On January 5, 2024, Hydro Ottawa will be supporting Crowe Tree Service with the removal of a tree. A power outage is scheduled as a result of this work and will impact residents on Middleton Drive, Rockcliffe Way and Springfield Road.
At Hydro Ottawa, we believe that trees are an integral part of the health and enhancement of our community. While trees and electricity seldom mix, we believe they can be good neighbours. When planned responsibly and properly maintained, power outages are reduced by 40 per cent.
We recognize that any construction activities and power outages can be disruptive. Residents will notice construction equipment and vehicles on site to remove the tree in this area. If needed, traffic control and lane reductions will be implemented to ensure that roads and sidewalks remain safe for residents and staff.
As mentioned above, a planned power outage will be required to proceed with this work. All impacted customers are contacted by phone, text or email - depending on the communication preferences indicated on their account - and informed by a written notice delivered to their door, if applicable. Further, notification will be provided if the power outage is to extend beyond the original duration time.
Impacted streets: Middleton Drive, Rockcliffe Way and Springfield Road
Project date: January 5, 2024
Planned power outage: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Total customers impacted: 13