Neighborhood Health and Wellness Hubs are easily accessible places offering free drop-in services to all residents across the City of Ottawa. These hubs provide the opportunity to speak in person with Ottawa Public Health and City of Ottawa staff about vaccination, mental health and wellbeing, parenting, dental health, and financial assistance. Please see below for the list of clinics and services provided.
Registered dental hygienists provide free dental screenings, fluoride varnish applications, support in accessing dental care and dental health promotion. They also provide support in enrolling into the Healthy Smiles Ontario (children) and Ontario Seniors Dental Care (older adults) Programs. All ages are welcome! Please check Dental Health website for more info.
In Ward 13:
Dental Screening |
ACB Wellness Resource Centre (African, Caribbean and Black Wellness Resource Centre) |
610 Donald Street, Ottawa | Wednesdays: July 24, August 7 and 21, from 1 to 4:30 pm |
Dental Screening |
Rideau High School (Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre) |
815 St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa | Fridays: July 26, August 2, 9 and 30, from 10 am to 4 pm (closed 12:30 to 1:30 pm) |