January 14 Newsletter 2022

January 14, 2022 newsletter from Rawlson King, City Councillor for Rideau-Rockcliffe.

With the fifth wave of COVID-19 that took hold in December, eligible residents were able to book appointments for booster doses. While availability for appointments was initially very limited, Ottawa Public Health has now opened their community clinics for drop-ins for all those eligible to receive a first dose, second dose and booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. A reminder, that the neighbourhood vaccination hub at Rideau High School continues to operate, and is intended to serve those living in the surrounding area. 

I am pleased to have released my position paper on a public realm policy for Beechwood Avenue earlier this month. Interested residents can read my paper hereWith it now being January, the temperature has dipped and crews are busy maintaining streets, sidewalks, and other infrastructure. Residents can find a snapshot of Roads and Parking Services’ winter operations in the ward in this newsletter. Next Wednesday, January 19, interested residents can attend a public consultation on the resurfacing of Donald Street. Residents can register in advance for this meeting to discuss priorities and the impacts of the project. Finally, I would like to remind residents of the upcoming town halls on the City’s Anti-Racism Strategy. A townhall for Black, Indigenous, and racialized residents will take place tomorrow from 10am to noon, and a townhall for all residents will be held on January 20, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.  

COVID-19 Community Clinic Drop-In Availability 

As of January 12th, Ottawa Public Health community clinics will be open for drop-ins to everyone eligible for a first dose, second dose and booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. A full list of community clinics, including hours of operation can be viewed here. Additionally, OPH will be posting clinic availability for drop-ins on their social media channels regularly. 

Ottawa Public Health also continues to add more appointments weekly. Appointments are available to eligible Ottawa residents who are in need of a first, second, or booster dose. For more information on how to book, visit Ottawa Public Health’s vaccine website. 

St-Laurent – Overbrook Public Health Neighbourhood Vaccination Hub 

The neighbourhood vaccination hub located at Rideau High School continues to offer first, second, and booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, including for those aged 5-11. Vaccination hubs are intended for those living in the surrounding area. No appointment is needed to receive a vaccine or to speak with a Public Health Nurse about COVID-19 vaccines. 

Beechwood Corridor Public Realm Proposal 

I will be seeking a 2022-2026 Term of Council priority to create a Public Realm policy that can be applied to Beechwood Avenue to ensure that we can transform Beechwood Avenue into an inviting, safe, and usable public space that meets the needs of our community.  

Residents can read my position paper here. 

A Public Realm Plan guides comprehensive future upgrades, replacements, and new elements on the public street. Such a plan is an important first step in the planning process for any future work within the public street. The public realm includes everything located within the public street including sidewalks, any cycling facilities, streetlights, travelled lanes for vehicular traffic, benches, street trees, waste receptacles, landscaping and the like. 

A Public Realm Plan can help achieve this by undertaking complete street reconstruction and renewal that is not dependent upon incremental development applications and which is not restricted and prohibited by restrictive infrastructure asset renewal schedules. 

Winter Ward Profile 

Roads and Parking Services, along with partners in Technology, Innovation, and Engineering Support Services have developed a Ward Profile for reference this winter. The intent of this profile is to provide a snapshot of Ward 13 in relation to Roads and Parking Services’ Winter Operations. 

Public Consultation: Donald Street Resurfacing 

The City is undertaking a functional design of Donald Street between Vanier Parkway to Alesther Street to include cycling facilities as part of the upcoming resurfacing project in the same area. A public consultation to discuss priorities and the impacts of the project will be held via Zoom at 7pm, Jan 19th. Please register in advance to receive a link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qcOGrrDIiGtcdlQyd2wvC_v38WwO1-mHb 

REMINDER: Anti-Racism Strategy: Phase III Engagement Town Halls 

Bilingual resident town halls are being hosted following the release of the What We Heard report, which summarizes the recommendations and feedback received during previous community action planning sessions.  The upcoming town halls will provide residents and community stakeholders the opportunity to respond to the report and identify any recommended actions or gaps that may exist prior to the creation of the City’s first Anti-Racism Strategy. 

  • Bilingual Indigenous and racialized resident town hall – Saturday, January 15, 10 a.m. to noon   
  • Bilingual all resident town hall – Thursday, January 20, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.    

Scan the QR code on the poster or click here to register. 

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Address: 110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1