Outdoor Tennis and Pickleball Strategy - Consultations and survey

The City has identified the need for an outdoor tennis and pickleball strategy, which will ensure that communities across Ottawa have access to tennis and pickleball. The strategy will also serve as a reference guide for future management, oversight, and development of all public and club-operated outdoor tennis and pickleball courts. Currently the City operates over 500 outdoor tennis and pickleball courts, including combination courts, single sport courts and municipal membership club courts. Following an evaluation of the current public court model, the strategy will identify a clear direction and delivery model for both outdoor tennis and pickleball across Ottawa.

Virtual Consultation Sessions  *Note that registration for each session will be limited to 100 participants. 

Session #1: Dec. 12, from 6:30 to 8 pm on Zoom - REGISTER HERE

Session #2: Dec. 14, from 9:30 to 11 am on Zoom - REGISTER HERE

Survey: Resident feedback is an important part of developing the City’s outdoor tennis and pickleball strategy. Complete the survey at this link before Dec. 30 to tell the City about your household’s use of the outdoor tennis and pickleball courts in your community. 

Details: For more information, please visit engage.ottawa.ca/tennis_pickleball.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1