Winter Operations Update - Wednesday, February 8 - Afternoon

Mother Nature is bringing a mixed bag of wintry tricks to the region with freezing rain, snow, and rain expected Thursday afternoon and into the evening. Travel conditions may become hazardous due to icy and slippery sidewalks, roads and the winter cycling network.

Forecast and Conditions

Environment Canada has issued a Special Weather Statement and a freezing rain warning may be required as the event draws nearer. Unpredictable forecasts seem to be trending this winter, but as of today, it looks like precipitation may begin with snow before transitioning to ice pellets and freezing rain. Precipitation is expected to change over to rain in most areas by late Thursday afternoon, early evening. Wind gusts around 40 to 50 kilometres per hour are possible during the day Thursday.

Be prepared to adjust to the changing conditions of the transportation network. Take extra care when walking, driving or cycling in affected areas. Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become icy and slippery.

Our response

The Roads and Parking Services team is ready to respond. Over the next 24 hours, staff will continue to monitor the forecast and begin clearing catch basins in known trouble spot locations to allow rain and melting snow to drain from the roadway to prevent drainage and water pooling issues. Crews will also continue their snowbank removal efforts on arterial and collector roadways, as well as business districts, cul de sacs and dead ends. Our focus tomorrow will be monitoring changing conditions and treating sidewalks, priority roads and the winter cycling network with salt and abrasives.

Resources that have been removing snowbanks may need to be reallocated to respond to the weather and once the transportation network is restored, crews will be able to return to snow removal operations.

We are asking all residents who are able, to please clear their local catch basin. This helps with drainage and ice buildup in your area as the temperature fluctuates. Can’t do it yourself? You may report a blocked catch basin by creating an online service request by visiting or by calling 3-1-1.

Next Steps

As always, we are at the mercy of Mother Nature, so supervisors will monitor the forecast, the transportation network and adjust our response according to the weather conditions.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1