Queen Mary Traffic Calming

The following three Temporary Traffic Calming Measures (TTCM) options are currently currently approved by staff for implementation, but no community consensus has been reached. As TTCM are usually approved in the spring and installed throughout the late spring/early summer, we are already behind on confirming a plan for installation this year. 

My office will be hosting a virtual meeting on this topic on July 5th, 2022, from 6pm-7pm. If no consensus is reached at this meeting the street will retain its’ current configuration for another year. Please RSVP here if you wish to attend.

Current: This option includes a slight realignment of the two planters currently in place to allow for improved snow clearing and street sweeping, as well as two painted bulb outs with flexible 'hazard' delineators. View it here: Current.

Option 1: This option removes the planters and painted bulb outs and replaces them with a centreline flex stake and two delineators with 'hazard' markings. View it here: Option 1.

Option 2: This option includes the realigned planters and removes the current bulb outs for multiple additional painted bulb outs and 'hazard' delineators throughout the street section. View it here: Option 2.




Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1