This week Council voted to rename Langevin Avenue to Commanda Way to honour Algonquin leader William Commanda in the spirit of reconciliation with Indigenous people.
Drainage improvements to Spartan Avenue
The City of Ottawa invites you to review and provide comments on the Drainage Improvements to Spartan Avenue Project by February 12, 2021.
Comment on community safety & well-being plan
Join a community conversation to help shape Ottawa’s first Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan. This conversation will help build strategies and actions to improve safety and well-being for everyone in Ottawa.
Provide input on parks and recreation centres
The City needs your feedback and input to help develop its 10-year Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan. The plan will go to Community and Protective Services Committee and Council for approval in October 2021.
Help shape the City’s anti-racism work
The City of Ottawa’s Anti-Racism Secretariat has released a survey to give residents the opportunity to help shape its work.
City reviewing winter maintenance standards
Everyone has an opinion about how the City of Ottawa maintains its roads in the winter, and residents have an opportunity to share that opinion with the City right now.