Stanley Avenue Watermain Renewal & Resurfacing

Construction will be starting in late April/early May 2023. This work is being conducted to replace the watermain infrastructure and full depth replacement of the road.

What: The Stanley Avenue Watermain Renewal and Resurfacing project will involve the replacement of watermains, water service lines, roadway, sidewalk, and streetscape/landscape treatments within the City’s right of ways.
Street improvements will include speed humps, AODA upgrades (TWSI and depressions), sidewalk widening, and new signage as required for the improvements.
Why: The existing watermain and road infrastructure is aging and needs to be replaced.
When: The construction will commence in late April/ early May 2023, subject to weather conditions, and will run through to the end of 2023.
Where: Construction activities will occur along Stanley Avenue from Sussex Drive to Union Street, with some work occurring between Union Street and Queen Victoria Street.
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained contractor, Louis W. Bray Construction Ltd., to complete the work.

For details, please click here.




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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1