Drag Bingo Community Fundraiser - Feb. 11

Join Ward 12 Councillor Stéphanie Plante and special guests at St. Brigid's Well Pub, 310 Saint Patrick Street, on Feb. 11 for a fun-filled afternoon of Drag Bingo with Ottawa Drag Queens Maddie Longlegs and China Doll. Doors open at 1:30 pm. The event is from 2 to 4 pm. All proceeds from the event will support Capital Feis and St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts. For tickets and event details, please click here.
Register for spring recreation and cultural activities and 2024/25 before and after school programs

You can now browse spring recreation and cultural activities and before and after school programs for 2024/25 online.
- Aquatics registration: Feb. 13 at 9 pm.
- All other spring programs & before and after school programs: Feb. 15 at 9 pm.
Invitation to Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities - Feb. 13
Please join the City of Ottawa for a virtual discussion on emergency preparedness for persons with disabilities on Feb. 13 from 1 to 3 pm. The City’s Office of Emergency Management, Accessibility Office and Ottawa Public Health will provide information and resources with a focus on key emergency preparedness considerations for those living with disabilities. The second portion of the session will be a facilitated discussion to learn about the needs, perspectives, concerns and questions shared by attendees, as well as explore opportunities for further collaboration with you. Please register online before 4 pm on Feb. 12. A zoom link will be shared with registrants the evening before the event. For more information, please click here.
Governor General's Foot Guards Youth Achievement Awards 2024 - Deadline for applications/nominations is Feb. 15
Last year the Governor General's Foot Guards (GGFG) inaugurated the GGFG Youth Achievement Awards as a means of giving back to the community that has supported the GGFGs so well for a century and a half. The objective of these annual awards is to encourage/incentivize deserving youth as they strive to become the model citizens of tomorrow. Details regarding this year's Awards and the nomination/application process may be found at www.ggfgra.ca/general-8 and www.ggfgra.ca/general-5. The GGFGs are seeking nominations/applications for four scholarships totalling $10,000 (4 x $2,500 each). The deadline for applications/nominations is Feb. 15.
Public engagement opportunity for the Commemorative Naming Policy - Survey closes Feb. 16

On February 8, 2023, Ottawa City Council passed a motion to pause the Commemorative Naming Program to allow for a full program and policy review. The review is intended to strengthen the City’s approach to commemoration and outline a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive process that reflects the values of the City of Ottawa. As part of the review process, Ottawa residents are invited to share their ideas and feedback regarding the future direction of the Commemorative Naming Program through the Engage Ottawa platform. The survey will close on February 16, 2024. If you would like to contribute to this process, please visit Engage Ottawa for background information, timelines, the review process, and the survey.
Ottawa Humane Society webinars - Registration discount available until Feb. 16

Whether you have an anxious pooch or a fearful feline, the OHS webinar series: Anxiety and Pets: The Essentials will give you all the answers you need to build a healthy, happy future with your pet. Get practical, science-based information for pet owners and pet professionals to better understand stressed out, anxious pets and learn how to better understand and help our furry friends. Sign up for all three sessions for only $90, or customize your learning and sign up for one webinar for $35. Register before Feb. 16 for 15 per cent off with the discount code EARLYBIRD!
Licence Free Family Fishing - Feb. 17 to 19
Four times a year, Canadian residents can fish in Ontario for free. This means you do not need to buy a fishing licence if you want to fish during these times. The next free fishing weekend is February 17–19, 2024.
Mayor Sutcliffe's Family Day Skating Party - Feb. 19

Presented by: City of Ottawa
Marion Dewar Plaza at City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West
Monday, February 19, 11 am to 2 pm
Mayor Mark Sutcliffe invites everyone to join him for his annual Family Day skating party at the Rink of Dreams. Come on down to Ottawa City Hall and enjoy free skating, hang out with your favourite mascots and enjoy free hot chocolate, compliments of the Salvation Army (while quantities last).
City of Ottawa Heritage Day 2024 - Feb. 20
The City of Ottawa is excited to celebrate Heritage Day with the theme "Diversity of Heritage: Recognizing the past and celebrating the future.
- Tuesday, February 20, 2024; 12 pm to 2 pm
- Free event
- In person at Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Ave.
Come explore the many heritage organizations and groups that make Ottawa’s heritage community like no other! Local historical societies, museums and other associate groups will be set up in Jean Pigott Hall before and after the Heritage Day ceremony at 12 pm for you to ask questions and plan your next visit! For event details, please visit ottawa.ca/heritageday.
Applications for Doors Open Ottawa 2024 are being accepted until Feb. 23

Applications for Doors Open Ottawa 2024 can be submitted until Friday, February 23 at 5 pm! Contact [email protected] to recommend a building or sign up your building to participate by submitting this form.
Awesome Authors Youth Writing Contest - Deadline is Feb. 23

The Ottawa Public Library is calling all young writers to participate in the Awesome Authors Youth Writing Contest, a fantastic opportunity to showcase your storytelling prowess and join a community brimming with creativity and passion! If you have a thing for storytelling, drawing or writing, 2024 might be your year to become an awesome author.
- Dates: The contest is now open, with submissions accepted until February 23, 2024, at 11:59 pm.
- Eligibility: Open to Ottawa residents aged 9-18 (who have not completed high school) and holding a valid library card. Submissions from outside residents with a non-resident card (family membership) are also welcome.
- Categories: Participants can enter in one of seven categories - short story, poetry, comic, nouvelle, poésie, bande dessinée, and book cover.
Black Youth Action Showcase - Feb. 24

Leading Ladies Canada is a not-for-profit organization, with a mission to empower women and youth of colour. They aim to build and empower women and youth through leadership, mentorship, inclusivity, financial literacy and community. Leading Ladies Canada hosts an event to celebrate black youth in our community coinciding with Black History Month. The Black Youth Action Showcase celebration takes place Feb. 24 from 4 to 9 pm at 335 Michael Cowpland Drive in Kanata. Registration is required. Click here for details and to register.
Recreation and Parks Funding: Community Partnership Minor/Major Capital Programs - Deadlines: March 1 and May 1

The Community Partnership Minor and Major Capital Programs are initiatives designed to implement capital improvements to parks and recreation facilities by partnering with community groups and sharing costs. For more information about these programs please visit the City’s website. Note that the deadline to apply for the Community Partnership Major Capital Program is March 1, 2024 at 3 pm. The deadline to apply for the Community Partnership Minor Capital Program is May 1, 2024.
Paint It Up! Mural Program - Application process now open
Paint It Up! is a youth engagement program funded by Public Works and administered by Community and Social Services at the City of Ottawa. Before applying for funding through Paint It Up!, applicants must secure property authorization and apply for preliminary location approval for their mural project through the Mural Application Form on ottawa.ca/mural. Please apply for location approval before Saturday, March 2. Those interested in participating will need to keep two deadlines in mind:
- You must submit your location for approval by Saturday, March 2 via the mural application form.
- The complete application will need to be submitted by Thursday, April 4.
For more information on the Paint It Up! Program, please visit ottawa.ca/PaintItUp.
Have your say on the City of Ottawa's draft Waste Plan - Virtual open house, info sessions and survey
Until Thursday, March 7, residents are invited to share their thoughts on the City’s draft Solid Waste Master Plan. The Waste Plan is a roadmap for how the City of Ottawa will manage waste over the next 30 years. Residents can visit Engage Ottawa to take a survey and register to participate in a virtual information session or an in-person open house. Waste Plan summary documents are available on Engage Ottawa in English and French as well as other languages commonly spoken in Ottawa.
Share your feedback on vehicle idling - Survey open until March 15
In 2007, the City of Ottawa took steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality by enacting the Idling Control By-law. The City is currently reviewing this by-law and is looking for your feedback on vehicle idling in Ottawa. The City invites residents to share their feedback on vehicle idling and the Idling Control By-law by completing an online survey on Engage Ottawa. The survey will be open for responses until Friday, March 15. Visit Engage Ottawa for more information about the City's review of the Idling Control By-law.
When you're behind the wheel, every text can wait

Ottawa winters give you plenty of distractions, with icy or snowy roads, snowplows, reduced visibility due to blowing snow and worrying about being late because of the poor conditions. Not to mention that not everyone is confident driving in winter conditions. These are even more reasons why you should never text while driving or let your cell phone or smartwatch distract you, even in the handsfree mode. It’s so tempting to glance down quickly and even send a quick reply. Just don’t. Click here for more information.
Emergency Services News
Ottawa Police Service - Thomas G. Flanagan S.C. Scholarship applications are now open until Feb. 29

Each year, the Ottawa Police Services Board and the Ottawa Police Service, in partnership with the Community Foundation of Ottawa, have the honour of providing the Thomas G. Flanagan S.C. Scholarship to individuals who identify as women from racialized and/or Indigenous communities who express an interest in joining the Ottawa Police. Apply by February 29. Share with any students you know! Click here for details.