Winter Operations Update - Friday, February 10 - Afternoon

Ottawa didn’t see the temperature rise as high as had been forecasted last night, which resulted in more ice buildup than had been anticipated. The significant rainfall and temperatures hovering at the zero mark made it a challenging night for the Roads and Parking Services team to keep on top of the icy conditions. Crews were hard at work all night treating sidewalks, priority roads and the winter cycling network, and work continues today to restore our transportation network. Crews also worked on our gravel road network through the night, which experienced challenging conditions as a result of the weather, and this work continues through the day.

Residents are reminded to take extra care when walking, driving or cycling today as surfaces may be icy and slippery.

Forecast and Conditions

A few rain showers mixed with flurries are expected this morning and ending this afternoon with wind gusts of 40 kilometres per hour is possible. The temperature will be steady near plus 1 through the day, and more flurries are expected this evening, with 2 to 4 centimetres possible before clearing out by the morning.

Our Response

Crews have been at it all night treating sidewalks, priority roads and the winter cycling networkThey reached residential streets during the early morning hours and continued through shift change this morning to treat icy conditions. Our focus today will be scraping down any residual ice buildup and treating surfaces on the transportation network.

This morning, staff continued to clear catch basins in known trouble spot locations to allow rain and melting snow to drain from the roadway to prevent drainage and water pooling issues. We are asking all residents who are able, to please clear their local catch basin. This helps with drainage and ice buildup in your area as the temperature fluctuates. Can’t do it yourself? You may report a blocked catch basin by creating an online service request by visiting or by calling 3-1-1.

The fluctuating temperatures and changing weather patterns adds significant stress to our transportation network and wreaks havoc on our roads. These past couple of weeks have done just that, and potholes are developing right across the city. Residents can expect to see crews out applying temporary repairs to potholes created by the fluctuating temperatures and various weather events.

For residents wishing to report a pothole, please create a service request online.

Snowbank Removal Operations Will Resume

Snowbank removal operations are expected to resume tonight, and continue throughout the weekend. Crews will be in all areas working on arterial and collector roads, residential streets, business districts, dead ends and cul de sacs that have not yet been completed.

What’s Next?

A sunny and clear forecast! This weekend, the Roads and Parking Services team will use these favourable weather conditions to continue snowbank removal throughout the City as well as address potholes. We would like to acknowledge our operational and support staff for their dedication, ongoing hard work, and their ability to manage multiple operations simultaneously.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1