – to more than 106,400 potholes filled. The number of potholes filled between January 1 and May 4, 2023 (106,400) is 20% above the 3-year average (88,356) for this period.  

Python Pothole Patcher

Work has wrapped up in both the East and West Suburban areas, but the Python Pothole Patchers still have work to do in the urban and rural areas. Residents should be on the lookout for these cool machines! If you see them while travelling, please, do not pass them. They may be filling a pothole, but remember that it will only take a few minutes!

Check out this video of the Python Pothole Patcher in action!

Coming Soon - Hot Mix Asphalt!

Now that warmer temperatures are on the horizon, crews will be transitioning to hot mix asphalt. Through the month of May as our suppliers of hot asphalt come online, this will become the primary material for pothole patching. This is the material of choice because it can be compacted manually or by machine, can be applied with asphalt adhesive to create a better bond to the road and results in a longer lasting repair. Hot mix is used for most, if not all, asphalt repairs including potholes, skin patches and ironwork base repairs.

Crews will continue with pothole repair work through the summer! While our pothole repairs are not permanent, the work we do in warmer, dryer conditions is often longer lasting.  

Residents can report a pothole on the road by visiting Ottawa.ca.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1