Stanley Avenue Multi-Use Pathway Consultation

Proposed Multi-use Pathway for Stanley Avenue "missing link".

The City of Ottawa is proposing to close the pre-existing gap in the Rideau River Eastern Pathway in New Edinburgh with the addition of a new segment of multi-use pathway (MUP) between the south limit of Stanley Avenue and the north side of the New Edinburgh Park playground, where the pathway transitions to/from mixed traffic. 

The reinstatement of a portion of New Edinburgh Park/Stanley Park following the Combined Sewage Storage Tunnel project construction presents an opportunity to close this gap with a new segment of MUP, creating a safer and more comfortable connection for people using the Rideau River Eastern Pathway.

A description of the project, including the proposed draft design, will be available online at for review and comment from Thursday, May 21, 2020, to Thursday, June 11, 2020. 

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1