Sidewalk repairs - 900 Montreal Road

As part of the City of Ottawa’s annual infrastructure maintenance cycle, Mopri Construction will start working at 900 Montreal Road this week for sidewalk repairs. 

For more information about sidewalk repairs, please visit

What: Work will involve removal and replacement of concrete panels, iron adjustments. Increased noise levels to be expected in order to facilitate the work.
Why: The City of Ottawa will be repairing sidewalk as preventative maintenance aimed at extending the City's sidewalk network lifecycle.
When: This work is expected to start in August 2023 and completion is anticipated by fall 2023..The road will remain open to traffic with lane closures expected. Traffic control personnel will direct traffic through the site.
Where: Work will occur at various locations across the city. The sidewalks will be repaired during the day and evening and will involve minor lane interruptions. Weekend work is anticipated for all locations and traffic interruptions may also be experienced due to flagging operations.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Mopri Construction to complete the work.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1