Sir George-Étienne Cartier Park Plan - Comments welcome until June 6

In December 2021, the NCC started planning the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Park, a 13-kilometre stretch of federal land along the Ottawa River east of downtown Ottawa. The goals of the plan are to:

  • promote and protect a healthy natural environment
  • foster safe and continuous access to the park and the river
  • celebrate the heritage, culture and diversity of the riverfront corridor
  • create and promote diverse, balanced and engaging park experiences

To date, two rounds of public and interested party engagement have helped shape the vision and concepts that frame the plan’s recommendations. The NCC now invites the public to comment on the final draft of the plan before June 6 at PlaceSpeak. For more information on the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Park Plan, or to see the NCC's previous public consultation reports, please visit the NCC website.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1