The City has launched consultation for the Transportation Master Plan – Part 2. Have your say on the future of transportation in Ottawa by completing the surveys on the City's project page. The next step in the process, or TMP – Part 2, is to develop the City’s Capital Infrastructure Plan. The Capital Infrastructure Plan will identify the recommended road, transit and active transportation projects and investments to accommodate Ottawa’s expected growth to 2046. Residents are invited to complete online surveys by August 30.
We are looking for your input on:
- Transportation challenges experienced when travelling by car or transit
- Transportation investment priorities
The results of this public engagement will inform the development of the Capital Infrastructure Plan. You are also invited to review the Transportation Trends Report summarizing the 2022 Origin-Destination survey results, and the Needs, Opportunities and Uncertainty Report that discusses the various trends that may impact future travel activity, and the City’s approach to travel demand forecasting to 2046. Both reports can be found on our public engagement page. Questions? Ideas? Email the project team at [email protected].