Winter Operations Update - Wednesday, January 24 - Morning

The Roads and Parking Services team is closely monitoring a system that is expected to bring freezing rain to the Capital that could be operationally challenging, but the salt domes are filled, and crews are ready!

Forecast and conditions

Environment Canada has issued a Freezing Rain Warning for the Ottawa region. Freezing drizzle or light flurries will persist today before transitioning to freezing rain. Beginning this evening through to Thursday morning, a prolonged period of freezing rain with 5 to 10 millimetres of ice accretion is expected. This will produce significant ice build-up on the transportation network.

Be prepared to adjust to the changing conditions and take extra care when walking, driving or cycling in affected areas. Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become difficult to navigate due to quickly accumulating ice.

We encourage those who can, to plan ahead today, as travel should be avoided unless it is essential.

Our response

Supervisors will be out throughout the day and into the evening monitoring conditions. Across the City and as this event unfolds, all resources will be deployed to treat icy conditions on sidewalks, roads, and the winter cycling network. With rain expected Thursday night, we will also monitor areas that are prone to localized flooding and address any water pooling through ensuring that catch basins and ditches are open and able to take in water. 

In the meantime, we are asking for anyone who can to please ensure that your local catch basin is clear and able to take in water. With over 100,000 catch basins in the City, we cannot do it alone and would appreciate any support you can offer.

Find your nearest catch basin using our catch basin locator map. Need to report a blocked catch basin? Let us know!

Crews will be travelling slower than usual as freezing rain will cause icy conditions on the transportation network, but rest assured, they are hard at work.

Snow Removal Operations

Since January 15, the Roads and Parking Services team has been working day and night on snow removal operations in selective areas across the City. The team continues to focus on arterial and collector roadways throughout the city and residential streets in the urban areas. Crews have also moved into selective residential streets in the suburban areas.

Resources that have been removing snowbanks will be reallocated to respond to this weather event and once the transportation network is restored, crews will be able to return to snow removal operations.

Next steps

Roads and Parking Services will continue to monitor this system and the transportation network. Thank you for your patience and understanding as this freezing rain event unfolds.

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1