The long-awaited spring season is right around the corner and the Cleaning the Capital Spring Campaign will proceed with registration starting March 15, with cleanup projects taking place between April 15 and May 31. Cleaning the Capital is a citywide cleanup that occurs in the spring and fall of every year, bringing Ottawa residents together as a community to help clean litter from our public spaces. Cleaning the Capital is an exciting opportunity for residents to show their civic pride and help maintain a beautiful city. Participants can register their cleanup projects by using the online form available at
New feature alert! The registration form populates an interactive map with pins that display the location, date, and time of all registered cleanup projects. Participants can choose from a variety of public spaces to clean, including green spaces and community parks, roadsides, shorelines, or even areas around bus stops. Cleanup kits, which include garbage bags and gloves, will be made available for pickup by registrants at one of ten City of Ottawa facilities across the city.
Key Spring Campaign Dates
March 15: Registration opens
April 15 to May 31: Cleaning the Capital Spring campaign
April 22: Earth Day 2024
May 3: Registration closes
June 15: Deadline to submit online cleanup reports
March 15: Registration opens
April 15 to May 31: Cleaning the Capital Spring campaign
April 22: Earth Day 2024
May 3: Registration closes
June 15: Deadline to submit online cleanup reports