City of Ottawa staff in Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development (PRED) have been working hard towards the new Official Plan implementation, alongside several changes as a result of the provincial government’s roll out of the More Homes, More Choice: Ontario’s Housing Supply Action Plan.
Staff in PRED continue to identify and implement the necessary changes to our policies, procedures, and by-laws. You can learn more about activities staff have been leading and other changes on these Engage Ottawa project pages:
- Provincial Legislation affecting Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development
- The New Official Plan
- New Zoning Bylaw
To ensure staff are providing the most up to date information to the public, PRED has organized several information and education sessions to engage with residents and make sure that everyone’s voice is heard throughout the process. Are you interested in learning more about the City’s new Official Plan? Please feel free to join these sessions to learn more about the work that is underway during Q1.
February 7 and 15 – Public Planning Primer
This session is open to everyone and will provide an overview of the legislative and policy basis under which land-use planning decisions are made, the way policy documents are amended and how to make a development application. Register here.
February 7, 1 to 4 pm on Zoom
February 15, 6 to 9 pm on Zoom
February – New Comprehensive Zoning By-law Discussion Paper
The Zoning Discussion Papers will be residents’ first opportunity to have their say about the future of zoning in the city of Ottawa. The responses received will form the basis of an "As We Heard It" report that will be released later this year.
March 7 – Public Open House
This session is open to everyone and will provide a high-level update on the City’s review of the impacts of Provincial Legislation and an overview of how the City is adapting as a result of these changes. Topics will include Bill 109, Bill 23, the Official Plan and the impact on planning related matters. Register here.
Online Survey for City of Ottawa’s Economic Development Strategy
The City of Ottawa is developing an Economic Development Strategy for the new Term of Council. As part of our stakeholder engagement efforts, we are seeking input from Ottawa’s broader business community through an online survey. This survey will serve as an important input into the strategy’s development. Please consider taking a few minutes to complete the survey, which will be available until February 6, 2023. Online Survey Link