On July 21, Council voted in favour of Councillor's King motion that the City endorse the Rockcliffe Park Residents Association’s application to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada (HSMBC) to have Rockcliffe Park designated a Historic District of National Significance.
Historic Districts are geographically defined areas for commemoration due to characteristics such as a special sense of time and place through buildings, structures and open spaces modified by human use and which are united by past events and use, aesthetics, and planned architecture. If the application by the Association is successful, Rockcliffe Park will be the first designated neighbourhood in Ottawa.
The motion reads as follows:
WHEREAS the Rockcliffe Park Residents’ Association on behalf of the Village of Rockcliffe Park has filed an application for the commemoration of Rockcliffe Park as a Historic District of National Significance with the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada (the “Board”); and
WHEREAS an endorsement from the municipality is required as part of this application; and
WHEREAS The Rockcliffe Park Heritage Conservation District comprises the entire former village of Rockcliffe Park and was designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act in 1997 for its rare and significant approach to estate layout and landscape design; and
WHEREAS one of the objectives of the Rockcliffe Park Heritage Conservation District Plan is to conserve and enhance Rockcliffe Park’s unique character as a planned and designed 19th century community characterized by its narrow curving roads, without curbs or sidewalks, large lots and gardens and buildings set within a visually continuous green landscape; and
WHEREAS Historic districts constitute appropriate subjects for commemoration by the Board and are classified as geographically defined areas which create a special sense of time and place through buildings, structures and open spaces modified by human use and which are united by past events and use and/or aesthetically, by architecture and plan; and
WHEREAS such commemoration does not provide additional regulatory authority on the part of the municipality or that of the federal government in respect of such sites.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council endorse the application by the Rockcliffe Park Residents’ Association for the commemoration of Rockcliffe Park as a Historic District of National Significance under the present legislation, being the Historic Sites and Monuments Act R.S.C., 1985, c. H-4.